OOC: We Still need Some more Basic Manster threads


Damaged but not Broken
Aug 9, 2001
This is A Casting Call For A New therd that is A Basic Monster thred Bassed on Speciel unit 2 For those of you who have not seen the show Its A Bout A Group of cops Who investigate Unusual cases that in Valf Monsters Think MiB With Cops And Monsters Thay cal mosters Links Let me know what you think
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OOC: Sounds awesome to me, I have never seen the show before, but from what Ive read it sounds good. THe only thing i can compare it to is my favorite playstation game of all time parasite eve 1and 2. it sounds pretty much the same, I like your idea. im defently going to join...sounds like fun.

I have seen the show I ll Play Carl the Gnome who is your in formint and lignk asosiet