💫🎲💫 Lit Fantasy Classes: D&D Nerds Unite 💫🎲💫

Played my first bit of D & D this weekend. Enjoyed it but felt like there is so much to figure out and understand.

I also realized how bad I am at thinking outside of the box. Most of my decisions seemed very basic or predictable.
I'm so glad you had fun! Don't be harsh on yourself at all! The outside of the box thinking will happen but don't go so far down that that path thay you (like my players) forger to try the knob before attempting 15 things to open an unlocked door. Sometimes simplicity is the best answer.

Keep me posted Miz!
Not so much into D&D but I've been playing (or more accurately, collecting) RPGs for close to 40 years.

Started out with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, played a little D&D, but also games like Forbidden Lands, Coriolis The Third Horizon, MechWarrior, Cyberpunk and a host of others.
Not so much into D&D but I've been playing (or more accurately, collecting) RPGs for close to 40 years.

Started out with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, played a little D&D, but also games like Forbidden Lands, Coriolis The Third Horizon, MechWarrior, Cyberpunk and a host of others.
Pretty sure collecting is the much larger hobby 🤣
Not so much into D&D but I've been playing (or more accurately, collecting) RPGs for close to 40 years.

Started out with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, played a little D&D, but also games like Forbidden Lands, Coriolis The Third Horizon, MechWarrior, Cyberpunk and a host of others.
I've got a couple shelves of game systems I've picked up over time. D&D and its decades of derivatives up to the current (imo) mess. GURPS has awesome source books and an utterly insane system. Different versions of the Hero System and sourcebooks like Champions. Toon, the ever insane, and Paranoia that loves to live up to its name. RuneQuest/Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green/etc.

However I (used) to love playing them more'n collecting 'em. To me, they're springboards into the imagination of the other players - how can we have fun (for many different definitions thereof!) within this framework of rules?
I have several systems I want to play. i jumped in again on the new ShadowDark Kickstarter. LOL Right now my group is trying new systems. As soon as they finish Against the DarkMaster adventure, I am running shadowdark.