The Empath


Master of seduction
Dec 6, 2000
For those who dont know,An empath is a person with the sixth sense.They can see the past an future by touching a person.They also can sense and feel ghosts or lost souls.Im looking for some people to join a thread thats a little like the movie 13 ghosts with a few suttle a character if your interested.

name:dustin grey
green eyes

He lives a reclusive life in his large home until recieves a paper saying he has been invited to be 1 of 7 guests in a new hotel.He has a bad feeling about it but decides he needs a break and decides to go.Thats where our story starts....
(i never saw 13ghosts so all i know is from the previews i saw)
Marie Carncross
straight brown hair, always pulled into a pony tail.
brown eyes.
Telekenetic. (can move objects with her mind)
waitress/aspiring actress
After being fired that day from her job in diner, Marie finds an add looking to hire waiters for the new hotel. she applys and gets accepted. She has her doubts about leaving this life behind, but decides it's probably for the best.

ill make an exception but i dont need a bunch of physics running around the story
OOC: that's okay, i changed my mind. She'll just be normal. Absolutly no powers, just your typical small town girl who wants to make it in the big city. :)
Ooc: That's kinda boring, no one can be psychic but you Maniac? What's the point? Why don't you make your character normal as well, if we all have to be?
Destiny Dorcha

A young dancer from New York. She tried to make it in the big city but it didn't go as well as she'd hoped. Despite her training at NYU the auditions just weren't there. Sadly she was close to resigning and going home. But in her mailbox was a paper... she sighed as she read it.

it was an ad for a dancer at a local hotel for one of their evening shows. It seems they provide their guests with daily entertainment. It didn't seem so bad... it could be worse. She went to the tryouts and one. one of the supporting roles, but at least she wasn't in the chorus. She packed her bags and headed out...

Destiny Dorcha
Age: 21
height: 5'4"
Weight: Very petite, 118 lbs
Hair: Long Amber, a redish tint
Eyes: Emerald

Didn't know if we were supposed to be an invited guest or not... I can change it.
34 year old.
A horrible car accident left his legs permanently paralyzed. He has psent most of his life in a wheel chair.
Brown hair/eyes.

You wouldn't think it to look at him.
Just another cripple going around the store, looking for what to eat for dinner. Passing by boxes with horrednous catroons about macaroni or spaghetti. None of seemed to interest him.
Yet, from time to time he would pick up one of the uninteresting boxes and put them in his basket.
No, not the basket his basket.
It was under the seat. Another hangurger helper meal was stuffed under his seat cushions, slowly travelling down to the basket. It was disguised with blankets and a fake battery row, which he had even put scratches and a bumper sticker on to make look more authentic.
Kiss my grits.
He moved onto another aisle. This was of canned items, soups and chowders and fish in their own juices. His hand went out, randomly picked up a can of split pea soup. Honestly, split pea soup. Did they even make this shit anymore?
Nontheless it too went into his basket.
He grabbed a couple of cans of clam chowder, and put them in the basket. It would look odd if he left here empty handed. Had to go through the rounds, so to speak.
Can of mushroom soup, can of sardines, can of pork and beans. He even got a can of pumpkin pie.
Everything seemed to come in a can these days.
He also got some crackers for his soup. A loaf of bread as well. The government paid him some money, and he was well off with what he got. It wasn't for lack of money that he stole.
He honestly didn't know why.
Maybe it was the fact that he knew he wouldn't get caught. Maybe it was that he wanted to prove to himself that he was normal just like everyone else. Maybe it was just so he could feel human again, his heart racing, the taste of acid on his tongue.
Stealing was thrilling, better than sex.
Well, if you did it just right nothing was better than sex, but soplifting came pretty damn close.
With the items paid, he left. With no more than a how do you do he was gone.
Henry wheeled home, the items jumbling and bouncing in his basket. It was a happy day.
He was alive.

I pull up at the hotel a few days later.I take the two bags i had and walk toward the door.I get to the walk way when i feel a very bad presence."Maybe this was a mistake," i whisper to my self then i bump into a woman....

Marie bumped into a guy... she was so embarressed... her first day on the job, and already she was causing a fuss... she sighed.
"Hi. I'm Marie." she extended a hand. "I'm the new waitress. What's your name?"

I paused for a second.I took her hand with a scared look on my face"Dustin," i said then i saw flashes as i touched her,causeing me to jerk back.I saw something horrible that will happen to her.I dont know when but sooner or later.As i walk away i say,"I wouldnt have taken this job if i were u," then i look for my room....

Marie's eyes widened. What was up with this guy, she wondered. He seemed a little odd. What a weird thing to say to her...SHe shrugged it off, and pulled her suitcase with her into the building.

I dropped one of the books i wrote as i headed up the stairs.It was a cold chill in the air that made me stop in my tracks."This was a definate mistake," i whisper to myself.....
I fumbled for my key as I tried to hold up my bags. Pressing my knee up against the door and balancing a rather large bag precariously on it I managed to get the key into the hole. Turning the handle I felt the lock release and the door gave in easily...

My luck ended there as me and my bags fell into the room in a massive pile. I groaned from beneath the bags trying to shove them off of me as I pushed myself up off the grown.

I took out my now falling out pony tail holder out, briskly wrapping around my hand I pulled my hair back again replacing the errant band in it's proper place in my hair.

With a deep sigh I gather my bags enough to press them inside then fell to the bed in exaustion. The good thing about this job... free room and board.