The MAGAt Bomber!


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008
Here are 7 things we learned about bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc from the Justice Department’s press conference

Law enforcement arrested Cesar Sayoc, a 56-year-old man, on Friday morning in the case of mail bombs sent to multiple top Democratic figures and CNN this week.

After the arrest, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other officials delivered a press conference to discuss their progress on the case. Sessions emphasized that political violence, of the form Sayoc is accused of, is antithetical to the Democratic process.

Here are five things we learned from the press conference:

1. Sayoc has been accused of five federal crimes.

Among the crimes he has been accused of is the Illegal mailing of explosives and threats to former presidents.

2. He faces up to 58 years in prison.

3. The crimes he is accused of may be changed or amended.

The criminal complaint that has already been issued by the Justice Department is not the final word on the charges in this case.

4. FBI Director Christopher Wray called the investigation that found Sayoc a “nationwide” probe with a wide scope.

Multiple departments and numerous agents were involved in tracking Sayoc down.

5. Wray confirmed that Sayoc is believed to have sent thirteen devices — and they were not “hoax devices.”

The explosive devices were made with PVC pipe, Wray said. They may have been activated by pressure or physical handling of the bombs, he explained, though none detonated.

6. Sayoc’s fingerprint was reportedly discovered on one of the bombs.

Wray said that the FBI may have also discovered additional DNA evidence tying the devices to Sayoc.

7. The FBI director warned that there may be other packages still in transit.

He called on the American people to still be vigilant in reporting any suspicious activity that might be related to the crime.
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Fox News panel frets that alleged bomber’s pro-Trump stickers will let Americans ‘formulate motives in their own mind
Maybe because the MAGAt's van was plastered with Pro-Trump stickers?

MSNBC analyst explains the importance of FBI chief’s ‘weird’ dodge regarding when Trump knew of Cesar Sayoc’s arrest

“It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t have told the White House yesterday,” Miller added, noting that Wray and the FBI had been on to Sayoc for at least 24 hours, and had contacted the Florida Department of Law Enforcement the previous evening. He added that the White House had likely been notified the night before, and blasted the president for spreading conspiracies he must have known were untrue.

“That is just a reprehensible thing for the president to do,” Miller said. “I can see why the director of the FBI wouldn’t want to commit to that.”
Manager of pizza shop where MAGAbomber worked reveals scary details about his racist views

Debra Gureghian, Sayoc’s manager at New River Pizza and Fresh Kitchen in Fort Lauderdale, told the Washington Post that “there was something really off” about the man suspected of sending pipe bombs to at least 10 prominent Democrats and CNN.

“He was very angry and angry at the world, at blacks, Jews, gays,” she said. “He always talked about ‘if I had complete autonomy none of these gays or these blacks would survive.’”

He seems nice?:eek:
Phil Mudd: There’s only one reason why the MAGAbomber attacked me

t was reported that the Magabomber sent death threats to former CIA officers Phil Mudd. During a Friday panel discussion with CNN host Wolf Blitzer, Mudd blamed President Donald Trump for the attack.

“I only did 25 years, and I guess it doesn’t count. The president has done, what, 20 months?” Mudd said. “Look, something happened today that resulted from what I witnessed in August.”

He continued: “On about August 20th the president attacked me publicly on Twitter. And roughly 96 hours later this individual arrested today uses my name in a tweet.”

“I don’t have the profile of a movie star. How do you think that guy got my name?”

It's a puzzle? :rolleyes:
A neuroscientist explains how Trump’s heated rhetoric is responsible for Cesar Sayoc’s bombing attempt

While the nation should certainly hold Sayoc personally responsible for his actions, especially if it is shown that he does not have a serious mental illness, as a nation we must ask whether the president’s anti-liberal, anti-media rhetoric was a motivating factor in the bombing attempt. To determine whether Trump is partially culpable, we need only ask, would this event have likely happened if another Republican politician, such as Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz, were in office? As a journalist and a psychology researcher, my answer to that is an unequivocal “no.”

MSNBC guest details specific threats she got from MAGAbomber: ‘He threatened to toss my body in the Everglades’
Saw the cover of the New York Post this morning. Probably the best headline possible:

Caught Red Hatted

Julius Streicher never killed anybody. He never shot anyone and he never sent any bombs through the mail, however, he was the founder and publisher of the semi-pornographic and virulently anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine. His publishing firm also released three anti-Semitic books for children, including the 1938 Der Giftpilz, one of the most widespread pieces of propaganda, which warned about the supposed dangers Jews posed by using the metaphor of an attractive yet deadly mushroom. The publishing firm was financially very successful and made Streicher a multi-millionaire.

Right-wing provocateurs like Ann Coulter and Donald Trump haven't sent bombs through the mail or shot anyone either, however, (like Streicher) they've validated the irrational hatreds of millions of people and made violence and murder seem acceptable...and even patriotic.

Streicher was eventually arrested and placed on trial for inciting violence against the Jews. He was convicted and executed in 1946.

Republicans such as Ann Coulter and Donald Trump have spread hate-filled propaganda against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, George Soros, African-Americans, Latinos, journalists, scientists, public school teachers, scientists, labor unions and many many others.

So, are Ann Coulter and Donald Trump going to be arrested?

Or, has American reached a point where we no longer care about provocateurs inciting violence against innocent people?
Republicans such as Ann Coulter and Donald Trump have spread hate-filled propaganda against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, George Soros, African-Americans, Latinos, journalists, scientists, public school teachers, scientists, labor unions and many many others.

So, are Ann Coulter and Donald Trump going to be arrested?

Or, has American reached a point where we no longer care about provocateurs inciting violence against innocent people?

During the 1920's and 1930's Germany was awash in hate-filled propaganda against the Jews, Gypsies, atheists, homosexuals, labor unions and socialists.

There were hate-filled rants on the radio, hate-filled sermons in the churches, hate-filled newspapers like Der Stürmer, hate-filled posters plastered on the sides of buildings, as well as hate-filled films and cartoons.

All of this helped to push the German people into violence and murder against Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies and other minorities.

Nowadays, in America, we have Trump's hate-filled rallies, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Cable television for people to spread violence-inducing hatred. Just take a look at almost any broadcast from Fox "news" Channel. "News" anchors like Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity have spread hatred against atheists, Muslims, homosexuals, Democrats, journalists, climate scientists, biologists, public school teachers, feminists, rape victims, African Americans, Latinos and refugees fleeing from war zones.

This is scary and VERY close to what Germany was like during the 1920's and 30's.
When I was a child, we had anti-Semites, misogynists, racists, theocrats and xenophobes, however they existed at the fringes of American society.

NOW, these people are existing at the highest levels of power in the American Media and the United States government! Irrational hatred of Jews, Muslims, gays, lesbians, African-Americans, feminists, Latinos, scientists, public school; teachers and Latinos has gone mainstream!

And the Republicans are the people who have brought us to this hateful place in America's history.