The invisible (transparent?) and all powerful hand of the Deep State, which decides all things -including (especially) who wins the presidency- has ensconced DonOld as it’s / their place holder for the next 4(?) years.

To avoid another insurrection???
To pacify the angry populist white working class (DonOld is basically an old, beat-up, dried out orange pacifier for the MAGAts babies.)???
To maintain the white institutional patriarchy status quo???
To put / keep the “uppity” social / environmental justice contingent in their place???
To protect a rich, white, male, corrupt former president from prosecutions that could open the floodgates for more prosecutions of that ilk (members of "The Deep State" and their donors being of “that ilk”.)???

Or does "The Deep State" miraculously cease to exist ONLY when DonOld gets elected???

The rejection of the MAGAt ‘s preferred Senate Majority Leader, the apparent rejection of Matt Gaetz as the next AG by Senate republicans, the sidelining of “Leon” and Vivek, the promise from establishment Republican leadership in the Senate that the filibuster will remain, and the "republican" infighting that portends a dysfunctional congress that will DO NOTHING but kick up dust and inflame culture war issues suggest that things will be - "The Deep State” as usual - SOP.
The house ("The Deep State") ALWAYS wins…or not???

The invisible (transparent?) and all powerful hand of the Deep State, which decides all things -including (especially) who wins the presidency- has ensconced DonOld as it’s / their place holder for the next 4(?) years.

To avoid another insurrection???
To pacify the angry populist white working class (DonOld is basically an old, beat-up, dried out orange pacifier for the MAGAts babies.)???
To maintain the white institutional patriarchy status quo???
To put / keep the “uppity” social / environmental justice contingent in their place???
To protect a rich, white, male, corrupt former president from prosecutions that could open the floodgates for more prosecutions of that ilk (members of "The Deep State" and their donors being of “that ilk”.)???

Or does "The Deep State" miraculously cease to exist ONLY when DonOld gets elected???

The rejection of the MAGAt ‘s preferred Senate Majority Leader, the apparent rejection of Matt Gaetz as the next AG by Senate republicans, the sidelining of “Leon” and Vivek, the promise from establishment Republican leadership in the Senate that the filibuster will remain, and the "republican" infighting that portends a dysfunctional congress that will DO NOTHING but kick up dust and inflame culture war issues suggest that things will be - "The Deep State” as usual - SOP.
The house ("The Deep State") ALWAYS wins…or not???