Life is too short for....


Flawed but REAL
Feb 2, 2011
Serious, funny, sexual, life wisdom.. whatever goes! What is life too short to put up with/without?
Life is too short to put up with fear/bullshit.. I do my best to be real, even when it scares me!
Life is too short to pre-rinse every goddamn dish.

Sometimes, you just gotta throw it in the dishwasher and cross your fingers.
Life is too short to hide inside your comfort zone.

Now if only I could take my own advice... :rolleyes:
LITSF dwelling in self misery on a porn forum because it will consume you.
life is too short to spend on regrets

Very true! But I find it depends how you use those regrets. If stuck dwelling on the past, and it’s holding you back, I agree completely. I have used past regrets though, to spur me on in an indecisive moment, so sometimes they can be motivational ;)