Fixing California after the wildfires


Literotica Guru
Jan 1, 2014
The insurance companies knew FOR YEARS that that state and local governments were not doing anything to mitigate these yearly fires. So, unsurprisingly...they left.

If Californians start voting in politicians that are not utterly incompetent like Newsom and Bass, and those new leaders actually institute new policies to mitigate and minimize their fire season, then again, companies will come back.

What I expect competent leaders to do to minimize their yearly fire season:

1) Dealing with the root causes of the fires that are started in Los Angeles.

The majority of the fires that LA firefighters have to deal with are started by the homeless. The second largest cause of fires is due to their ancient power grid. Fixing that problem would be easier (burying power lines underground). I don't have any easy answer how to get the homeless to stop starting fires other than getting them out of the state.

2) Properly fund the LAFD.

The LAFD has half the firefighters that they used to have 20 years ago while dealing with twice as many fires. Half of the LAFD's vehicles were broken down due to Karen's Bass' 17 million dollar budget cut to the department so they did not have mechanics and parts to repair them.

3) Make sure that the hydrants work and have a plentiful amount of water supply to deal with the fires.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) CEO Janisse Quiñones was hired by Mayor Karen Bass on a $750,000 salary in May (nearly twice as large as the President's salary). Los Angeles' water chief reportedly knew about the Santa Ynez Reservoir in the Pacific Palisades (which normally holds 117 million gallons of water) being empty. She also knew about the broken and MISSING fire hydrants months before the deadly wildfires now spreading across the city that have left some communities in ashes.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir has been empty for a year because of a torn tarp that could have been repaired for just 100k.

When the fires started, the LAFD drained three, 1 million gallon tanks in just two days. That's why hydrants ran out of water pressure. Had the resevoir been promptly repaired and refilled prior to fire season starting, they would have had enough water pressure to fight the Palisades fire. Also, the geniuses running the city thought it would be a good idea to stop inspecting the hydrants a month ago.

4) Doing proper forest management.

That would mean allowing the lumber industry back in to thin the forests of dead trees. They used to cut down 6 million board feet of trees each year. Now it is a small fraction due to the insane eco lobby in California. Controlled burns in the off-season to get rid of decades-worth of dried leaves and brush on the forest floor would also minimize the intensity of future blazes.

5) Update the building codes for new home construction.

There are some LA citizens with homes that survived this fire due to smart decisions they made like building their home with a metal roof and other fire resistant materials, as well as landscaping their yards to minimize the chance of starting their house on fire. They also had sprinklers systems that were fed by their pool to drench their house with water when the blaze got close. All new construction should follow their guide. Video.

6) Cloud seeding.

In the desert country of the UAE, which is one of the driest countries in the world, they have a system to scan the skies for cumulous clouds. When they find one, they will send up a small plane that will spray 100 lbs of salt in that cloud to attract moisture to it and eventually cause it to rain. Here is a video. Video 2.

It is insane that California does not do this as well to minimize their drought conditions.
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Remember when the GB was the place for topics like this?

Pepperidge Farm remembers ...

I do understand if you don't want to venture over to the Politics Board. This has been discussed and the expected amount of fecal matter has exceeded expectations.
That's why it's over on the politics board. Let them sling poo over there.
Simple...dump any Marxist idea, stop believing in "climate change" or whatever they are going to call it, never vote for a Democrat again (nothing different than a Marxist), and START TO USE COMMON SENSE. As an example remove brush. Start looking at nature as it is and not as you'd like it to be.
Let's be blunt.
California is a DUMP. Just like EVERY Marxist "utopia" turns out to be.
The insurance companies knew FOR YEARS that that state and local governments were not doing anything to mitigate these yearly fires. So, unsurprisingly...they left.

If Californians start voting in politicians that are not utterly incompetent like Newsom and Bass, and those new leaders actually institute new policies to mitigate and minimize their fire season, then again, companies will come back.

What I expect competent leaders to do to minimize their yearly fire season:

1) Dealing with the root causes of the fires that are started in Los Angeles.

The majority of the fires that LA firefighters have to deal with are started by the homeless. The second largest cause of fires is due to their ancient power grid. Fixing that problem would be easier (burying power lines underground). I don't have any easy answer how to get the homeless to stop starting fires other than getting them out of the state.

2) Properly fund the LAFD.

The LAFD has half the firefighters that they used to have 20 years ago while dealing with twice as many fires. Half of the LAFD's vehicles were broken down due to Karen's Bass' 17 million dollar budget cut to the department so they did not have mechanics and parts to repair them.

3) Make sure that the hydrants work and have a plentiful amount of water supply to deal with the fires.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) CEO Janisse Quiñones was hired by Mayor Karen Bass on a $750,000 salary in May (nearly twice as large as the President's salary). Los Angeles' water chief reportedly knew about the Santa Ynez Reservoir in the Pacific Palisades (which normally holds 117 million gallons of water) being empty. She also knew about the broken and MISSING fire hydrants months before the deadly wildfires now spreading across the city that have left some communities in ashes.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir has been empty for a year because of a torn tarp that could have been repaired for just 100k.

When the fires started, the LAFD drained three, 1 million gallon tanks in just two days. That's why hydrants ran out of water pressure. Had the resevoir been promptly repaired and refilled prior to fire season starting, they would have had enough water pressure to fight the Palisades fire. Also, the geniuses running the city thought it would be a good idea to stop inspecting the hydrants a month ago.

4) Doing proper forest management.

That would mean allowing the lumber industry back in to thin the forests of dead trees. They used to cut down 6 million board feet of trees each year. Now it is a small fraction due to the insane eco lobby in California. Controlled burns in the off-season to get rid of decades-worth of dried leaves and brush on the forest floor would also minimize the intensity of future blazes.

5) Update the building codes for new home construction.

There are some LA citizens with homes that survived this fire due to smart decisions they made like building their home with a metal roof and other fire resistant materials, as well as landscaping their yards to minimize the chance of starting their house on fire. They also had sprinklers systems that were fed by their pool to drench their house with water when the blaze got close. All new construction should follow their guide. Video.

6) Cloud seeding.

In the desert country of the UAE, which is one of the driest countries in the world, they have a system to scan the skies for cumulous clouds. When they find one, they will send up a small plane that will spray 100 lbs of salt in that cloud to attract moisture to it and eventually cause it to rain. Here is a video. Video 2.

It is insane that California does not do this as well to minimize their drought conditions.
It was a planned event like Lahaina and others. Qui bono?