maddock, one of the 16 republicans involved with forged documents, blames t-campaign


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Maddock was one of 16 Republicans who signed the document in December 2020. Her comments, made at a conservative gathering last week, were first reported by CNN.

"We fought to seat the electors," Maddock said, referring to efforts after the 2020 election by her and her husband, state Representative Matt Maddock. "The Trump campaign asked us to do that. I'm under a lot of scrutiny for that today."

Michigan was one of several battleground states to send slates of electors falsely claiming that Trump won those states. The liberal advocacy group American Oversight posted copies of those documents last year.
I presume the board Trumpettes are still referring to this forged elector documents issue as fake news--something that Rachel Maddow manufactured(?) :rolleyes:
I presume the board Trumpettes are still referring to this forged elector documents issue as fake news(?) :rolleyes:
i'd imagine so... something to do with space lasers and yellow starred unvaxxed incarcerations in death camps
If I was in Michigan, I'd be pushing for her impeachment.