Bullied guy turned Incubus


novice writer
Nov 11, 2024
So I am playing in my head with this idea.

It's about a bullied guy (18) that has a female childhood friend (18) that he is secretly in love with.
They are in their senior year of high school. Of course it's the standard, she is popular and he is being bullied.

She however is an angel and has never treated him wrong, also she never dated anyone and even for all the others in the school she is basically viewed as a saint.
He on the other hand, while he gets good grades he is also very skinny, scrawny and short. He is still good friends with the girl. The rest of the school sees him as her "Charity project". He is relentlessly bullied by the football team. The captain of the football team is also chasing the girl for a while now, wanting to make her his.

One day the MC overhears his childhood friend talking to another girl, she is asking what it's like to lose her virginity and says she is losing it that night to the captain of the football team. MC is devastated but decides to confront her about it after school as they always walk home together. They get into an argument as she tells him that he just doesn't understand. She walks away angrily and doesn't watch out while she crosses the road, MC manages to push her out of the way, but is hit by a truck himself. (I know cliché)

Now he nearly dies but in his subconscious he is aproached by the demon 'Lust'. She tells him that he is going to die because of his lust. However MC disagrees and says it's love. Lust then offers to save his life, but he will be 'cursed' by lust. He would be turned into an Incubus and would need to have sex to steal energy from girls to survive and access his powers. Of course he would be equiped with powers and an altered appearance to make that a lot easyer for him. Even the power of mind control, however that could easily cost him more energy than it gives if the girl doesn't have enough lust for him already.

She also says she will alter the memories of everyone that knows about him nearly dying so his sudden recovery isn't weird to them. However everyone who's memories are altered will continue with what they would've done if he didn't nearly die. So he asks to not alter the girls memory, because he doesn't want her to go to the captain of the football team. Lust laughs and agrees, saying that she doesn't think Envy deserves the satifsaction of MC getting jealous. He claims he just wants this out of love, not jealousy.

After he wakes up, he's healed and his body is altered. However everyone will notice this more as "How did we not notice how hot he was." in stead of "How did he become so hot.". They appreciate his good looks, but don't see the sudden change if that makes sense. Instead of Skinny and Scawny he is now more Lean and Toned, he is also a lot taller now than he was before.

He wakes up and his childhood friend is in a chair next to the hospital bed, sleeping with her head on his bed. He wakes her up. She is suprised about his recovery and is suddenly attracted to him. As he changes she sees his now toned muscles and she is drawn towards him. It escalates of course and they have sex, but he takes her energy in doing so, not alot, but enough to cause her to fall asleep afterwards. Her phone then buzzes and a text comes up from the captain of the football team that reads "You didn't show up, you know what that means, that little scrawny boyfriend of yours is DEAD." Revealing that she was only going to go to that guy to protect him.

I might also have Lust whisper in his head that he took energy from the girl he claimes to love and laigh at him and something like Lust 1, Love 0. Which would make him feel guilty and piss him off, swearing to not take her energy ever again. (He can have sex without taking energy)

Now after this I might have him have sex with one of the hospital nurses, that is a desperate cat lady. And he gains more energy from that, then it would be time for revenge and his relationship with his childhood friend to blossom. But I don't really have ideas for that yet.

Sorry for the long post, but what do you guys think of a story with a plot like this? And any ideas how it would go on? She would find out what he is, and as he doesn't want to take her energy she starts helping him with getting other girls to take energy from.

Maybe he eventually gets other girlfriends, but he doesn't love them and they refer to them as 'Batteries' while his Childhood friend is his only true girlfriend?

Maybe the other sins could get involved?

Let me know what you guys think.
Good so far!
I do see where MC humiliates bully somehow. Maybe having sex with his mother or his girlfriend while he watches. MC could probably have the powers to make someone stun, that way bully has to watch. Afterwards he never messes with him ever again.
I do see as the story progresses, the other sins come in. I see each sin as something he'd probably has to overcome. Like Pride and Greed, having so many "batteries" he can use which causes him to lose himself from his true love.
Can be a very dramatic and lesson learn story?
Good so far!
I do see where MC humiliates bully somehow. Maybe having sex with his mother or his girlfriend while he watches. MC could probably have the powers to make someone stun, that way bully has to watch. Afterwards he never messes with him ever again.
I do see as the story progresses, the other sins come in. I see each sin as something he'd probably has to overcome. Like Pride and Greed, having so many "batteries" he can use which causes him to lose himself from his true love.
Can be a very dramatic and lesson learn story?

Thanks! I was thinking in the same lines of him taking revenge by targetting women close to the Bully. Also probably taking revenge on other members of the football team as well, since they all bullied him, the captain was just the worst of the bunch. I like the idea of having him overcome the other sins within himself.
I could see getting more and more "batteries" as Gluttony as well, since he takes in more and more energy.
Love the concept. There are so many things you can do with that, especially in a high school setting.

Would this be the sins inside him or the sins he sees in others?

The popular crowd, would be an excellent source of lust, envy, pride and greed. Rich kids with their gluttony etc.
To me, it seems a bit too much of a male power fantasy. From zero to hero has been done a lot.

Also, quite a few cliches:
- the weak guy but smart guy being bullied
- the virtuous maiden
- sacrificing himself for her
- her only having eyes for him

But I'm sure there are readers who would see themselves as the main character and appreciate it in any case :)