OOC: Star Trek Star Wars crossover casting call


Really Experienced
Dec 21, 2000
ok guys i have been working on this for a while, for those of you who helped me thank you. so pick your postions on either the star trek side or the star wars side, ive picked the caption of the ship coming from star trek, alls i need is a crew. now this takes pace in 2272 one year after star trek the motion picture, and during the empire strikes back. so hop on if ya want.
I'll take Luke! I wanna be Luke! I am a Jedi Knight!

I swear to god, even though I sound goofy, I'm a good RPer, lol. Just the thought of being a jedi gets me all giddy
Hey stark! Good to see ya takin the initative and makin this here casting call!!!! :D

I'll jump on, and are we doing the Enterprise crew, or a totally different ship?

Either way, you KNOW I'm in. :D Just give me a bit to think of a character.
OOC: moridin you can play luke if you want, and val it is going to be a whole new crew:D I have always wanted to do this. once you get your character worked out put him up, oh and val i call caption:D , just like the old days.
Kinsen Dirk reporting for duty El Capitan.

An ensign aboard your humble ship... Who might just have some Middy Chlorians *Or how the fuck ever you spell it* in his blood...

Hey Moridin, good to know you're aboard! This will be an interesting thread, two of my oldest friends, and if we can get Lady Dark Fire... Well, two of my newest too! Lets rock!
Im Not going to Be On Your Ship

But ill Play A Guy From Star trek The New Captian Captian John Decker
ok glad to see people are jumping on, so heres soething new to play with. the ship instar trek needs a crew, so imgoing to list some open postions ans pick the ones you want.

science officer

we may not need all of these, but at least the bridge crew. ans postions in the star wars universe are still open, like caption of a star destoryer, or the super star destoryer.

Raven nice idea on the ensign, gives me alot to play with.

Jerahmeel, you play obi wan, should be intresting to see how he and luke react to ravens guy.

Logan, vader is all yours, have fun with him, i look forward to his reaction to all of this.

Dark Talon, caption decker, what do you have in store for him in all of this? PM me if you want with the details.

this should be exciting to see what happens:D :D :D :D :D
Two questions:

1) Is this gonna work through one of those many, many Star Trek Plot-.. errr.. Wormholes/Spatial Anomalies, or are we going on the premise that the two universes co-exist, simply in different galaxies?

2) When are we gonna get this shindig started?
Well Its going to have to do woth something like that, but its going to be more dangerous, I cant say any more than taht(it will give away to much). As far as when thids going to start...I was hoping to get more people for my ship, but I cant wait any longer, if someone wants to join theyll have to jsut jump in.

I think Im going to start this thred in January, givsse me enough time to visit family and stuff, so I can comcentrayte on this. hope thats not to early.
What do you think of some of us playing more then one Charcter. I mean if we dont get enought some of us can play two chartcers. It is just a idea let me know what you think. I would be willing to do two.
Okay, I like Star Wars and all, but I am a true Trekkie. I will be a holographic doctor working on your ship.

Emergency Medical Hologram:
Modeled after Robert Picardo, the same EMH as in Voyager, I have the same physical characteristics of a balding head and dark hair.

Tada! Anyway, whenever this gets started, I'd love to be included. By the way, this fullfills your medical needs, right?
if youy want to ply more than one character go ahead, its fine with me.

the hologarafic doctor idea is good, but one problem...this story takes place one year after star trek the motion picture?

however if its ok with everyone we can move up the date a little and you can ply your holo doctor.

i think i will consider it...what does everone else think??
I'll vote for it, let 'im be the doc and let's move the timeline up just a bit...

Also, January sounds good, Hopefully I'm going to be busy most of the time from a few days from now until January 2nd so I won't be able to do much RPing
Hmmm... okay, didn't even think about the timeline. In that case, I'll play an experimental android version of a doctor. Does that work?
I would also like to be Spock. Is that all right he was in the SNG. So he is alive. Volcan's grow to be very old.
Ok gang were moving up, the timeperiod is now based in the late 23rd century, around star trek 6, our ship is a Excelisor class named the U.S.S Venture commanded by caption Charles Remington, now heres a little background, kirk has retired from starfleet and is waiting to see the new enterprise b, my ship has just finished being built, and needs a shakedown cruise, thats were my crew comes in. Now when the thread starts we will jsut be leaving spacedock. hpoe this helps out a bit.

Those of you who want to play more than one charcter go ahead, I will be starting the thread jan. 2nd of 2002, so get your ideas generated and prepare for warp speed.

the experomantel andriod bit is excellent go for it. Playing spock is ok too, but lets not get to many origanl cast members.
Ok stark, I'm gonna play your commander. :D

Commander Timothy Huntington.

He was just recently promoted to the rank of commander, and the venture will be his first post as 1st officer. He was a helmsman before his promotion.

Just a little background there. Waiting anxiously for you to start this!!!!
well val im waiting too, just need to hammer out a few details and then i can get started, the offical stardate of the thread wil be : 010402.0 see ya alll there.
RE: Android doctor

Okay, I'll figure out what I'm doing by the new year... catch you cats on the other side.
Can I play the young Obi-Wan. I think that would make the thing with Luke and Obi-Wan even more intersting.
i dont see why not, just figure out how he got to be so young at this time of the movie, thats all, i want to tahnk all of you for waiting, beleve me it will be worth it.