Looking for a story


Feb 11, 2012
I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post this thread but I’m looking for a story that I can’t remember the name of.

It’s a brother/sister incest story. It’s starts off with the brother finding out that his girlfriend is cheating on him with his now ex-best friend. The girlfriend justified it by pointing out his close relationship to his sister, which some people seem to think is romantic/sexual in nature already. The brother winds up inviting his sister to a trip to Ireland that he was planning to take with his girlfriend in order to figure things out with his sister. They wind up having sex in Dublin (I think) and the story ends with his sister breaking the news to her brother that she’s pregnant.

Anyone knows what story I’m talking about?

The author has also written another brother/sister story. In it a man has died and his wife and daughter moved in with his son, whom has his own place, temporarily. The son shows his sister and mother around town, and the brother and sister has sex that night after their mother went to bed. But they weren’t particularly quiet about it and their mother became aware of it right away. The following day the mother reveals her plan to move out and get a small place of her own, saying that she loves the brother and sister no matter what and that she supports their new relationship.

It is in three parts and is currently unfinished, last I read it. I can’t recall that story’s title either.