Need some input


Nov 3, 2003
I've been wanting to do a convent story for a while. The priest and nuns get up to a few kinky things, and for the first chapter the main character is mostly a curious voyeur before becoming seduced by the lifestyle.

So what things should she stumble across between her daily prayers? I'm not wanting full on orgies, but maybe punishments for sins, testing of faith, daily duties etc

It's definitely a WIP, and may take a few months, but suggestions would be extremely helpful.
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wishfulthinking said:
I've been wanting to do a convent story for a while. The priest and nuns get up to a few kinky things, and for the first chapter the main character is mostly a curious voyeur before becoming seduced by the lifestyle.

So what things should she stumble across between her daily prayers? I'm not wanting full on orgies, but maybe punishments for sins, testing of faith etc

It's definitely a WIP, and may take a few months, but suggestions would be extremely helpful.

Hi wish,

I am going to guess your main character is a Nun?
If a Nun she is Catholic then?

Here is a thought or two not knowing if it is or can be realted to your story.

I have this cousin who is a wacko, (yup it runs in the family) from California. She happens to be a dream of a girl as far as looks go. OK the wacko part she is one of those idiots who are fighting the Catholic church to allow females to be priests. Has completed all the book work yet can't be ordained.

Oh God! What if she reads this? [evil laugh]
Actually I think she gave it up.

Back to your theme,
What if the nun in your story is wanting to be a priest?

In the mean time she needs to keep to her comitments as a Nun, but in her spare time she can associate and partake in the priests functions, just limited by the fact she is still a female and that is the only thing separating her from being an actual Priest.

As far as Nuneries and what the routine of Nuns are these days since they have kicked the "Habbit" that is a good question.

I would imagine they still do a morning, noon, and nightly devotion. Generally speaking the Rosery was done in the Am and evenings.

I would also guess most Nuns still teach school of some sort from High school up is more than expected as well as other things.

Perhaps during her day she finds students tantalizing as they make out and she has to stop them?

Maybe she walks in on Fr Willie as he is Changing from service? I know priests don't change they just wear over robes.

I am not going to say she catches a priest giving confession. That would be stating the obvious. But maybe she gives confession? ? ? and the things said turn her on. Or overhears a confession then makes it routine. Or hides a mini recorder?

It would not be uncommon for a Nun to dedicate time to certain causes as well. Like helping the elderly or sick. Donating time to a local hospital or fund drive.

She could help with a Car wash, Bizzar, (maybe she is the one sitting in the dunk tank)

Maybe she gets off whacking the students with a yard stick?

It is hard to give items she can do in public and still be a voyeur, while maintaining the respect of a Nun. Nuns do, do things today that they would not have done a few years ago. But still most people don't associate nuns with the real world. They think of movies like Nunsense and that is pushing what a Nun should do.

The other thing is many think Nun and think old decrepit woman. I know this is not true, but it is a stereo typical thought.

Maybe she does the shopping and cooking for the others. So she strokes the squash once too many times before cutting it?

Here is a thought she could teach an adult bible class for men. Maybe men studying to be priests or just a local church gathering.
For learning purposes she could have them act out the scenes or lessons and finds it arousing to be able to manipulate them into certain positions?

Maybe it is not a bible class just some pagent, she is directing/helping?


Oh I hate to even think of saying let me sleep on this thought. As far as I know all Priests and Nuns are going to Hell, It is a damn good thing Laurel don't allow beastiality. :eek:

Just kidding! If I am on the right path or not with those thoughts let it be known. I am really just guessing by your post.

Maybe you should talk to some nuns. I met with and worked with a few in the late 'sixties. Nuns are generally out, engaged in the community, but with a secret sisterhood side to their lives. The habit is seen less and less. These women were rape counselors, runaway counselors, workers in the trenches helping the underside of society get by with less misery. There were two in particular who were very down-to-earth, quite admirable people.

I also knew (to speak to) a nun administrator. She was a cast iron bitch with a rocklike conviction she was not in the wrong. But bosses and administrators are like that, nun or no nun, if you're with me. I lost touch with the movement and got married, graduated college... I don't know any nuns now. But what can it hurt?

I take it, though, that it is the closed-doors, secret society aspect of it that stimulates you. That I was closed out of, naturally. But the rules and organization of convents and communities of monks are not secret. The prayer hours, the division of labor.

That kind of detail is findable. Snoop's idea is good there.