Breeder idea I need fleshed out


Feb 4, 2017
I have a concept that I want to turn into a full story.

The beginning is simple. People on a plane. The plane seems to be crashing. Everyone is about to die.
Suddenly, the plane stops mid-air. Magic sci-fi door appears and sci-fi people walk out.

The passengers are offered a choice. Go to the future and basically become breeders (both men and women) or die on the plane.

In the future, they need more generic diversity, especially from men. All the future men died off so they have to go back in time to get new men. And they take people who are recorded as having died (plane crashes, going missing etc) to not affect timelines.

That's my concept.

Now I need help to make it a story.

Characters - I'll do POV chapters from both a man and a woman, 100%

Maybe there are 2 male PoV characters? One with better generics? So he is treated like a celebrity, while the other is treated as a walking sperm bank?

How is the woman character treated? Like a cow on a farm? Or is she treated well? Who fucks her? Is it humans from the past like her? Are there a few surviving future men? Future lesbians? (Don't see how the last one fits with the breeders theme, but everyone loves a good lesbian or two!)

(At one point in my head I had a third viewpoint of a girl who is taken, but generically unable to have children, so they turn her into a futani or whatever it's called. But I think this might be too much for one story)

If going to the future is the beginning of the story, and experiencing the world (fucking many times) is the middle... What's the end?

Thanks for any ideas and suggestions you have!
Maybe future people are all futa women who enjoy fucking but have no desire to get pregnant, so they're basically snatching people from our time to be fuck-toys and women in particular to be surrogate mothers...
I think this is an exciting idea. But I think the mystery needs to be kept for a while. So ... plane stops, magic door, and sci-fi people, but they never say a word and the passengers seem frozen in their seats.

A scanning device is used to choose only the few with superior genetics. Low predisposition towards cancers, heart disease, diabetes, etc., and then of course there's the fertility ratios.

A beautiful older woman who is clearly in charge walks around with an angelic smile. She places an electronic device on each of the chosen and then kisses each of them affectionately. Maybe there is a young man or woman who has caught her eye in particular.

Then without a word, they all turn and leave the ship. Door closes. Boom. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 crashes into the Pacific.

Each of the people who were chosen wakes up in a dystopian future like the OP describes. The chosen are all healthy people between the ages of 21 and 51. The young are breeders and the older are their caretakers. (I love older/young stories, so this is my little addition). Older people are naturally more maternal/paternal and fall into the roles naturally.

Each is glad to be alive and they awake in isolation. They are fed and it's explained via CCTV that they have been saved but, they need to be kept in isolation for several months for medical reasons.

They are kept healthy and entertained and secretly fed a low-dose sex drive booster. Slowly they begin to get more and more amorous until they are all having wild sex, but it happens gradually enough that no one feels as though it was forced on them. They just feel it was the natural reaction to the isolation and the general attractiveness of all involved.

Months later when the women are all bred they are released and treated like celebrities. I'm sure I could come up with more over time.
Okay I love this idea! Of course, being a female, my preference is that the women, while being used to breed, are treated as queens. Pampered, attended to, all to assure there is low to no stress during the pregnancy. But I would also hope that given the new environment, there would be side effects like a crazy high libido and almost no inhibitions during the pregnancy as well.
Some random thoughts...

Future people who kidnap historical casualties for breeding while avoiding timeline changes implies they believe their timeline is good enough and barely escaped much worse probable scenarios. Alternatively explanation could be, they know they can't change past, only create alternative parallel timelines that don't affect their reality. Bringing people of the past in doesn't break causality so is allowed (it has a few minor problems, such as mass/energy conservation, but those are easily addressed technicalities not relevant to the story).

Population shortages could arise from diverse factors or combination:

- extreme aging of the society. Life extension medicine had been successful; many people, perhaps most, live long, but not remain young, while Incentive to procreate is low, perceived costs and difficulties raising children high. The world is chock full of people who look like fifty-someting for the past few to dozen decades, but they're not immoral or immune to diseases.

- a "known" way for life extension in relatively simple organisms is to turn off some genes, but it's unclear why or how that works. It is possible the strive for longevity resulted in loss of genetic diversity or created damage.

- genetically targeted biological warfare. It's a very, very bad idea that is however in the realm of feasibility. It's especially bad idea because the genetic markers of anything are much more fuzzier and murkier than zealots of any clout could think naively.

- overall population isn't actually collapsing, just not expanding as fast as some would like. People who have developed time travel very likely have a couple earthlike planets to urgently colonize, so massive emigration might be a problem. It could be made even worse by most of the emigration to those new frontiers be predominantly young... creating and exacerbating the aging of the remaining population at home.

- society that tries to increase population growth while having solved most health issues has little reason to have sexual inhibitions, but culture has inertia, and given the current trend, it's possible they have went through some extremely Victorian times of puritanism. So, porn is everywhere, and out in the open, but the professional and other "respectable" social environments are still very stifling and uptight.

On the other hand... human population intensely focused on breading and facing little to none resource restrictions can explode extremely quickly. A healthy female is capable of delivering 20+ children over about 30 year period, with is roughly double of the age of onset of fertility, so youngest child and oldest great-grandchild can be same age, and technically billions of people can descend from arbitrary small population in few to handful of centuries; human fertility rates are entirely ecologically/culturally regulated, not biologically. (I have run mathematical simulations that produced 10B+ people from nominal 20 females in less than 360 years, a result quite improbable without outside assistance, as the median age shift to a very young in the process. Of note, "age of consent" is a crucial parameter to that result, extended window of fertility does not compensate for the steep slowdown increase of age of first pregnancy results in.)