It’s The Economy And Misogyny And Stupid.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2020

(No, the thread title is not a typo.)

1) The economy: The high cost of living foisted on the American people by various government and corporate actions (many of which can be laid at the feet of DonOld and the right wing) was saddled TOTALLY on Democrats. (Including the costs of illegal immigration that DonOld and the "republicans" refused to address for political reasons - which served them well.)

2) Misogyny. I was concerned about this from the moment President Biden stepped aside. I actually opposed replacing President Biden, partially for that reason, and felt he could have survived if Democrats had circled the wagons and supported him instead of tearing at him from the left flank as he was being torn at from the right. That said, Kamala ran a splendid campaign, and was fully worthy of winning. Misogyny is real. There was a “Man-trum” in response to her candidacy. SOME "Men" have such fragile egos, and are terrified of a woman leading; maybe because she will do better than ALL the men that have put America in such a precarious position???


3) Stupid. (See, the thread title wasn’t a typo.) The exit polls reveal that DonOld won overwhelmingly with less educated members of the population. (I honestly believe they relate to DonOld because he is truly one of them underneath the trappings of his inherited wealth.) Ironically, those less educated individuals are probably going to suffer bigly under DonOld’s second administration, as prices will NOT go down on housing and basics, (that ain’t how things work) and social safety nets will likely be eroded. Now DonOld could TRY to be all things to all people and magically lower prices through tariffs while simultaneously cutting taxes, spending more on the military, gutting the immigrant labor force, spending vast amounts on immigration enforcement and a wall, and spending vast amounts on incarceration of every criminal - desperate and otherwise (excluding rich criminals, of course) - while also not touching Social Security and Medicare, etc… but…yeah…no… (Like I said, some people are stupid.)


So here we are.

"They" have "won"… "something".

A hollow, Pyrrhic victory, imho.

The election wasn’t stolen.

"They" own it - even as "they" turn a darker shade of orange.

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Obama knew full well that Harris wouldn’t close this out. Hence he was reluctant to endorse crowning her the new candidate, rather than her winning the right to it.

If the defence against that is that there wasn’t time, then some of the blame attaches to people around Biden who shouldn’t have spent so long sweeping an obvious deal-breaking problem under the rug.

If the border is perceived as a major failing why the fuck would you dare the people to vote for your “border czar”?
Obama knew full well that Harris wouldn’t close this out. Hence he was reluctant to endorse crowning her the new candidate, rather than her winning the right to it.

If the defence against that is that there wasn’t time, then some of the blame attaches to people around Biden who shouldn’t have spent so long sweeping an obvious deal-breaking problem under the rug.

If the border is perceived as a major failing why the fuck would you dare the people to vote for your “border czar”?

Everything I posted stands.




President Biden’s worsening speech impediment and an occasional gaffe was “a deal-breaking problem” (because Democrats have standards) but DonOld’s outrageous criminality, comments and behaviors wasn’t???





Kamala was NOT the “border czar”. She actually handled her assigned task of stemming the flow of migrants from three specific countries with aplomb.

Mayorkas could be considered the “border czar” if anyone could, and he performed quite well within the parameters of the law and the administrations policies.



Bottom line:

It’s the economy and misogyny and stupid; full stop.

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Everything I posted stands.




President Biden’s worsening speech impediment and an occasional gaffe was “a deal-breaking problem” (because Democrats have standards) but DonOld’s outrageous criminality, comments and behaviors wasn’t???





Kamala was NOT the “border czar”. She actually handled her assigned task of stemming the flow of migrants from three specific countries with aplomb.

Mayorkas could be considered the “border czar” if anyone could, and he performed quite well within the parameters of the law and the administrations policies.



Bottom line:

It’s the economy and misogyny and stupid; full stop.


Simultaneously here you show you’re still in denial - and gaslighting - about the scale of Bidens problem with your ludicrous ‘he’s got a stutter’ routine.

And STILL not getting it that yes - Trump IS held to different standards. It’s not right, it certainly isn’t fair, but it’s just how it is - you have to find a way to overcome it, not fucking moan about it.
Disbelief and stunned incredulity at the gullibility and naivety of the Americans that voted this conman back into office. Cult of personality, misinformation and misogyny win out.

Keep It Simple Stupid. A kiss from Trump to the country.
Simultaneously here you show you’re still in denial - and gaslighting - about the scale of Bidens problem with your ludicrous ‘he’s got a stutter’ routine.

And STILL not getting it that yes - Trump IS held to different standards. It’s not right, it certainly isn’t fair, but it’s just how it is - you have to find a way to overcome it, not fucking moan about it.


President Biden was governing magnificently, and had accomplished some amazing legislative and geopolitical victories. He only really struggled during an ill timed debate - after which he never fully recovered. And he was being mercilessly attacked on all fronts: the right, left, and the media.

Anyone who says that President Biden wasn’t performing the duties of the Presidency to a high degree of competence up to the day of the debate is the gaslighter. (And I noted that his stutter was WORSENING and he had some gaffes, which Indicates that I recognized he was struggling - so no gaslighting - whereas the MAGAts gaslight 24/7/365.)


All reports from members of congress and foreign diplomats, was that President Biden was in command and a contributing partner in all negotiations; full stop.

Yes, he deteriorated / struggled under the strain of being President AND campaigning, but so does every President.

President Biden might have survived and rallied if he had been supported, but that isn’t how things worked out.

It is what it is.



President Biden was governing magnificently, and had accomplished some amazing legislative and geopolitical victories. He only really struggled during an ill timed debate - after which he never fully recovered. And he was being mercilessly attacked on all fronts: the right, left, and the media.

Anyone who says that President Biden wasn’t performing the duties of the Presidency to a high degree of competence up to the day of the debate is the gaslighter. (And I noted that his stutter was WORSENING and he had some gaffes, which Indicates that I recognized he was struggling - so no gaslighting - whereas the MAGAts gaslight 24/7/365.)


All reports from members of congress and foreign diplomats, was that President Biden was in command and a contributing partner in all negotiations; full stop.

Yes, he deteriorated / struggled under the strain of being President AND campaigning, but so does every President.

President Biden might have survived and rallied if he had been supported, but that isn’t how things worked out.

It is what it is.



An ‘ill timed debate” being anything after his 8pm peepeye time ?

Like I said, you’re gaslighting.
Simultaneously here you show you’re still in denial - and gaslighting - about the scale of Bidens problem with your ludicrous ‘he’s got a stutter’ routine.
Biden's mental acuity is still superior to Trump's. It was superior when they both were young, and that has not changed as they have aged.
An ‘ill timed debate” being anything after his 8pm peepeye time ?

Like I said, you’re gaslighting.


No, an “ill timed debate” - as in - shortly after TWO SEPARATE transatlantic trips, immediately followed by a California campaign fundraiser, etc, and then straight into heavy (and overloaded) debate prep. (While simultaneously dealing with Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan. etc.)

President Biden’s team of advisors either sabotaged him, or failed to rein him in as he engaged in a travel / diplomatic / fundraising / campaign schedule that would have compromised most mens’ ability to debate who are half his age.

No gaslighting - just the facts.



No, an “ill timed debate” - as in - shortly after TWO SEPARATE transatlantic trips, immediately followed by a California campaign fundraiser, etc, and then straight into heavy (and overloaded) debate prep. (While simultaneously dealing with Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan. etc.)

President Biden’s team of advisors either sabotaged him, or failed to rein him in as he engaged in a travel / diplomatic / fundraising / campaign schedule that would have compromised most mens’ ability to debate who are half his age.

No gaslighting - just the facts.



How “shortly” after ?
How “shortly” after ?

Everything I listed was a continuous schedule.

President Biden was overloaded and exhausted - and, yes, old - which ALL contributed to his poor performance.

No gaslighting.

I even acknowledged that his lack of vigor / exhaustion compromised his ability to message at a high level (faint praise at best): Kamala did much better, but was not rewarded.

The truth is, President Biden got a bit of a pass because everybody knew he was a stutterer and a bit of a gaffe machine, but they knew his heart and soul were good.

He might have rallied if given a chance and a lightened schedule, but that never really happened - for various reasons.

Again: It is what it is.

What happened to the 18 million voters that voted in 2020 but didn’t vote in 2024? Even Trump received fewer votes this time around.
some of them? covid and worsening natural disasters
the super religiousy types won't have voted for Kamala; the majority of middle-aged-plus Latino men also for the same reason... abortion is 'bad' and women should know their places and do as they're told. The Black men who voted for him will also have their own misogyny to colour their views, and then there are the already lost women who believe men should tell them what to do/be/how to think/dress/behave or simply act that way to further their own greed at the expense of their own integrity.

an informed voter is a wise voter, and republicans are on the side winning right now who fully intend to suppress knowledge in order to keep their base happily ignorant.
what pisses me off is that the facts are all there about the economy: soft landing? achieved; most successful economy in the world post covid? achieved; all those prize-winning economists spelling out the far better Harris/Walz plan than the far more expensive, detrimental trump/vance one

the experts told the public but the trump public chose to ignore that completely as 'fake news' (or never got to hear it in the first place)
the super religiousy types won't have voted for Kamala; the majority of middle-aged-plus Latino men also for the same reason... abortion is 'bad' and women should know their places and do as they're told. The Black men who voted for him will also have their own misogyny to colour their views, and then there are the already lost women who believe men should tell them what to do/be/how to think/dress/behave or simply act that way to further their own greed at the expense of their own integrity.

an informed voter is a wise voter, and republicans are on the side winning right now who fully intend to suppress knowledge in order to keep their base happily ignorant.

Just be aware, it’s really all about the economy and people’s pocketbook.

A lot of people "think" DonOld is going to make things better, and are going to be big mad in two plus years when things are dramatically worse. (Some Americans are actually under the impression that things couldn’t get worse, when in reality, President Biden and Vice President Harris forestalled an economic collapse / catastrophe for the average American.)

Get ready for a real populist uprising when DonOld and the MAGAt "republicans" either do nothing and collapse the economy, or go full austerity, and collapse the economy.

They’re already talking about "fixing everything" in the first 100 days". Translation: Social Security and Medicare are on the chopping block (and the ACA), along with education, IRS tax fraud investigations, more tax cuts that will cripple the Federal Government’s ability to respond to natural and man-made disasters, less regulation of predatory lending and corporate rental housing monopolies, etc, etc.

ALL Americans are going to get the small government that the MAGAts voted for.

I hope everyone is stocked up on bootstraps.


Everything I listed was a continuous schedule.

President Biden was overloaded and exhausted - and, yes, old - which ALL contributed to his poor performance.

No gaslighting.

I even acknowledged that his lack of vigor / exhaustion compromised his ability to message at a high level (faint praise at best): Kamala did much better, but was not rewarded.

The truth is, President Biden got a bit of a pass because everybody knew he was a stutterer and a bit of a gaffe machine, but they knew his heart and soul were good.

He might have rallied if given a chance and a lightened schedule, but that never really happened - for various reasons.

Again: It is what it is.


My question was “how shortly after?”. It’s pertinent because you obviously want people to believe the poor guy flew into the country, and was whisked straight off to the studio before his feet touched the ground.

Not sure why it took 7 paragraphs to not answer it.

Well, actually that’s not strictly true. I know very well why you’re ducking it, and so do you.

(No, the thread title is not a typo.)

1) The economy: The high cost of living foisted on the American people by various government and corporate actions (many of which can be laid at the feet of DonOld and the right wing) was saddled TOTALLY on Democrats. (Including the costs of illegal immigration that DonOld and the "republicans" refused to address for political reasons - which served them well.)

2) Misogyny. I was concerned about this from the moment President Biden stepped aside. I actually opposed replacing President Biden, partially for that reason, and felt he could have survived if Democrats had circled the wagons and supported him instead of tearing at him from the left flank as he was being torn at from the right. That said, Kamala ran a splendid campaign, and was fully worthy of winning. Misogyny is real. There was a “Man-trum” in response to her candidacy. SOME "Men" have such fragile egos, and are terrified of a woman leading; maybe because she will do better than ALL the men that have put America in such a precarious position???


3) Stupid. (See, the thread title wasn’t a typo.) The exit polls reveal that DonOld won overwhelmingly with less educated members of the population. (I honestly believe they relate to DonOld because he is truly one of them underneath the trappings of his inherited wealth.) Ironically, those less educated individuals are probably going to suffer bigly under DonOld’s second administration, as prices will NOT go down on housing and basics, (that ain’t how things work) and social safety nets will likely be eroded. Now DonOld could TRY to be all things to all people and magically lower prices through tariffs while simultaneously cutting taxes, spending more on the military, gutting the immigrant labor force, spending vast amounts on immigration enforcement and a wall, and spending vast amounts on incarceration of every criminal - desperate and otherwise (excluding rich criminals, of course) - while also not touching Social Security and Medicare, etc… but…yeah…no… (Like I said, some people are stupid.)


So here we are.

"They" have "won"… "something".

A hollow, Pyrrhic victory, imho.

The election wasn’t stolen.

"They" own it - even as "they" turn a darker shade of orange.


1) Don't believe your lying eyes folks, Democrat policy is perfect, uncontrolled immigration while strangling your housing market to death with absurd restrictions, permitting, taxes and zoning is 100% rainbow unicorn dick juice without any negatives....TRUST ME BRO!!!

2) Girl boss man hater isn't the problem!!! Her approach of trying to shame demographics her and most if not all the DNC hates on 24/7 is clearly flawless, the ONLY reason anyone didn't vote for her is because she has a vag. Clearly.

3) "less educated" = people who didn't financially crippled themselves for the rest of their lives and need the "less educated" to pay it for them.

LOL cope harder comrade.
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Everything I listed was a continuous schedule.

President Biden was overloaded and exhausted - and, yes, old - which ALL contributed to his poor performance.

No gaslighting.

I even acknowledged that his lack of vigor / exhaustion compromised his ability to message at a high level (faint praise at best): Kamala did much better, but was not rewarded.

The truth is, President Biden got a bit of a pass because everybody knew he was a stutterer and a bit of a gaffe machine, but they knew his heart and soul were good.

He might have rallied if given a chance and a lightened schedule, but that never really happened - for various reasons.

Again: It is what it is.

So in other words he’s an old man with low energy and faulty mental acuity and he couldn’t hack a presidential schedule much less a debate.

Got it.
My question was “how shortly after?”. It’s pertinent because you obviously want people to believe the poor guy flew into the country, and was whisked straight off to the studio before his feet touched the ground.

Not sure why it took 7 paragraphs to not answer it.

Well, actually that’s not strictly true. I know very well why you’re ducking it, and so do you.
I’m not sure he understands AF-1 is a flying condo and Pudd’n Head could get as much rest and relaxation as he wanted or needed.

It gets old having to explain the simplest things to the Radicalized
My question was “how shortly after?”. It’s pertinent because you obviously want people to believe the poor guy flew into the country, and was whisked straight off to the studio before his feet touched the ground.

Not sure why it took 7 paragraphs to not answer it.

Well, actually that’s not strictly true. I know very well why you’re ducking it, and so do you.


This is from a Deadline report:

“Biden traveled earlier in June to Normandy, France for D-Day anniversary celebrations from June 4-9. He returned to the United States, then traveled back to Europe for the G7 summit in Italy from June 13-15. He flew from there to Los Angeles for a fundraiser. He traveled to Camp David, the presidential retreat, on June 20, and he remained there for a week which included debate preparation.”


That ^ is a brutal schedule for anyone, let alone the POTUS who is 81 years old.


And, again, I acknowledge that he struggled.

Where is the gaslighting???


I and my fellow Democrats held him to a standard regardless of circumstances. He owned his decisions leading up to the debate.
