OOC: Casting/Buffy:The Vampire Slayer -- Slayer For a Day.


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
I want to start a Buffy thread, and am setting it, chronologically, between the point where Angel was once again evil, and before he had killed Jenny Calender. Here is the main plot point, the spirit that makes Buffy the slayer is some how being jumped around to her friends bodies... Every day, it jaunts to another one of her friends...

I need people, who can post at least every other day...

All characters other than Willow are open to be picked, so pick. I will take whoever isn't taken...

Angel wannabes, remember, he's going to be evil in this thread...

I hope to see this one take off...

Thank you.
Buffy - Taken (Lady_Siren)

Giles - Taken (Ravenloft)

Xander - Taken (Poohlive)

Willow - Taken (Maid of Marvels)

Oz - Taken (Angelus)

Cordillia - Taken (Mistress)

Mrs Summers (Buffy's mom) - open

Jenny Calender - Taken (papillon24)

Spike - Taken (Petrel)

Drusilla - Taken (Lady J)

Angel - Taken (Mackdaddy)

(Thats all of the main characters I can think of off the top of my head at this chronological point in the show... If anyone knows of any others, let me know...)
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Hey Ravenloft and Mistress, I am not that familiar with the show, but I am willing to play a vampire if needed. If you can just tell me what are the abilities/vulnerabilites of them on the show. Ever show, thread, movie, has different ones so I want to make sure that he would be within the general guidelines.

OMG, it's about time. I just watched all of season II, now out on VHS and DVD, so I'm all caught up!

Can I be Dru? Puhleeez!
Arc, I'm picking up any characters that don't get taken, and going to direct the thread the best I can.

Lady J, Dru's yours.
Xander is the sarcastic good looking tall guy right? The rip-off Chandler character from Friends who doesn't have any right being in the show except for comic relief?
Yeah, I'll take him.

Speaking of which, what do you mean by slayer powers? the ability to menstrate when vampires are near?
(hee hee)
Hahah! Very funny Pooh! "Strength and skill", remember? Oh, and cramps... Yeah, thats right. Heh, I forgot.
I'll do Spike - do I get to be alyer too? or can I just prowl around being sarky and sexy?
If there is still an opening I would like to be Buffy. I've watched every episode of that show without fail. I'm a big fan :D
Okay, we need just a couple more people and I will get this up and running. "Slayer for a day."
Well seeming as nobody has taken him then I'll take Oz if I can.
Alright then, it lookes like with the addition of papillon24, we are all set to start. I will have the link to the thread up in a moment, once I make the thread, and will have the ooc linked in the first post as well.

Hope to see this thread last!

Everybody, cross your fingers! ;)
Okay... Just saw the thread. I have a couple of things to do but will get something up by this evening. :kiss: