I mean global, not Western or Euro-American, civilization -- Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" theory is bullshit -- human civilization is all one thing, now. And there are not very many threats to its continued existence. I count only four:
1. Wealth/income inequality. Unequal hierarchical civilizations have indeed survived for millennia -- but the danger of revolution is always present.
2. Technological unemployment. A constant threat since the Industrial Revolution began, but AI puts it on a whole new level.
3. Climate change. We know it's happening, we know it's caused by human activity, and we know its effects on civilization can be nothing good.
4. Nuclear war. Included just for completeness. Not the threat it was during the Cold War, but the U.S., Russia and China still maintain their arsenals at roughly Cold War levels, upgrading them as technology improves.
And some would add a fifth:
5. Peak oil. Controversial. Its civilization-threatening potential depends on many unknown factors, like just how much petroleum is left in the ground, and how rapidly we can substitute other power sources, and technological progress, which is always unpredictable.
What are not existential threats to civilization, though some do speak of them in that way: Crime. Terrorism. Conventional Warfare. Dysgenic pressure. Cultural changes, including decline in religious belief. "Decadence" however defined.
1. Wealth/income inequality. Unequal hierarchical civilizations have indeed survived for millennia -- but the danger of revolution is always present.
2. Technological unemployment. A constant threat since the Industrial Revolution began, but AI puts it on a whole new level.
3. Climate change. We know it's happening, we know it's caused by human activity, and we know its effects on civilization can be nothing good.
4. Nuclear war. Included just for completeness. Not the threat it was during the Cold War, but the U.S., Russia and China still maintain their arsenals at roughly Cold War levels, upgrading them as technology improves.
And some would add a fifth:
5. Peak oil. Controversial. Its civilization-threatening potential depends on many unknown factors, like just how much petroleum is left in the ground, and how rapidly we can substitute other power sources, and technological progress, which is always unpredictable.
What are not existential threats to civilization, though some do speak of them in that way: Crime. Terrorism. Conventional Warfare. Dysgenic pressure. Cultural changes, including decline in religious belief. "Decadence" however defined.