Star Wars: Shadow Rising


Thermonuclear Omnipotency
Oct 8, 2001
The setting is the New Republic, many years after the Battle of Endor that took place in The Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker is now a master Jedi, Han and Leia are married with children, Jacen, Jana, and Anakin. If you have read any of the recent books, then you know the places characters such as Mara Jade, Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissian, and others hold. Some minor changes to the story lines are in effect.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......

It is a period of birth and expansion for the New Republic. Worlds that had suffered under the tyranny of the Empire have now prospered. It is a bright time for the new government.

A series of attacks by pirates have caused several worlds to halt shipments of precious materials to the world of Tarth. In a plea for aide, Tarth's government has requested to formally join the New Republic. General Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron have been dispatched to meet with the Tarth military in order to halt the pirate attacks.

A confidential informant has contacted Han Solo, claiming to have information that the pirate attacks are not what they seem. It is now suspected that the attacks are an attempt to draw the New Republic into a conflict with a new and powerful enemy. An enemy who bears traces of the Dark Side........

Han Solo sat in a corner booth in the dingy, smokey interior of the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine. Sitting next to him was Lando Calrissian. They exchanged a look as Han laid a card down on the table. Lando shook his head and smiled. He had beaten the captain of the Milleneum Falcon again. Han looked up, peering through the moving bodies of the patrons until he caught the eyes of Luke Skywalker.

Skywalker nodded ever-so-slightly to his friend. He shifted positions on the bench upon which he sat, against the far wall of the cantina. He felt the weight of his lightsaber against his left thigh. He was centered in the Force. Patient. Waiting. Solo's contact, the informant, would meet them soon.

Skywalker glanced around the interior. There were Ithorians, with the curious hammerhead-like faces and dual mouths, and their were Twileks, with their head-tails wrapped around them. A few Rodians were about, their small green heads and big eyes moving as they talked. Luke settled his gaze on a human not far from his table. The man nodded at Luke, then turned his attention to the man seated beside him. The human was Dar O'Bonn, a Jedi Luke had trained to completion. The man beside him was Cass, a special operative of the New Republic's Intelligence Division.

A Twilek female sauntered up to Luke's table. She swayed her hips seductively to the music played by the cantina band. Skywalker shook his head. She leaned closer, asking him if he was sure. Luke made a gesture with his gloved right hand. It was a simple gesture. It was the gesture of a Jedi. The Twilek walked away, her face a look of confusion. Skywalker looked away, catching the eye of Mara Jade.

Mara sat a few tables away. She raised an eyebrow at Luke, her face tightened in mock anger. Skywalker winked at her and smiled slightly. Beside Mara, the Wookie Chewbacca was laughing at him. Skywalker shook his head and turned again to stare in the direction of the door.

And they waited......

Ok, jump in. Pick a character, or add one of your own. Leia and her entourage of ambassadors is currently enroute to Tarth to handle the admission of the planet into the New Republic. Oh, I get to be Skywalker (yeah, I know, but this is my idea, so there! lol).

May the Force be with you.