The danger from the east .


Jun 2, 2001
IC :

Seated up high in his throne,sat the Pharaoh Kab-Nah-Khonz,
King of Egypt and Syria ,Son of Amon(the sun)and Father of Betah (the earth),looking down at the pathetic bastards that their missfortune led them to this specific spot at this specific time. The Pharaoh was clearly furious, his eyes were concentrated on the same spot for a few minutes that seemed like ages for all those kneeling at his presence.The messenger was trembling and shaking with fear,whlie murmurring with un- explainable words . Suddenly the Pharaoh raised his hands and ...


Let's see .

Please do my lady , u r most welcomed at my humble temple .
OOC: Am I cool for this thread? Lokken's only visited Egypt once, and the sand up his ass is starting to run thin.

People !! don't ask to join just doit , jump in ,...continue the thread

I let the choice of roles for u guys, Lady & Morgoth . I'm sure that your experience would help to excite the events far beyond my imagination .

IC :

As he lifts his hands , his eyes moves , now his focus is now concentrated on a whole new spot . no one dares to look, and turn their heads to him, but they could almost swear that a smile flashed upon his lips for half a second before disappearing . This gave hope to some of the shaking crowd , they didn't know their pharaoh too well .
" OFF WITH THEIR HEADS " he firmly ordered, cries of mercy filled the hall, as guards pulled a group of men violently ,literarly sweeping the floor with their bodies . Fortunately enough, for most of the court members the cries were in a foreign language that it had a less powerfull effect upon them, maybe they'll be able to sleep within a night or two !
The screams of horror and weeping still echoeded threir ears and minds, interrupted only by the pharaos smile as he addressed the person standing at the spot he's been staring at for the last few seconds.
"My lady, ur beauty shines my court" , he waved the same hand ordering her to approach the theone .
The court member eyes gazed upon the fair lady, her beauty was indeed unique , One that could be only overwhelmed by the terryfying scene that just took place before their eyes ,they were now now releived even more by her -now-most bright presence .
The timid servent watches from the shadows as the fair lady approaches. Her eyes of hazel never leave the lady's path, untill, that it, the lady reaches the pharaoh.

She has served him almost her whole life, yet still ponders his movement, his motives. It is as though she is trying to see inside him...
OOC: I will be the lady you seem to enamored with :)

IC: Drusilla approached the throne an eye brow raised in inquiry. She nodded in respect a slight smile curving her lips as she boldly met his gaze with her own. She had decided to travel to Egypt some time ago, she had needed a change in scenery and this place always facinated her. Now as she gazed at the handsome Pharoh she was happy with her decision. "How may I serve you?"
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"Oh shit! Not again!!!" shouted Lokken as he fell on his ass. He smashed hole in the palace's roof, after falling 80 feet. He fell right next to Drusilla, not yet recognizing her. He stood up and looked around. "Not again! The sand in my ass was just about gone, damnit!" he shouted angrily, before seeing Drusilla. He rushed over to her instantly. "Drusilla, are you okay? Why the hell are you here? What's going on? What's the problem with this place this time? What happened?" he asked in a flurry of questions, before seeing the Pharoah. "Oh, woops. Oh, hi. I am Lokken, Emperor of the nation of Taros, and protector of dimensions. Be you good, and you will recieve wealth from my visit. Be you evil, and you shall be impaled upon my sword. By the way, what's the problem on this world? Another evil madman trying to take over? A psychotic evil sorceor trying to blow it up? What's the deal?" he asked, not really waiting for answers.

Sorry lady S. ., Mongroth I was having some difficulties , I hope this doesn't happen again .

IC :

Again the pharaoh stared at the new avisitor , he examined his with eyes , there were -again- silence in the hall . The silence wasn't for too long this time , as he soon nodded to his men , who grapped the poor man again and was taking him out of the hall to his faith, the crowd roared calling him : " A SPY " and asking for his death , It was only then when the fair lady suddenly addressed him (the pharaoh) " My Lord , .... " At this point the pharaoh ordered his men to stop and turned back to the fair lady with eyes filled with questions , but yet also with determinition to eliminate any cause of doubt or fear .

I must say I had a different vision for this thread untill Morgoth posted his last reply , but I must also admit that I like his idea too , so I'm leaving the desicion of where to go from here to Lady S. , ur call !
Drusilla looked at Lokken her eyes widened in surprise. Her heart jumped and she had to force herself to calm down. Looking once more at the pharoh she did her best to ignore her chaotic emotions. "My Lord this is Lokken he is my" she hesitated over the next word "he is an aquaintence" she ended up saying "he is not a spy in any way though I myself have no clue what he would be doing in Egypt" gracing the pharoh with a charming smile she turn questioning eyes on Lokken.


The pharaoh eyes became narrower and narrower as he looked at Lady Drusilla , as if he was trying to look through her material flesh and blood right into her soul ,Being a pharaoh and a God gave him some priviliges and qualities !
He dismissed every one in the room including the guards, not noticing that little rat that kept hiding behind . The pharaoh demanded the presence of the grand-priest , it was only a clap of the pharaoh's hands before the grand-priest was present , bowing right before his throne . It was the time of truth , " Reveal their souls to me " demanded the pharaoh .....
Drusilla nervously shifted on her feet. She did not wish for a priest to reveal her soul. To much in her should not be revealed to other people. She harbored to many secrets. "My Lord, please do not do this, can you not give me your trust? I mean you no ill will, look at me? I am a mere woman and you, you are a mighty pharoh strong and ordained by the gods I could never harm you nor would I ever wish to"
"Sorry, guy. No, one. Not even Belial, looks into my soul and gets away with it. By the way. In case you're wondering who Belial is: He's the God of Death. And why am I here? I didn't even teleport dimensions. That's a wierd one there", said Lokken.
Drusilla shot Lokken a look wondering why he was being so disrespectful to a Pharoh. Deciding to leave him to what he wanted to do she put on her most charming smile and looked once more at the handsom Pharoh.
In the space of a moment he slipped past the guards. Furitave and sneaking through the shadows. He entered the great throne room surprised it was empty but suprise does not slow him and in the shadows near the barely cracked open doorway he watched in fasination. His mouth moved slowly as he whispered to himself. "There they are, the ones priest told me about" he says quietly trying to keep out of sight.

Watching the priest enter now caused her intrest to rise even more, and this new man comm literally crashing down from the celling. "Today would most certinaly be intresting." She thought as she pivoted her weight in her kneeling position.

Leaning foward now, she watches intently as those gathered before the massive throne almost straining to hear what is going on.
Drusilla stiffened as she felt eyes on her. Not just the woman kneeling but someone else, someone who wished to remain unseen. Glancing around the room she found it hard to determine if the unseen eyes were an enemies or not. She looked at Lokken wondering if he felt them as well she then looked once more at the Pharoh wondering if she should warn him

OOC: speaking of the Pharoh where did he go?
The man still crouched in the shadows by the huge doors shuts them silently. He then moves swiftly through those encompassing shadows to a place behind the ones in front of the pharoh his eyes roving endlessly and he rubs his chin watching. "The priest said they were thieves and brigands, they don't look it to me" he said this softly barely above his breath. He watched with a growing intrest biding his time.
"Okay. So what is the problem? Is it those damn Easterners. Just came back from there, myself. Getting haughtier and haughtier by the moment. Did you know they actually thought about invading the West. As if their samurai and ninjas can stop a two handed sword", snorted Lokken.

Her eyes travel towards the doorway, and the shadows, and she squints slightly... Could there be someone or something in there? Her attention was now captured by this darkened space...
He noticed the girl watching him and he cursed himself. Could he be so obvious that a simple girl had caught him. He decided to ignore the girl because it was the Pharoah and the strangers he feared not her. He moved slowly against the walls small flashes of gold coming from his wristbands and his clothes are strangely a blood red color. A small dagger fashed in his hand though he made no move to use it in the shadows.