Poker Game


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2004
I had a strange idea come to me in the night, what if we roleplayed a poker game. It would be quite simple five to nine players, plus myself as an all time dealer. The game would be Texas Hold'em with all the rules inherent in the game. I would PM each player with their cards and then we would post our actions. Everyone would get ten thousand points and we would play until one person has all the points. Of course you don't truly win anything but it might be fun. All forms of trash talking will be allowed but please don't give away your cards, just like a real game.

All regular actions will be in affect, simply post weather you Call, Raise, Fold or occasionally Check. The blinds will be set at 50-100 and there will be no-limit. If you have no real clue as how to play this game just post a question or PM me and I shall try to explain it.

As some of you may know Position is an important part of poker so as there are nine spaces, it if first come first served. This is truly an OOC thread so no need for a character so just post the postion you wish to have.

Positions Availble:

Dealer-Taken by me

The dealer button and Big Blind will be determined once all positions are filled. If you are wondering weather or not I am just going to make up your cards rest assured that I will simply shuffle a deck of cards and deal them out for a nine table game you have to trust me that I will not simply make up anything. You will also have to wait your turn to make your action, you can post talking and such but don't call or raise until it is your turn. After each action I will inform everyone who's turn it is and recap the previous turns action. For instance if Position 2 bets 500 points which is a raise of the blind I will post Raise 400 action to position 3. Now if everyone knows it is their turn, feel free to take action, if this is the case I will simply recap the hand before the next round. I am probably describeing this in a way to confuse you but truthfully it won't be much different than playing an on-line game, just no neat graphics to look at.