Her biggest fan is someone she knows


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
So I follow a few Onlyfans accounts and I’ve even managed to build up a bit of a rapport with one or two accounts. Now it’s still pretty surface level but one thing that is pretty clear is that parasocial relationships are a real concern…but then I thought about the opposite: what if an Onlyfans model tried to cross the line from the other side and found out a fan she believes she has a positive relationship with is someone she already has a relationship with?

Now of course family member is the obvious way to go: she finds out bro, sis, or step what have you is secretly the fan who is buying them gifts on throne (website where you can buy gifts for people your fans of).

But then I thought: honestly, it wouldn’t need to be someone directly related. Wouldn’t it be equally shocking (but less icky) to find out a friend had been the one who you had a deep rapport with while they were under a pseudonym.

So the theme of this thread is: woman (or guy) has a fan who they feel comfortable talking with in PMs, while they have to deal with a lot of harassment from other accounts (a common one is model reveals they are in a relationship or married and former fans start degrading them, or they start doing exclusively het content and get flack) this fan always respects their boundaries but is still very supportive. MC then either gets curious and does a little digging or finds out by accident that their fan is someone they know.

A few examples (again, I have no problem with someone suggesting a family member but I wanted to challenge myself for my suggestions):

Former teacher: in highschool or college, our Lead was involved in the arts but after striking out as a filmmaker, dancer, what have you, they decided to combine their talents with modeling and porn, which let them stand out from their peers despite them not being as daring or having the “assets” of some of their peers.

Teacher of one of those classes that inspired them to try and make it as an artist/actor/writer got curious about what they were up to and found their Onlyfans account. What started as curiosity became a crush and fantasy. Teacher started PMing and our lead, while cautious, was pretty receptive to their feedback and enjoyed having someone whose responses didn’t start with “yur so fUcjkin hawt!” so they had a nice rapport going while teacher also got to enjoy some private looks at their former student.

Our lead eventually finds out: what happens next?

Coworker: so a lot of Onlyfans models actually do it as a sidegig. Like I remember stories of teachers or nurses who tried to fill in the gaps in their paycheck…by getting filled. Lead has been very careful (doing shoulders down photos, or wearing wigs, contacts, or maybe even costumes, and is a smaller account but still getting good traffic) she has one fan who is really supportive but doesn’t ask for more like other fans who pretend to be supportive.

For example: she gets sick or has to pick up more shifts at work so she can’t post for a couple of weeks, other fans freak out but her favorite fan patiently waits and assures her she should focus on taking care of herself…of course her fan is a coworker who knew she was okay the whole time

Partner: so this one is a bit out there but I think it could be fun. Our lead has a boyfriend or girlfriend who is nice but kind of cold. They aren’t overly affectionate but they’re nice enough and they don’t mind lead’s career even when it involves them having sex scenes with other people, so at least functionally, their relationship works…though lead wishes partner would be more affectionate towards them.

Meanwhile, lead has a very passionate fan who is highly complimentary but also respects her boundaries. She even finds herself doing paid sexting sessions or even some roleplay with them. Their fan eventually asks if it’s okay if they start role playing a bit more intimacy during their sessions and lead agrees, as long as it sticks to their sessions, so they start role playing as husband and wife (or wife and wife, what have you), boyfriend girlfriend, brother sister, but the main thing is they start saying they love each other throughout the sessions.

…then one day, our lead is prepped for another paid session…and it’s their partner’s phone. Turns out he forgot to use his burner.

I figure partner reveals he’s actually a pretty affectionate person but he had gotten burned in the past when he started saying he loved his former girlfriends (he’d start saying it on like the third date) so he over corrected, and puts up a colder persona. He actually loves lead to bits but was worried she would reject him if he expressed himself without the benefit of a pseudonym
My mind has recently been tormenting me with someone from decades ago. There was a spark, but nothing else. Completely lost contact with no reason to ever seek the other out.

Now, to play with that ....

They were neighbors and used to walk to school together, or play together. Thei families knew each other but not well and never socialized. But the memory of the spark never went away. Unfortunately is was a bit one sided and never really reciprocated. Not using genders here, so Persons A and B will have to do.

A is the entertainer, B is the fan. Now, twenty years later and at a different point in life, B stumbles on the site wholly by accident and recalls only vaguely what A looked like, but is taken by the possibility this could be THAT A. The more B watches and engages in casual conversation, the more they realize it really IS that A.

How does B handle it? When, if, or how does A find out and do they remember as fondly as B does? Maybe A regrets how things didn't work out and sometime later realized B was the one that got away.
B isn't sure if A would remember and isn't too keen on revealing identity and facing rejection yet again. Maybe some hints are tossed, some bits about places, people or events they would both recall.