

Really Really Experienced
Mar 9, 2002
im tired of reading stories where there is no suspense the parties just happen to get into a sexual situation and then bam there fucking it just sucks i would just like it to be more than ohh this is wrong and then fuck anyway is that too much to ask

It depends on what you are looking for. Any long discourse on the pros and cons of incest is likely to be very stilted unless the author is very good with dialogue. In a regular erotic story the longer set ups are used to add fire to the sex scenes. In this type of story the taboo nature fuels the sex scenes so long set ups are probably reguarded as redundant by many readers.

If you have something specific in mind you should post it, maybe one of the authors can tailor something for you.

in not talking about a major amount of set up just more than im your brother or sister its wrong lets fuck i have read some good stories and the best have some build up like they have found each other sexy for years and it comes to a head during some innocent encounter a brush of the breast in frount of a tv or something like that ill try to come up with more real ideas like you said
I agree with Jakk. A little bit of realism can make a well-written story an excellent one.

And btw, I've read both of the above mentioned stories & I must compliment both the writers for their writing style. I like that sorta stories.

thanks for the stories to read ill read them and see if i like them
my Kissing The Bride series so far is a looong flirtation with incest. I'm finishing the third installment, and stil no incest . Lots of kink though.

Still pondering if the incest angle will get actualized.
I've got a true story i can tell....but it'll have to wait till i got some free time and nobody home looking over my shoulder to write it.
It's about a dad and his 19yr old step-daughter.....all true, I know for a fact....I was the step-dad.


forgot to mention there is one encounter with her and one of her friends too.

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dont drag it out to long... i read a long 3 part story where they were going through all the facts, it was an awesome story about a father and daughter, who talked to each other over the net as people who role played, as father and daughter but did not know they were each others real father/daughter..... however i supposed the author got tired of the idea.... as she never finished the story... hell they didnt even meet

I rather not know it is real just make it read like it is real. why you posting here and not finishing the story! go on finish it already!
jakk said:
im tired of reading stories where there is no suspense the parties just happen to get into a sexual situation and then bam there fucking it just sucks i would just like it to be more than ohh this is wrong and then fuck anyway is that too much to ask

I agree. Of course, many of the stories on this and other sites are unrealistic!

I have a father/daughter story that may fit your criteria -

Daddy's Sweetheart

Hope you enjoy!

loved spare the rod going to read more of your stuff when i have time :cool: