OOC: Small Towns


Lit's Original Mistress
Feb 17, 2001
Ok trying the story thread again. :)
Modern story, modern situations, I guess I'm into a realistic kick at the moment. I could use some players, please PM me with details of your characters then I'll advise you on whether or not to post the bios in this thread.

I have a tendency to post sporadically, so it may not be a fast moving thread, fair warning. I appreciate the help in making it run, if you wish to join.


Jordan St. Paul

AGE: 23
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown with red tint
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: Trimmed but average
SKIN: Tanned

OCCUPATION: Nothing at the moment.

ANY PROBLEMS: Two months pregnant, though not showing and it is not something anyone other then her cousin knows about for right now. City girl comes to cousin's small town to get away from the wild life she use to live. Makes friends and maybe falls in love....

Ok so I'm a sucker for romances that seem out of place, and for people who are opposites. :)

Umm more details later.........
Steve, owner of the only local store that has anything other than ships and beef jerky. A small outlet store where the prices aren't too high, and since there's no place else, people hang out there.
Steve is a nice kind man, around thirty. He got the store from his father who died a few years ago because of a heart attack.
The store has no other employees, but Steve is thinking, since business is up, that he might hire someone.
I'll post as soon as we get one more person.
Ok, still looking for some more people and I need my cousin Rochelle........
Rochelle St. Paul

Age: 23
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Height: 5'10
Build: Athletic
Skin: Pale

Occupation: Beautician

Problems: Divorced... no children at this time. Ex is a cop and a constant pain in the $%^.
Name: Alex Kincaid
Age: 25
Hair: Honey Brown
Eyes: Green
Occupation: Mechanic/ local repairman

INFO: Alex is kind and has a thing for woman. He is not a womanizer rather he is facinated by them and has a respect for them. He loves helping around town and is the type of guy who believes in true love.
whoops I replied without seeing the OOC thread... hmmm:)
Morwen said:
whoops I replied without seeing the OOC thread... hmmm:)

Could you please edit out your post?
I already have someone in the role of Rochelle. If you wish to continue with a new character then please PM me as I asked.

Thank You
Thomas Albert Housler

Age 24



Medium length black hair. (A strand or two always seems to fall down in his face)

Cool blue eyes.

DJ for the local radio station.

Info: Thomas has been the towns DJ for nearly four years, the moment he even says a word people know him. He thinks himself a joke, but a good number of the towns folk see him as something of a celebrity. It annoys him a little, what he really wanted to be doing by this time in his life was to be writing novels, he had plenty of stuff written, but none of it was ever published. He has a single bedroom apartment, a cat, and a rather nice car. But still no novel to his credit...
kurt Jones

Age: 31
height: 5'8
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Military cut, brown.
Skin: Very Pale

kurt Jones just recently returned to town. The last 8 years her spend in a prison for assult and battery.
Kurt was known to be a wild kid back in his early 20's, thus the conviction he has.

As he returned, he was but a shadow of his former wild self. Mostly keeps to himself, and lives completely alone.
Kurt is not really sure, if returning to town was the wise thing to do after so many years in Prison, but it is all he knows. Thus he returns.

Kurt likes his solitude. Prison however, has made him rather paranoid, and he dont respond well to larger groups of people anymore.