For those who've RPGed with please?


Learning to Fly
Jun 24, 2001
Sorry for being so selfish as to ask a question about myself here, but a funny thing happened here. The threads i'm involved in are almost all slowing down or ceasing entirely. X-Men is slowly coming to a halt, unless looks are VERY decieving, Wasteland, my pride and joy, has never jump-started after the holidays...
What I too long-winded?
Do I force too much control over what's going on?
I'm puzzled here. i see possibilities aside from it being my fault, like that it's just chance and that I shouldn't take it seriously, but I also don't want to ruin anyone else's RPG fun.
Any feedback? Every little bit helps...
QC, I don't think the drop-offs have anything to do with you, it seems they're occuring throughout the board.
To my knowledge, you are not at fault for the threads slowing down. I know that I couldn't get back into the Wasteland thread after I disappeared into the desert. Also, the story line is very-very-very complicated. That's a good thing for a novel and for the people who are neck-deep in the thread. Unfortunately, it is hard to get into as a newcomer to a thread.

In regards to the X-Men thread, I was enthused to try my hand at that. However, it seems that people picked right up where the last one ended. Unfortunately, I wasn't around for the last one.

I think you're an excellent writer, especially compared to some nameless people who cannot write complete sentences and use non-words that almost piece together. Anyway, now I'm rambling.

Anyway, regards to you.

Hagim sameyachim (Happy holidays),
QC Dark Isle is still going alright, I think X-men is dead because there was such a long period of inactivity. Now that we're trying to get stuff going, it seems everyone has gone away. Also a lot of people have exams coming up, big factor.

Bobo, I think I know who your talking about Takes thirty minutes to figure out 4 lines of type with that guy right?
Thanx for the encouragement, guys. I wasn't just concerned because of the dropoff, but concerned in general. I'm just getting started a tthis RPG stuff, and i tend to go off on my own...hey, PmTick, you think we should talk to Maniac about starting a new thread for X-Men?
That's how things happen in the RP Forum. I've been here for over a year, and I've seen things come and go like that. The point isn't to let it get you down, when people lose interest in a thread, you pick up the idea, brush it off, and wait a couple of months before you write some sort of a sequel to it.
If it loses interest, then let it go.
There's plenty of other things coming up, it's best to just jump into something else.
One of the things I always like about you is the intriquite plot. It's good to see that come back to here, most people want a plot that's so easy it should go into a children's story. There's nothing wrong with that, but after a while it gets old.
Complicated plots are hard, but when done right, very good.
Just take it with you.
Don't think of all this as criticizm, think of it as a learning experience. You are just beginning now, think of where you'll be in a few months.
That's the only advice I'll give you, learn.
I'd definatly be up to it, but at the same time it might be smarter to wait until this current X-men thread fades and then start fresh. I just started a rather intersting thread you should check out. It's called a perfect world. Have you started any new threads lately?
don't sweat it QC

I know I don't "play" here much anymore--as I told a friend quite recently, I wish I could, I just don't have the time to be consistently in an RP thread anymore--but I do read these threads pretty often, usually hoping I can see a spot to jump in and back out.

Threads/stories start with much enthusiasm, go for a while, then tend to fizzle--it's just what threads do. I can't tell you how many threads I've "killed"--been the last one to post to.

Either start another, or persevere and keep it going, maybe in another direction. Sometimes you'll get lucky and have one end nice and neatly, with most of the loose ends tied.

It's fun, as it's meant to be. Don't take it personally.
QC Your Good And Unlike Me And My Brother You Can Spell
And I Know You Other Guys Were Tallking About Me and May Be My Bro. But As For X Men Give It time If It Dies Totely Than You restart it Utill than Try To Ride Out The Drouts Of Partisapation
NO DT, you got it all wrong, your cool in my book. The guy I'm talking about is nightray, he spells like this "i canut spe;;kjll fur shet" Check out his posts under good vs evil.
You got that right, QC. I've been in about 4 threads with nightray, and it is harder than hell to reply to the man. I wonder if he can read his own posts?
Thanx for the feedback...I'm content now.

Thanx, guys...and by the way, that was PmTick who mentioned nightray...a minor point, but I haven;t rped with him, so i don't want the confusion...y'know. I was just concerned that I was damaging everybody else's good time...I'm used to working alone, y'know, regular fiction, so I am not accustomed to sharing the plot line. I was worried I was overdoing it...
You are not overdoing it QC..... the threads that you have started are perhaps the best I have ever seen. Don't worry so much about threads stopping suddenly though- it is not your fault and you shouldn't think so if it happens. It sucks to say this but people lose interest after a while or need to do things somewhere else.

The only advice that I can really give you is when you write give it everything that you have, that way you will always be happy with the outcome.
Don't stress it QC, from what I've seen so far you're pretty good. I love Jeremy, lol.

i have to agree with everyone you are very good.and like everyone has said i love the way you do your plots.all the ones i do are simple.(i'm working on it) but i really like rping with you cause its always interesting.
your a great writer keep it up


Just putting forward my couple of cents worth.

I've noticed that there comes a point in all threads where people seem to get a joint case of writer's block.

It's the point where all the characters seem to be at a loss as to where to go to next.

I absolutely LOVE the threads you have started up darlin'. They're imaginative and give a lot of openings for characters to create sub-plots which I love.

Don't distress, you're doing amazingly well.


Don't sweat it, shit happens..

QC, don't worry about it, theres just a problem that in a forum like this there are times I and others just can't get to a computer or we don't have the time to post as much as we would like. Your plots are fun, the stories are great as are alot of the charecters, and you make it real easy for someone to slide into the storyline.

Believe me, if I ever get the time and energy up from working 60+ hour weeks I'd be the first to invite you along with Money to be in a thread. And believe me, you can rely on Money here to help carry a heavy load, I know she did with me in my last thread, which may get ressurected after christmas, just depends on how much I have to do.
Hey, no worries, don't worry about it man. I've only been around for a while and I've already seen all kinds of threads die. This time of year is lousy for trying to keep anybody's mind on anything rational. Just wait, after the holidays are over everything should become sane again. And no, it's not you, I've seen you around a couple times and your writing and ideas are great. If anything, quite the opposite of killing them, you keep threads going past the time when anyone else would have given up hope of keeping them alive. Keep up the good work, and quit blaming yourself, 'cause you've got a lot to be proud of.