Need help finding a story! (Strange and specific details)


Sep 7, 2018
Hi! I'm looking for a story I read maybe 4 years ago. It was quite long (~10 plus chapters), and I only remember details from different chapters, so I'm having trouble finding it using advanced search.

This story was most likely filed under the BDSM category, but possibly in nonconsent/reluctance at first. (Please be aware that you're in for a wild ride, the story goes to some pretty weird places). Here are the things I remember:

The story's starting premise is a young woman going to therapy. She has an eating disorder related to a sexual assault or sexual trauma that she suffered. The male therapist starts slowly falling for her. I remember that there's a line like, "I know it's wrong but..." or something to that effect.

She eventually ends up at his apartment and they have sex. He's very protective of her the first time they meet up. There's a large window overlooking the city in his bedroom, and I think there might be a scene where they open the blinds and see people watching them. They have a D/s relationship, the woman is submissive.

Eventually the couple becomes a thruple, with the addition of another man. I don't remember how this guy is introduced, but I think they have a slight D/s relationship, with the therapist being dominant again. There's a scene in later chapters where just the two men are fucking, and the second guy is topping the therapist, but the therapist is taking it in a dominant way (and there's some discussion of Dom roles within that scene)

There's also a chapter where the woman gets her breasts and pussy lips inflated with some sort of saline(?) solution injection. I think it mightve been framed as a birthday present from the Dom, but I'm not 100% sure.

I think one of the final chapters is a party that the thruple is hosting, and it turns into an outdoor orgy with some spiritual overtones.

It's such a long shot! But if someone remembers the author or story name or maybe some other details like character names, I would be so so grateful!!