Question for fellow Second Amendment supporters

The argument that we need guns to protect ourselves from the government is an argument that should only appeal to criminals and terrorists.
So the Ukrainians with guns fighting the Russian government invading Ukraine are criminals and terrorists. Interesting take, that one.
So the Ukrainians with guns fighting the Russian government invading Ukraine are criminals and terrorists. Interesting take, that one.

THE more interesting thing is that they've been fighting the Russians who have tanks, planes, bombs, and nuclear missiles with little more than AK's.

Someone once said (or maybe said it more than once) that you need F-15's and nuclear missiles to do that...
Why stop at nuclear weapons, when everyone will soon be able to buy their own satellite and space laser courtesy of musk?

You haven’t bought your space laser yet? I got a great bargain on one when the Jewish Space Laser Corp upgraded from the JSL6 to the JSL7.

I’ve found the JSL6 to be more than adequate for my needs. I mainly use it to start wildfires in red states.
The Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of Tyrants. Or would be tyrants.
The Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of Tyrants. Or would be tyrants.
Yeah, yeah, yea we get it. :rolleyes:
Always an oldie but goodie to hear the battle cry of the lazy screamed from a couch.
As far as I'm concerned I should be able to have whatever a potential adversary has to use against me. I would only need a bigger trailer to haul an H Bomb, tank or jet fighter.
Only in the sense that the 2A was intended to facilitate a militia-based defense system -- a concept now entirely obsolete and irrelevant. Insurrection was never the point of it.

Not at all, and it was part of the point.

Jefferson lied. Accept it.

No he didn't, he's been proven right on more than one occasion as well.