Shoe Porn; A New Beginning of More

The least you could do is post a pic of a pair of shoes to kick things off on the new thread.

Sheesh. ;)

Sally's post...... A good ending is also a strong beginning....

I knew we could count on you Liz...... ;)

I am thinking the heels will be wearing the strip out soon......

Nice pair

(See my signature.)

LOL. Sorry Fara. But it's Springtime and almost Summer. White is "in" for the next few months. (try to avert your eyes and definitely don't look down for the next 3-4 months!)

Though I do have to agree with you on those platforms with the taffeta bows - they're not for me either! :rose:
Not exactly what you would call "Porn shoes". But I love them because they are "playful" and cute. :)

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Shoe porn isn’t just for the ladies ;)


agree! Time to figure out this posting bit so I can contribute....I have more shoes than most guys. All quite nice. Have had one pair of shell cordovan for over a year that I've never worn yet!

However, I do not have any monk straps like these - just never got into the look
Oh I think I just died and went to heaven!!!
I agree Orchadia, it’s something I always look at. Bad shoes are a total turn off.
