Isabella's Journey

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
OOC: Bear with me, I am new to RP on boards like this, but old to RP. Isabella (bella) is an old char of mine who was always my favorite. Setting is mythical swords n sorcery fantasy.

Char info: Isabella is a fighter who has no family, and fights only when she feels like it, not when someone tells her to. She has long jet black hair, that goes to her waist. When fighting, it is worn in a single braid down the back. She is around 5'8", and very lithe and muscular. Her eyes are aqua.

Oh, and she's a bitch. She doesn't really take shit from anyone, and will dish it back if she gets it. Not really trying to go anywhere specific with this, so just jump in, and take it where you want, but please keep it in the theme, and try not to 'force' her RP. (Not that anyone here would, but on the levels in which I usually RP, this is a big problem)

IC post to follow.
Isabella looked around as she slid from the back of her horse, Mystical. The town was new, but the scenery was not. A small tavern, a trading post, and a bar. Several drunken men were stumbling from the bar as she watched.

Bella was looking for one drunk in particular. The man had done something greivious to her years ago. She unconsciously felt the scars on her wrist, and pulled her bag from Mystical. She tied Mystical up, and walked over to the tavern.

As Bella entered, a young man was coming out. Unlike the others, he had peircing clear eyes. Unclouded by the drink, they gazed over her form slowly, then back to her eyes. She was not in anyway modest, and was wearing skin tight deer skin leggings, and a tight tunic that wrapped around her back, but left most the back bare. At her side, she carried a tall halberd, a spear like weapon nearly as tall as she. Bella's eyes met his with a bit of humor. She smirked, and walked into the tavern.
"Hey, Johnny, what's going on??"
"I'm not sure. Looks like someone new in town?"
"Yeah, so, lots of new people come into town."
"It's a girl though, and a hottie too."
"A hottie?"
(I could translate this into, thou lady I hasth seen doth project herself as a wonderful woman, but I think it would lose the point)
Joach peered from over the roof, looking at the scene below. A woman walked into the bar, she seemed to be looking for someone. Anyone who came to this town to look for someone almost always went into the bar first.
Why wouldn't they?
The bar was the only place people went anymore. Early morning the markets were busy, but other than that, it was all about the bar.
"Hey Joach, could ya get us a couple of apples, I'm starving."
He held out his hand, and Joach pointed at it. An apple appeared instantly, as Johnny bit into the flesh, juice running down his chin.
He made one for himself, and took a bite as he looked at the horse.
"Should we take it?"
He shook his head, "No, but I do want to see if it has something of value. Women always carry valuable things with them, mirrors and silver and whatnot."
Johnny nodded, they would wait, and see. If she didn't come out in a few minutes, they'd go down.
I Would Like to Join this Rp If You Two Dont Mind I Do Have A Question Are People Of Mystical Races Alowed? For The CHaractors I would like to play Are two old charas of mine Stalker & Armis. Stalker is an Sullivanian For Those Who Might not know OF this pices of Myth Ill explain What An Sullivanin Is.
Sullivanian= Forest giants Who Are a seirros group Who pride them slfs on the Their hunting abilety.. As Far as magic gose not much is known but the fact that for giants thay were abell to remain un seen and unheard untill it was to late And They were abel to Produce thier wepons form thine air with but a thought. The few sullivanians who tried to intergrate into the human world Became Bouhnty hunters.

Armis IS An Etin Which is A basicly A Forest Elve Wich Every one know about .

Stalker and Armis Are traveling Conpanins Now It is al right for me to play these two I will Post thier Bios In My Next Post.
Florin Bornsmith

Florin slouched on his horse. The road was extremely bumpy and hard on his rump, considering the saddle hadnt been broken in yet. His nose being completley buried in a book of ancient spells, he hardly noticed the entrance to the town. Looking up, breifly, he gestured his hand toward the only establishment that appeared to be open....the bar. "Oh, how wonderful. I have the pleasure of dealing with drunks on such a fine morning." he said to himself as his horse rode up to the tying post. Florin climbed off, his grey wool robes flowing in the slight morning breeze. He ran his fingers through his silver hair a few times, then let it fall, exposing his elven ears. As Florin tied his horse to the post, he watched casually as an adventurous type lady entered the bar, and followed behind as soon as his horse was loosely tied.

Entering the bar, Florin headed for the nearest table to a wall. Taking the seat against the wall, he motioned for a bar maid.

"Wench. I require water and bread. Nothing more." he said in a sarcastic tone. The bar maid gave a slight grunt of disaproval as she left his table. She returned, and Florin dropped a few copper peices on the table. As the bar maid left, Florin took a sip of his water, and small nibbles of his bread as he watched the lady who had entered before him..........

Darius sat quietly behind the wooden table. He had drawn his long, dark gray cloak around him. There was no chill in the air. It was necessary, he felt. A needed thing, to keep the wandering eyes off his armor and his belongings. Surely no one would recognize him. Not here.

He was a warrior for hire, a skilled swordsman whose only loyalty was to whomever paid him the most.

He stared into his cup of mead. Once, Darius Magloneus had been a proud and noble knight, serving a just king. He had been a strategist, a leader of men, planning wars and mounting attacks. He had served with a great elf, his friend and companion. He had had a wife. And a child. That was long ago. Before they came. The sorcerers and witches that had killed his king, brought down the wrath of dragons, and conjured up demons and spirits of the dead.

Darius' long, brown hair was pulled into a tail that hung around his neck, its end dangling from the hooded cloak. His face was shadowed with the stubble of three days of beard. His pale green eyes watched the patrons of the bar intently.

He saw the woman enter. Powerful, he saw. Surely a warrior. A worthy adversary, he decided, sizing her up in an instant. He had seen her before? Probably not, he decided, looking again at the cup of mead.

Darius saw the silver-haired one enter behind her. A magic user, he knew instantly. Darius had no use for magic. At least, not anymore. He wore the necessary amulet to guard against evil, but nothing more. He had seen magic's use perverted, twisted. He had seen what evil destruction it could cause. Not everyone was evil, he knew. He looked back again at the untouched cup of mead. Just the same, he should pay and leave. He gathered that he would find no work here.

OOC: A half elf, Mellin has dark red hair, and jade green eyes. very slight and thin, she isn't a fighter as much as a magic user.

IC: Mellin walked into the bar, regreting it as soon as she looked around. A fight seemed to be brewing. She pulled the silver cloak around her and crossed to an empty table in the corner. She ordered a mead, and decided it would be best for her to stay and watch and not draw anymore anttention to herself then neccisary.
STalker And Armis

Race : Sullivanian
Age: 30 (looks 20)
Hight: 8ft. ( He's SHort For his Race)
Weight: the same As the Oldest moutan
Build: Athatic And Mucular ( as Kindof A Swimmers Build)
Aperrance: Wears Dear Hied Pants, No shirt, Dark Gray Hair in Pony tail, Has Black Tiger Stripes tatooed All over His Body (No tatoos On His Face though) Deep Dark Blue Eyes
Yes He is Handsome

Race: Etin
Age :400 (looks 24)
Hiegt: 4ft
Weight: 90lbs.
build: Skinny But cut
Aperence : Cute. Impish Like pointed Ears, Tan Skin Time peirod apropreat Cloths Brown Hair Green Eyes

STalker And Armis enter the Town
"wel Stalk Lets Go get A Drink Be for W eGo For The Bounty"
" Ok Armis The Bounty Is Probly in the Bar Any Way. Lets Go Get that Drink"
The Walked In To The Bar And sat down At A tabel Armis Order The Drinks " Two Wiskys"
Frank dropped to the ground, looking at the door of the tavern with more than a casual glance.
Joach looked at the various horses as the bars, quickly going from one saddlebag to another.
"You're all clear, but hurry up though. Jonathus is nearly finished with his ale."
Joach nodded, pocketing bags of gold. He grabbed a couple of rings, putting them in the various pockets. A couple of small hand weapons, even a good pair of gauntlets.
"Someone's coming," Frank hissed running to the back of the store. Joach filled his pockets, running across the street. He looked back, it was only a small boy, emptying some of the ashtrays.
Sighing, Joach made his way back to the rooftop. Frank was there, chewing on a piece of jerky.
"Where'd you get that?"
"In the trash. It was a perfectly good piece of meat."
Joach growled at him, "What, and you didn't leave any for me?"
He handed him another piece, "We're a team remember."
Joach took a bite, pulling it apart. He began to lay out what they had gotten for the day.
"A good bounty, lots of newcomers here today. I can't believe all the things we got."