Democrats; The Party Of Poop


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
December 4, 2024

'The party of poop' amounts to a full culture​

By Monica Showalter

A couple days ago, AT managing editor Andrea Widburg asked if Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter Biden might just be the apotheosis of the Democrats' unusual, and pretty disgusting, fascination with excrement. Hunter's whole life revolved around poop issues, given his toddler-like behavior, his propensity to paint with poop, and his contempt for everyone but his self-indulgent debauched self.

She began as follows:
We all know that Democrats are obsessed with deviant sex—and by “deviant,” I mean non-heterosexual sex, especially sex outside of the confines of a committed, preferably marital, relationship. However, leftists are also obsessed with excretory matter, a trend that goes back at least as far as the 1980s. Now, with Hunter Biden’s pardon in the headlines, a former landlord explains that Hunter is probably the modern poster boy for what I call the “Party of Poop.”
I was struck by how long and varied her list of Democrat 'poop' and other excrement fascination was in supporting her thesis, as if the entire leftside has been suffering from collective arrested development. It's like it's their culture. It can be read here.
Yet she was only able to scratch the surface. There's more, so much more, to be added to that list.

The horror story continues here:

Our great resident Democrat Rob and his ilk likes to project their fetish onto their opposition every chance they get.
We all know that Democrats are obsessed with deviant sex—and by “deviant,” I mean non-heterosexual sex...

Triggered, terrified, and threatened by...nothing.

The snowflakes continue to fall. ;)
December 4, 2024

'The party of poop' amounts to a full culture​

By Monica Showalter

A couple days ago, AT managing editor Andrea Widburg asked if Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter Biden might just be the apotheosis of the Democrats' unusual, and pretty disgusting, fascination with excrement. Hunter's whole life revolved around poop issues, given his toddler-like behavior, his propensity to paint with poop, and his contempt for everyone but his self-indulgent debauched self.

She began as follows:

I was struck by how long and varied her list of Democrat 'poop' and other excrement fascination was in supporting her thesis, as if the entire leftside has been suffering from collective arrested development. It's like it's their culture. It can be read here.
Yet she was only able to scratch the surface. There's more, so much more, to be added to that list.

The horror story continues here:

Our great resident Democrat Rob and his ilk likes to project their fetish onto their opposition every chance they get.
Your continued obsession with shit is really weird.
No kink shaming.

Although RightGuide certainly needs reminding that this isn’t the right forum for his sexual fantasies.
It's the right forum for the poop fetishes of the Democrat Party. You've been exposed.