Survey For Women Only- Win A Magic Wand


Loves Spam
Apr 10, 2015
This thread is for females only. Males don't waste time with your comments, suggestions or requests. Completing survey enters you in a contest to win an Amazon gift certificate for a Magic Wand. There are no right or wrong answers here, and of course you remain anonymous. So take the survey, have fun and maybe win a vibrant prize.

You may answer the survey here or private message me your answers.

1) Age?

2) Location (city and/or state)?

3) Martial Status?

4) Body Type (choose one):
Thin, Average, Athletic, Curvy, Slight Overweight, Obese

5) Describe hair color, lenght and style and eye color.

6) On average, how many times do you masturbate per week?
a) More than 10 b) 4-9 c) 1-3 d) I don't masturbate
(if choosing d, leave thread and go to another post...zzz)

6) List the kinds of sex toys and bondage equipment you own.

7) Describe the style of panties you wear most:
a) Grandma panties b) Boy shorts c) Bikini Panties d) Low Cut and/or String Bikini Panties e) Thongs f) I go commando

8) How do you feel about being tied up?
a) Oh god anytime, please b) I like it a lot c) Occasionally it's fun d) Have never done it, but I would love to try it e) I would never let anyone tie me up f) I do the tying up
(if answering e or f go to question 10)

9) How would you feel about being tied up and edged with a wand?
a) Oh wow, sounds amazing b) I think I would like it c) That would be cruel

10) How do you feel about being spanked?
a) Please spank me now, I so deserve it b) I like it c) Can I cum after being spanked? d) How dare you think of spanking me. e) Is your name Harvey Weinstein?

11) Have you ever been with another women?
a) Yes I'm so lesbian b) Yes, I'm bi c) Never, but I'm Curious d) Never, I Have No Interest in That e) Yuck, Gross

12) What is you best physical features? (no multiple choice here, so describe)

13) What is your worse physical features? (no multiple choice here either, so describe again). People general hate answering negative questions about themselves, so this question is a challenge. Hey did you think winning a magic wand would be easy?

14) When you have an intense orgasm, how much do you cum? (in volume)
a) I flood the place b) I cum a decent amount c) I cum very little d) I have dry cums e) I don't cum

15) How many times can you cum in one session?
a) More than 4 b) 2-4 c) 1 d) I don't cum

16) What is the most times you have masturbated and cum in one day?
a) More than 7 b) 3-6 c) 1-2 d) I don't masturbate

Thank you in advance to all the women how had the courage to answer this survey. It will help the human race in further researching the facts on women masturbating, all in the name of science of course.

Magic wand winner will be notified. If magic wand is not tested out in the first 3 days after receipt and a full written report back to me in detail on how it went, this will be null and void and magic wand must be returned.
Overwhelming Response

Due to the great response, I am extending this survey. So the free magic wand is still available. Some very interesting answers so far.

To increase the response rate further I may have to change this from a contest to actual payments. Like $10 per survey completion and maybe $30 for additional details. All options are being considered. I need a large amount of data ladies. In the name of science I need your help.

But for now, this survey is working very well but still need more data to create my own sexual theories and debunk past studies showing female prudishness. I intend to call it Masters and Masters.

Thank you for all the women who have answered honestly, and thank you for all the woman who are thinking about answering it, but haven't yet. Of course all answers are locked away and guaranteed safe with me.

Oh and btw ladies, no need to send photos, while it was cute that one of you did that, it wasn't necessary and certainly not required. But of course not forbidden either. :)
I'm Back

More great responses. However I would like even more responses and also when you respond, let me know if you would like to discuss your answers with me (in private) and hear my suggestions and recommendations. Or if you are into it, my commands.

Thanks again and I will respond to every survey. With me, you aren't just a statistic.

One favor, when responding make sure you copy and paste my questions to your reply message and answer directly under my questions. Thanks.

Thank you to the sweet woman who took the survey but also told me I used the #6 two times. I suppose using it three times would have been worse. 666