CCG’s Cave of Confessions

I got sentenced to come here and post a confession as penance for a sin against @crazychemgirl.

In my line of work I get to officiate a fair number of weddings.
I confess that I've crushed hard on nearly every bride I've married away and feel fleeting pangs of bittersweet "if only..." when I'm signing the marriage licenses.
Bless me Father for I have sinned. I've...
“Just now, I attempted to scratch my ear and an unfolded paperclip became lodged inside. I was terrified but managed to stay outwardly calm. My coworker just got it out for me and we are all grateful. They seemed satisfied with my explanation I forgot the clip was in my hand when I went to scratch my face. I didn't tell them I was stupidly scratching my ear with it like a moron. I'm sure they believe me.“
“I met a man from a dating site who had a very interesting personality and was British. I loved the accent, but I didn’t find him very sexually attractive. He listed himself as a “dom” and I kind of internally laughed because men claiming to be doms are usually full of shit. He picked me up and took me to a fancy restaurant and paid for everything. We had a very mentally stimulating conversation and he drove me home. By the time we got home I was ready to jump into bed with him, but he made a comment about how I was too much of a brat and I didn’t earn sex. I went on a couple more dates with him later as friends but I never fucked him.”
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“It was 2AM. I had to get up early today so I really needed to sleep. In desperation I very slowly and carefully masturbated ....with Mrs laying asleep right next to me. That's just not as easy to do for men than women.

She would get mad if she ever caught me. It's complicated. I think she expects me to go without because she has to or maybe she feels bad because she can't. Anyway...the risk sort of elevated the experience. I came hard and had to bite my lips to stay quiet and controlled my strokes to just my wrist and not go too hard so the bed wouldn't shake. .....I slept great after.”
“I think I'm always going to need a muse of some kind.

I miss having a friend that I can talk about sex and kinks with. I miss having someone to crush on and have them crush back, even though that's so it could really be. My last crush is engaged now and we don't really talk much anymore.

I hate the fact that my wife can't be that person, but there's nothing that I can do about it. I'm certain that if I were to even scratch the surface of what I want out of a sex a life with her, she'd accelerate her expectations of going frigid after menopause (even though that's probably 7 or 8 years away) to immediately after the conversation.

We used to joke about each other having side pieces that we saw when the other was out of town, and those jokes were followed by eye rolls, or sarcastic sneers. Now she doesn't react when I joke about getting a girlfriend, or how she would probably prefer it if I had one.”

“I met a man from a dating site who had a very interesting personality and was British. I loved the accent, but I didn’t find him very sexually attractive. He listed himself as a “dom” and I kind of internally laughed because men claiming to be doms are usually full of shit. He picked me up and took me to a fancy restaurant and paid for everything. We had a very mentally stimulating conversation and he drove me home. By the time we got home I was ready to jump into bed with him, but he made a comment about how I was too much of a brat and I didn’t earn sex. I went on a couple more dates with him later as friends but I never fucked him.”
As a British man I would like to distance myself from the man described here who sounds like a bounder and a cad.
“I once sent a dick pic to a porn chick on OF for a rating. Like you do on a slow day. She got the pic and responded kindly and positively via video. Said "Normally I get these and they're not very good but yours was actually really good. So on a scale of one to ten? I give yours...a ten. And now you've got me really fucking horny. *pans camera down to show her tits*" Then we sexted.

Most likely because she was trying to upsell me on videos or something (and yes, it worked) but damn was it fun. 🤣
CCG is on temporary hiatus, as I understand it. I'm willing to take over posting your confessions, if you wish.

Angebot gut so lange es geht, aber nicht länger.