Are stats no longer displayed for 'New Stories'?


silly bitch
Mar 23, 2023
It's been a couple months since I've done any proper reading on Lit, so while perusing some new stories this morning I was baffled to see no star rating anywhere in sight. All I can find is the occasional red H, but no ratings, view count, or favourite (bookmark) count. There definitely used to be stats visible on the New Stories page; they were slow to update compared to author's dashboard, but they existed!

Am I going crazy? When was this changed, and why? Was it changed alongside the new profile pages a while back?

Speaking as readers, do you guys like the change or not?

No, you're not crazy. Scores used to show up there, and they're certainly not now on any new story list, which includes the all-categories one.

Your guess is as good as mine as to why.
If you click on the "More New xxxx sex stories" bar immediately below the list, the list will expand, and all the stats show up on the expanded list. So, the information is there if you want it. I'm not sure why it's not available without the expansion.
I assume it's a glitch. I can't figure out why they would choose to make that change, and I assume they'd say something about it if they did.

A while ago they made a significant improvement to the new stories lists by ensuring that you could see all of the stories in a category for AT LEAST the last seven days no matter how many stories were published, but I think this change is more recent. I only noticed it recently.
I assume it's a glitch. I can't figure out why they would choose to make that change, and I assume they'd say something about it if they did.

A while ago they made a significant improvement to the new stories lists by ensuring that you could see all of the stories in a category for AT LEAST the last seven days no matter how many stories were published, but I think this change is more recent. I only noticed it recently.
Yeah, it seems like a regressive change to me. I guess it's to save space, so more stories can be displayed in a smaller window (which is helpful for mobile users), but it's only a couple pixels extra real estate at the cost of a lot of helpful info. I suppose it also makes things more fair: since the only indication of score is the H now, readers might be more evenly spread rather than gravitating towards the stories with the best ratings. But I'd guess a large portion of readers click for 'More Stories' anyway, so they'll see the scores and lose the saved space regardless.
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Mmmm... it makes me wonder if it's a change to solve a problem I noticed, "pre-loading" the perception of a new story. I've observed that once a story's average score is X, even on the first day out it is assumed to be an X by any new readers, their opinion/rating biased by what they saw when they were attracted to look at the story. High scores beget high scores, low scores propagate more of the same. By leaving the scores "blind", it levels the playing field, basically, for at least the duration of the "new" list. Innocent until proven guilty. The scores thereafter are therefore more indicative of quality, etc.

This, IMO, is a way of dealing with the haters who bomb the moment a followed author's new work goes live. Nobody sees the damaged score, and votes their honest opinion.
We've all been pleading for more info on the story cards ( *cough* word count, tags *cough*) for months, even years, and now we're actually getting less!
Agree with the rest; you're not going crazy. I'm sometimes online shortly after the stories are published, and when I published my most recent few stories I noticed that within minutes of posting every one (or at least most of them) had been one-bombed (meaning they had a single vote which was a 1 with a speed that indicated if they were from one person then they couldn't have actually read all the stories.) I wouldn't have been able to notice that if the scores didn't show.
Mmmm... it makes me wonder if it's a change to solve a problem I noticed, "pre-loading" the perception of a new story. I've observed that once a story's average score is X, even on the first day out it is assumed to be an X by any new readers, their opinion/rating biased by what they saw when they were attracted to look at the story. High scores beget high scores, low scores propagate more of the same. By leaving the scores "blind", it levels the playing field, basically, for at least the duration of the "new" list. Innocent until proven guilty. The scores thereafter are therefore more indicative of quality, etc.

This, IMO, is a way of dealing with the haters who bomb the moment a followed author's new work goes live. Nobody sees the damaged score, and votes their honest opinion.

That's not a bad justification, but it doesn't make much sense to explain what they've done, because it only applies to the 10 stories at the top of the list, and once you click "more" then all the stories, including the most recent ones, show all their data.
Actually I like the idea. Go ahead and hide the red h too, on the new story page. Let folks explore without their safty tether. If 25 people die because they read a story with less than a 4.30 rating, by accident, then we'll know hiding stats was a bad idea. Maybe.
We've been complaining about the undue weight of the red H, both on the number of views and the voting patterns it incentives, and now the site has made it to even larger?

Like the kids these days say, smh my head!
We've been complaining about the undue weight of the red H, both on the number of views and the voting patterns it incentives, and now the site has made it to even larger?

Like the kids these days say, smh my head!
Had 3 of those, but lost them when all of my stories abruptly went down in rankings, which I assume was related to the occasional sweeps.
Had 3 of those, but lost them when all of my stories abruptly went down in rankings, which I assume was related to the occasional sweeps.
I promise, I don't mean this as some kind of slam, but it's interesting to me at least: the Winter sweep brought my "H" total from 2 to 6. WG as a whole went from 3 to 9.

Jo hasn't mentioned this. Twice a week, she finds a story (or two or three or four) and reads it. The ones she thinks I'll like, she reads one of them to me before... well before, you know! I'll have to ask her. No, I don't read from here unless it is one of you folks stories that you mention here. These days, I write a lot more than I read.