The 2017 Literotica Award Nominations: Sexiest Male Character in a Story

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Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
In this category, please nominate the male character in a Literotica story who you found to be the sexiest. Please include:

- the character's name
- the title of the story in which she lived
- the author of the story
(a link to the story satisfies the bottom two requirements)
NOTE: if you do not name or link to the specific story, or if you name a series containing chapters posted prior or after 2017 without specifying a chapter published in 2017, your nomination may be disqualified.

Story must be currently on Literotica, and must have been submitted during the year 2017. One nomination per member, please. If multiple nominations are made by a member, only the first listed will count.

Please note that posts containing trolling, name-calling, and/or other forms of negativity will be removed. If you don't enjoy contests, that's fine - you are free to not participate. Please do not ruin everyone else's fun. :rose:

Thank you to all participants - readers and authors alike!
Hehe, awesome. I want to third DeathandTaxes, Bill Marshall as sexist male character.

And he hasn't even kissed her yet!! It's going backwards! :eek:
The Mountain

I want to nominate Warder from The Mountain by Marileigh. The scene in chapter 4 is awesome.
I would like to fourth Bill Marshall, from Death & Taxes' 'Bass Ackwards'

Never mind the quality of the craft, which is what's always impressed me with Death And Taxes' work, but Bill can head over to GM any time. I know he'd do well there. Jesse will be waiting.

From chapter 3, my favourite, where Christina's giving Bill an 'unwilling' blowjob. Mmmhmm, Christina, you keep telling yourself that, honey:

"Take it out."

She jumped a little at the words and felt her face heat. How long had she been staring?

"I know what to do, Bill," she snapped.

"Yeah?" He sank even further into the chair, the partially unwrapped threat of his groin sliding closer still. "Show me."

Best male

John Blake is by far the best male character. tefler has created a character that any man would love to be just like.

From Qhml1's "Nothing As Sexy as a Man in a Skirt." Any American man who can play bagpipes and pull off a kilt gets my vote.

Respect to Bill Marshall but I developed a serious crush on Nate from Nate's Evil Exploits, so destructive, so arrogant, so deep, so flawed but I do like him
Sexiest Male Character in a Story

I'd like to 2nd Ewan from "Nothing is sexier than a man in a skirt" by Qhml1
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