Dragonball Series


Aug 14, 2001
Well I'm not sure if anyone will join but hey it is worth a try. Anyways in this thred you can create any type of dragonball character. just as long as it is not Goku or any other original characters. Let's see how it goes.
May I add a lil idea to your thread?

It's something three friends of mine and myself thought up at a slumber party back when we where High School Sophmores. It takes most of it's backround from DBZ rather than the origional series.

Here it is:

The Sayian home world was in turmoil. The birth of four increadibly strong females had come. They are the "goddesses" the prophets have fortold. They where sent to the weak planet of Earth and raised as humans (tailess of course). But one day King Kai awakened them to their true fate, and their race, and helped them become more aquired with their powers and abilties as Sayian. He knew that more of their kind would come and try to distroy the little peaceful rock floating through space.
well the reason I put dragonball series is because I was refering to db, dbz, and dbgt. i guess I didn't give it much thought. But you can join in if you like.
then I would love to join... here is the info on my character

Name: Bara
Hight: 5'4
Weight: 100 lbs

Bara is the youngest of the four goddesses, and as far as abilties go, she is the weakest. She was the last that King Kai found, but she is the first that will jump into a fight.
I'm just now getting into the whole Dragon Ball bandwagon. I watched it when I was younger, but couldn't find it anywhere on t.v. for like three years. Finally it's back where I can see it again, so I am trying to follow what's going on.
Let's see.
Half sayan. (earth mom, if it's ok I'd like Vegeta or some really powerful evil guy to be the father, but hey, I'll take what I can get)
Has trained as much as he can by himself, but is looking for a trainer, someone who can teach him more than just to kick and punch.

just kidding. I'm like poohlive. Only a few weeks ago did my cable provider start showing the cartoon network, but I'm catching up. I've allready seen most of dragonball z through WB17 sunday mornings, the rest is progressing very very VERY slowly (I mean jees, 12 fucking episodes was needed to progress a mere 5 minutes? Hurry the fuck up allready!)

at any rate; I like that chick Idea. except for the androids, you don't see too many femail fighters, letalone seyins.

Ok, here it goes.

Lesankia. She is half crukitaken, half Seyin. She looks like a succumbus, with leathery wings and all. Her father was from the seyin planet, but went off in another direction, finding his way to the planet Pollketka (home of the crukitakens) Crukitakens are dragonmanlike creatures, more like the ancient dragons than mortals. Just like everywhere else, they have developed energy focusing techniques, and powerfull fighters. They were the creaters of many unique abilities, such as Lesankia's personal favorite Counter energy. This is great, because instead of matching fire with fire, she matches fire with ice, and cansles the whole thing out (meaning, they both must rely on true skill, and not power.)

Counter energy, Heat drain, and timeless training are the three techniques native to Pollketka. When freeza came and destroyed it, only Lesankia managed to survive, and prevent these techniques from being lost to history. Wandering space for a while, she happened upon earth, where a cirtain master roshi found her, recognized her talents, and began training her.

Counter energy is when a fighter draws in energy, instead of emmiting it. The more energy your opponent emits, the more you drag in. Probably the one true super seyin equalizer, if used proporly. THe technique is tedious. the person must conciensiously suck in exactly as much energy as is meing pushed out, otherwise there is a loss in the balance, and something tertible happens (if she sucks too little, the other guy becomes out of her leque. If she sucks too much, she drains the life of the planet. Counter drain is for fighter energy, not life energy.)

Heat drain is a true projectile equalizer. It's not a reflection, not a catching. Heat drain actually does what it sounds like. It chills, it cools, it freezes. If worked on enough, it can develope my personal favorite attack, Cryostasis. But noone has ever even thought of cryostasis, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Timeless training is a meditation. the fighter goes to another plane not unlike the other dimention. Souls of fighters from across time and space gather there to train and practice in mind and death. This is where a fighter learns true unhindered skill. A month in timeless training only lasts about an hour in real life, thus the name.

Cryostasis is an attack that completely freezes the enemy. They arn't encased in ice, No. they are frozen. Every molicule in their body is reduced to .001 kelvin (absolute zero temperature. -375.499 cencius.) Which means that the brain can't find enough energy (heat is a form of energy) to function, which means the opponent can't even think, letalone escape. THis is an ultimate attack, like spirit bomb. Impossibly long time to charge, and difficult to connect, and very VERY draining on the user.

Lesankia is still young and inexperienced. She is at Gohan's level, while the young seyin was on namek. She knows these pwerfull techniques, but can't successfully pull any of them off. She would need to become a super seyin to do that, but she's still to inexperienced to have even seen a super seyin, let alone become one herself.
The cast is starting to look great if I say so myself.. I can't wait to see this thing put into action.

it seems that it is finally starting to take off. well let's see, poohlive you can use Vegeta as your father if you like. I just didn't want someone to take an already created character as their own. So here's mine

Wu Fan
Age: 18

Human (but of a different nature)

He is from a future world much like our world. Except his powers can well exceed the powers of Tien or Krillin and fight any foe. (basically I want a human that has no real power level cap." He was genetically engineered to become one of the most power fighters. The only problem is, is that sometimes his rage takes complete control of him. Making his power enormal and extremely dangerous. (Sort of like Gohan.) He has two major powers that he uses Mimic and Lightning Assault. i'll explain more about them later.

If anyone has any ideas on how to help me run this just send me a private message and I'll get back to you.
Hmm. Okay. I'll play, I'll play.

Name: Lateral.
Height: 6'8.
Age: 27.

INFO: Years before the Sayian homeworld was destroyed, a child was sent to a world to destroy it. He transformed, but warriors of great power arose. They defeated the child, and, realizing it was unable to control its actions, they took it in. At the age of sixteen, a Sayian warrior left that world to seek his fate, and his past.
-Lateral dresses in black baggy pants, a long-sleezed white shirt, and grey shoes. He has short black hair, and still has his tail. His right arm, and half of the right side of his face are robotic replacements, including a robotic, glowing red eye.
-Although brought up by warriors, he was raised to be polite, and his only real fighting flaw is he can't bring himself to physically hit a female opponent.

How's that?
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OOC; Well, someone's got to start. Here it goes. (the plot can be made up by someone else)

IC; Punch Punch Kick, Block, Block, punch Kick block shove fireball.

"Again" said Piccolo, after deflecting the week projectile.

Punch Punch Kick, Blobk Blobk punch Kick Block, Shove Fireball.

"Again" said piccolo.

Punch punch kick, block block punch kick block shove fireball.

Lesankia had been practicing this same routine for hours. Piccolo said that they wouldnt stop untill she landed a hit without deviating from the routine. so for hours, Lesankia punched and kicked, constantly adjusting speed here and timing there, hoping to get lucky, but no such luck. She was getting bored though, and decided to try something different.

Punch punch kick, block block punch kick block shove fireball-Dashing punch!

As piccolo deflected the fireball, it left him open for a hard right hook that Lesankia through, sending the namek flying. "So your finally learning. I was beginning to think you were too dumb to get any better."

"But that was a cheep shot. you said to stick to the routine"

"I said stick to it, but not to not add to it. Fighting isn't allways about routine. Usually it's about outwitting your opponent and suprising them with that so called cheep shot. Now, try that again. This time, don't follow the routine."

Lesankia thought for a moment, taking in the info she was just awakened to, than attacked again.

Punch punck kick punch headbut kick roundhouse/tailslap, punch uppercut. Piccolo blocked most of them (except the tailslap that and the headbut) but before he could go offensive himself, Lesankia let loose with a thousand fireballs a minute. She then paused a moment, letting Piccolo think the barage had stopped, than just before the smoke cleared, she dashed in for a guard breaking wallop that sent piccolo slamming into the mountain wall.

"Excellent. That's enough for today. Get some rest, tommorow we take it up a notch"

well, since i really have seen this show since i was a kid, i would be my fav. char, Trunks, since piccolo seems alive from above, i might as well take another char from the org.


I had just finished some training i had to have by myself, that i had needed, it had been awhile since i had been in a fight, and my sword skills seemed to be going down. I was flying back when i noticed piccolo's power near by, and another one that i did not recognize, of course it had been awhile since i had seen piccolo either. So i desided to drop in.

Just as i was flying up, i saw it was a female...i had heard something from gohan awhile ago, but i didn't know if she was sayan, but it looked like it...i waited by and watched them practice, and then piccolo went flying, i couldn't help but laugh.
OOC; sorry, but a rule for this thread is no regular characters. Only original ones. Otherwise I would have allready called dibbs on Trunks.

She stood over the hill watching the training. She looked mildely amused, but she remained aloof, just watching.
Piccolo flew off to meditate wherever the hell he goes to meditate. Lesankia, tired from the training, followed suit and flew to Kame house to eat and rest.

Though lesankia could fly like the rest, she prefered the exercise of using her wings. So she stretched them out a little, flapped a few times, Took a hard jump and proceded for the long flight home.

When she reached a good height, she noticed a young woman on a nearby hill, obviously watching her. She sensed some great power within her, so went to introduce herself. She flew down and landed, her clawlike feel making small gashes in the ground. "Das Vidania. My name is Lesankia. I don't believe we've met before" She said. the first language She learned when arriving on earth was russian (don't ask why or how) so he speaks with a thick russian accent.

Inside the small, round, typicial-with-Sayians-coming-to-Earth spaceship, he was thinking. Thoughts about what to do when he reached the small planet, which, according to the massive amounts of henchmen who never seemed to do any fighting, had a few of his kind on it.

It had been years since his quest had started, and now, at 21, he had almost given up when he had bumped into said henchmen at their, We-Need-To-Get-A-Better-Job Meeting. He beaten the lot of them up, just because they were oppressing the weak. They'd told him what he wanted while sobbing like little children.

The ship started to descend through the atmosphere, preparing to...'land' near two females on a hill. 'Near' meaning right on top of them. Lateral was deep in thought, not noticing what was about to happen as the ship screamed through the atmosphere, picking up speed.

A smile crept across her lips as she extends her hand to Lesankia.

"I am... Bara... And no.... I do not believe we have met before." was her entire reply.. Her pauses indicated that she was shy, a bit too shy for her own good. She would be powerful some day, but that day would not be today.
ok one more rule

I have decided to add one more rule anymore new comers have to be something besides saiyians. That is why I chose a human. if we have too many siayians this thread will get very old.
one more

another no super saiyians either. what is the point of starting at the top. you are supposed to create and shape your character just like in an RPG.
Now back to my Character.

"He's escaping!!!!" A Guard shouted to a comrade.

Wu Fan leaps fly past the guards as fast as he can. Heading towards the teleportation room.

"I've got to get out of here before they cut me open. I'm not the experiment anymore!" Wu Fan shouts. He reaches the chamber and pushes the buttons randomly. A light flashes before him and he passes out from the travel.

He travels to earth as it was three million years ago (your time.) Korrin finds him lying on a grassy hill while he was traveling. Korrin knew something was strange about the newcomer, so he brought him back to Kami's lookout.
"You two," he pointed to two blackbelts. They both nodded, getting up into their stances. He bowed to one, and then the other. He was standing between them.
All his life he had been pacticing in the martial arts. He knew every physical move known to martial arts teachers. There were even a few that he had created himself. A few he took off of some pro wrestling shows. Some of those moves were really effective.
Today though, today he only wanted to prove himself. He wanted to prove he could know more than just physical moves. What he truly wanted was to be taught energy powers. If he could defeat two men in black belts, it would prove he is at least capable of it.
They both attacked. He saw their moves, typcial for starting out. In an instant he fell to the floor, rolling to his side. One leg slashed out, taking one of the men to the ground. He was back up, dodging punches and kicks left and right. He hit fiercely with a right kick, sending the man to the far wall. The other lashed out, hitting him with a good blow. Baer fell to the ground, his body jumping slightly.
In an instant he was back up, pounding away with punches and blocking like mad. He was going at super speed, everything just felt like it was going faster. His entire body ravished in enrrgy. He connected with a kick, and a punch. By then he knew he had finished him.
The other blackbelt grabbed him, holding onto him tightly. The first one laughed, hitting him over an over again. Baer jumped up, straight at the ceiling, moving away from both of them. He dropped right between both of them. Something bright twinkled in his eye. He jumped again, only this time he did a roundhouse. Both of his feet lashed out, sending the two opponents flying.
He landed, looking at the two slumped bodies.
"There," he wiped the sweat from his brow.
"It's true, you are ready." his master smiled pleasently.
"Then, will you teach me?"
The master shook his head, "I have no knowledge of energy attacks. There is a group though, people who have been training all their lives on this. They should be able to help you."
Baer nodded, bowing his head. He wanted to eventually get greater in power. He would need to find a new teacher.
Making his way outside, Baer looked to the surrounding forests. Past those, a huge city lay. He knew he could find someone there.
Sounds like fun

OOC:Well i like Dbz so i'll join in.

Charicter: Name: Red

History: Red is a trained oprative who's mission is to stop any and all alien threts what ever they may be his power is about equil to gohon's when he was preparing to fight the first androids,His attacks are pretty simple energy blasts and the like his only ace in the hole is a abilaty to complety mask him self from view his power levle can also be hidden in this way the only draw back is that he can't keep it up for more then a total of 10 minites he can use his power again in 1hr so its mostly use when he needs to escape.
Discp: He wears a red skin suit that covers him from head to toe.

OOC:So tell me if this is ok i know its not comleatly adhearing to the DBZ theme but i like it so tell me what you think
Lesankia flapped her wings and flew upwards. "Where....are you....going?" Bara asked. Lesankia simply pointed to the sky. Bara looked up and saw a capsule coming strait for her. She lept out of the way just intime to avout being struck, but could do nothing about the flying rock picked up with the impact. It was nothing big though. She quickly recovered and ran to the edge of the creater, just as lesankia came down next to her. THey looked on with interest, seyin and succumbus as the strange spherical spaceship opened...

A jarring slam into the planet caused him to come quickly to his thoughts. The ship opened, and he stood, stepping out into the crater made by the hit. He curled his tail around himself, and glanced around. "Why in the world do they always have to crash-land? You'd think they'd make it so they could give a proper landing or something."

He set his hand on his hips, and looked up at the edge of the crater. There were people there! Well,...that one had wings, but, he was pretty sure it was still a 'person' by definition. His right eye telescoped out of his head, giving a quick scan of their power levels. The eye then returned to its normal position, and turned off its rather innane read-outs. "Oh. Hello, ladies. Umm,...Sorry about landing out here. Hope I didn't hurt anybody."

He paused, but, without waiting for an answer, moved on to the most important question. "Where can I get some food?"
Lesankia looked over at Bara "Sorry, that's your department. Master roshi does not like guests anymore. he just started feeding me!"