Evangelical Christian "Heresy from the pit of Hell"


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
I watched an Evangelical Christian in a video clip, say "Heresy from the pit of Hell"

This is the religious figure sent from America, to give a prayer at the new American embassy.

From Wonkette-
Doktor Zoom observes

Also invoking the God of the Holy Land (which will soon be wiped from the Earth, along with just about everyone, HOORAY!) was pastor Robert Jeffress, who explained that God handed the keys to Jerusalem 4,000 years ago:

(Which amounts to-

Y'all are not Texas prosperity Evangelical Christians. The world is going to Hell without us. We are going to Evangelical Disneyland. Y'all are Heresy from the pit of Hell")

As for the embassy dedication resulting in more than 50 dead and 2,400 wounded Palestinians, including at least eight children killed,

Brian Krassenstein
White House's statement after Israel kills 50 Palestinians (7 children) and wounds 2,000+ in Gaza today:

"This is a gruesome & unfortunate propaganda attempt."

You idiots!! Signs and media can be considered 'propaganda'.

Dead children are not 'propaganda

Ivanka Blows Kisses While Gaza Strip Burns
By Doktor Zoom - May 14, 2018

50 miles away in the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops shot and killed at least 58 Palestinians protesting at a move which they see as denying their basic rights to a shared capital in that holy city.


Not every community agrees what has been done


At least 58 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2,000 people wounded in protests at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, according to Palestinian officials. the same day the US fulfils its controversial promise to move its embassy to the contested city of Jerusalem



May 14, 2018

"Imagine the outcry were a U.S. president to host a foreign official who had declared that all Christians would burn in hell."

"That the Israeli government
could host Pastor Jeffress,
without comment, given his
long history of bigoted comments
about Jews and many other groups,
speaks volumes about how the alliance
with Washington is understood."

Washington’s choices about where
America sits, and who speaks for us,
produce almost the mirror opposite of
good diplomacy. The U.S. will now have
less influence over what happens on the
ground, but be seen to have greater
responsibility for all the minuses of*
the outcome.

That’s a big minus not just for all*
of the civilians in the region who
desire just to get on with their lives
in dignity, but for Americans as well.


"Now, the optimists talk about “status quo minus"

"What does the “minus” in “status quo minus” mean?"

Palestinians, feeling that both the West and their own leaders have failed them, undertake actions like marching to the Gaza border. Israeli governments, needing to show strength to shore up their own weak positions against public cynicism, open fire. The appeal to Palestinians of violent extremist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS increases. The suffering of Palestinian civilians increases. The measures Israel takes to safeguard its own citizens in the face of Palestinian rage take a steady toll on the vibrancy of the country’s democracy, and on its reputation in Europe and elsewhere. Its sense of isolation increases.
Isn't it written that the Jews will piss off the Creator and he will end the world? And of course the Self-righteous will ascend into Heaven, while the Heathen will burn in the conflagration?
Romans (occupying troops), not Hebrews (occupied subjects), supposedly executed Yeshua bir Miryam (as a 'bandit', a rebel leader). It's the Italians' fault. Kill the dagos!
That pastor guy who spoke in Jerusalem is a true 'Hitler didn do nuffin', 'Jews are evil hellspawn' type.
So why was he in Jerusalem praising the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israels capital?
It's because Trump's admin is now certifiably filled to the brim with Christian fundamentalist lunatics, Christian Taliban if you will.

The ultra crazy ultra religious types love this decision (and ultimately were the primary reason for Trump's decision) because they believe that once the Jews control all of the land that belonged to the historical state of Israel then Jesus will come down to earth, slaughter every Jew in the world and the rapture will finally occur.

The US is officially functioning as a mild theocracy and the Jerusalem decision proves it.
"Trump was sending a message with the horror show he orchestrated in Jerusalem."

"Trump’s message, per usual, was for his own selfish political aims. It was targeted at his base, whose most loyal members are right-wing Evangelicals."

"For this segment of Trump’s base, bigotry (including against Roman Catholics, in Hagee’s case) is a Godly virtue and anti-Semitism is not inconsistent with Zionism. Israel is the presumed site of the Second Coming, after which everyone who refuses to give themselves up to Christ will be subjected to another Holocaust. Some of this base is grateful for the previous Holocaust as well, which is why Hagee has said that Hitler was “part of God’s plan” for the Jews and for Israel. This is the theological brand of anti-Semitism whose secular expression could be found in Charlottesville where white-supremacist thugs among what Trump called “very fine people on both sides” could be found chanting “Jews will not replace us.”


Charlottesville Activists Mark 1-year Anniversary of (White Supremacist, Nazi, and KKK) Torch-lit Rally

May 13, 2018

Spencer and the other white supremacists held a torch-lit rally around the Robert E. Lee statue, in what was then known as Lee Park, in a clear attempt to intimidate the community.

One year later, Kessler is trying to organize another white supremacist rally here in August, but no-one wants to come.

But we are still here: the people who showed up to fight white supremacy in Charlottesville in 2017, and the people who have been fighting white supremacy for long before then.


March of the Racist Tiki Torch Goons
200-300 Full Grown Men Face off
with 20-30 teenagers

August 11 torchlight rally, led by UVA alum/white nationalist Richard Spencer

Brutes, marching along with internet White Supremacist warriors, invaded the University of Virginia campus in the dark. The police did nothing. A small amount of students and professors joined hands, and protected the monument. People praying in the small campus chapel were witness to roaring. The students were outnumbered, 10-1

The students were beaten, pepper sprayed

The students stood at the base of the statue, arms linked, for a few more minutes until dispersing for safety reasons—pepper spray and some other sort of chemical had been dispersed; there was fire; tiki torches were used as weapons. The students found their designated buddies and pushed their way out of the crowd around the statue, M. says. Some students flushed their pepper spray-swollen eyes with water; others needed help rinsing chemicals from their backs. M. estimates the entire thing happened over the course of 20 minutes.



The police sat in their cars, and watched from a distance.

About 10:30pm, police had shown up, declared an unlawful assembly and disbanded the crowd

It was a photo op for Extremist Right Wing Racists
It was propaganda meant to assure Trump's supporters


Chanting “Jews will not replace us!” several hundred white nationalists and white supremacists carrying torches marched in a parade through the University of Virginia campus on Aug. 11.

I have wondered how white supremacists like Steve Bannon could be behind the con artist when a) Kushner is the con artist's son-in-law and b) the con artist has been pro-Israel for some time.

It's as if white supremacists can't get their story straight.
I just realized that if Warhammer 40K was real it would mean that Trump would have a strong presence in the Warp (relative to an average human) thanks to his worldwide following of religious fundamentalists and personality-cultists. Not as strong a presence as e.g. the manifestation of a character like Jesus but still pretty big.

Translation: If 40K was real Trump would be a demigod.

What a horrible thought
Jesus will not slaughter the Jews. The rapture takes place first .that's when all the believers will be taken up.Then the anti christ rises to power turns and attacks the Jews bringing the second coming in which Jesus defeats the anti Christ and saves the Jews and restores their kingdom