The only Girl in the Friend Group


Experienced Noob
Oct 23, 2018
Let's say a group of 6 friends (5 males and 1 female) all very attractive, probably met for their love of gymnastics or something athletic.
The Girl is very sexy and has a high libido. The former gf's of her male friends are either intimidated or revere her. Same thing could be said about the former bf of the Girl.
The start of the story is that they are in a time of their life where they are all single and/or not looking for a relationship. Also for some reason they are in a little bit of a dry spell, maybe they're busy with work or something, but they all have sexual needs.
So someone, most likely the Girl of the group, thought of being friends with benefits. They are reluctant as this might ruin their friendship, but they all agree to it.
Next thing, the girl is being double penetrated by her male friends, cock in mouth and jerking two cocks with both hands. She then says, "I can't believe we hadn't done this sooner haha!"
Could this hold up?
What else could happen?
Should we throw in some drama?
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Lets say it is a male fantasy....
Totally unrealistic...
The reason the porn industry exists, to feed infantile male fantasy...
The most likely scenario is the girl reports them all for rape.
Once locked up they could have all the sex they want.
I would say there should be a bit more incentive.

Something like, she just caught her boyfriend cheating and broke up with him. All 5 guys happen to be single at this moment. She goes and hangs out with them to get over her now ex-bf and she is obviously still very upset and furious.

While they are supporting her she says something like "Why do I have to feel like shit because of that asshole! I just need to forget about him!"

one of them answers "Well, best way to get over someone, is getting under someone else."

She says "You know what, you are right! Any of you want to bang?"

But all 5 of them raise their hands...

"Even better!" She says while taking off her shirt...
You don't think there are women who would gladly have sex with multiple guy friends or even strangers?

Also, you know this is a porn site, right?
Yes, I realise it's a porn site.
I get a bit bored seeing the same old male fantasy stuff...
And no, I don't think that women want to be used my multiple men.
Porn stars get paid to do it....
Which is bad because it feeds the male fantasy thing.
I think it doesn't help the way young men view women these days...

Just my opinion...
You are entitled to yours as well...
We all different.

I’d go about it slowly, have them go to the gym together to work out some frustration.
Spinning class for example, all five guys in front row, they’re competitive, with her behind. Suddenly, she realizes Josh has a really nice ass and her imagination starts going into overdrive.
After class, she decides to indulge with a trip to the sauna, where her fantasy continues.
At that point, you can choose how to go about it, but if it’s a shared sauna, they’re usually very strict with nudity and such, but pokies, camel toes and wet spots on a bathing suit is usually more than enough to get a guy going.

Jumping straight to group sex is a tad too ‘straight from a porn movie’, but if she hooks up with one if them, there’s a good chance she’ll be open to having some fun with some of the others as well.

You can go about this so many different ways, but my immediate thought is a slow build-up as tensions rise between her and one or maybe two of them. Could probably turn into a series as well, depending on how much you want to make of the story.
Yes, I realise it's a porn site.
I get a bit bored seeing the same old male fantasy stuff...
And no, I don't think that women want to be used my multiple men.
Porn stars get paid to do it....
Which is bad because it feeds the male fantasy thing.
I think it doesn't help the way young men view women these days...

Oh now, there are men here writing men's fantasies! How could they?!
And you know what - people are fully capable to discern porn from real life. If anyone is to blame here, it's what young women do on platforms like OnlyFans or Fansly. But still, they're mostly misguided by the media and feminists organisations. But it's a topic for another forum.

Anyway, back to the idea, I think it's as good as any. I'd start a little slower, from the girl banging with one of her male friends - maybe just a friendly sex, maybe to let off the steam, maybe to feel better after a breakup. Anyway, they caught by another friend and he's shocked, so after the first couple finish, she goes to him to explain. He says that he thinks she looks hot naked, and she's like, "so, you want that too?" and they began having sex in the common room (they live together). Then, two other shows up from work, but those two just watches when she rides the previous one on the couch. When they finish, she's like "you want something or are you just like to stare?" They said they want a piece to and she crawls to them while they're putting their cocks out and she gives them a blowjob. Then, the first man appears and he's like "so, you fuck all of us now?" And she's like "not all yet", and they all look at the doors to the the last boy's bedroom. She goes there and in the moment the remaining four hears how she fucks the last guy. Until she opens the door and is like "what are you waiting for? come join us" and then the sixsome happens.
Given the 5 to 1 ratio, she may want to exercise some control over the guys by making them fuck each other. It might give her a kick to make them do things they don't want or it might open up some doors the guys never knew existed. And it will help keep them occupied while she is occupied.
Oh now, there are men here writing men's fantasies! How could they?!
And you know what - people are fully capable to discern porn from real life. If anyone is to blame here, it's what young women do on platforms like OnlyFans or Fansly. But still, they're mostly misguided by the media and feminists organisations. But it's a topic for another forum.

Anyway, back to the idea, I think it's as good as any. I'd start a little slower, from the girl banging with one of her male friends - maybe just a friendly sex, maybe to let off the steam, maybe to feel better after a breakup. Anyway, they caught by another friend and he's shocked, so after the first couple finish, she goes to him to explain. He says that he thinks she looks hot naked, and she's like, "so, you want that too?" and they began having sex in the common room (they live together). Then, two other shows up from work, but those two just watches when she rides the previous one on the couch. When they finish, she's like "you want something or are you just like to stare?" They said they want a piece to and she crawls to them while they're putting their cocks out and she gives them a blowjob. Then, the first man appears and he's like "so, you fuck all of us now?" And she's like "not all yet", and they all look at the doors to the the last boy's bedroom. She goes there and in the moment the remaining four hears how she fucks the last guy. Until she opens the door and is like "what are you waiting for? come join us" and then the sixsome happens.
Surprise surprise...Another misguided dreamer.
I think you could make it work but you’ll either have to put a lot of work into the set up or have an incident if you want things to happen quickly.

If they’re all athletic and sexy the question would probably be “why haven’t they already hooked up?” Like Olympic village is infamous for all the fucking that occurs during the games when you have athletes in their prime.

Not saying you couldn’t do it this way but it’s also why usually with set ups like this there’s some contrasting elements to add to the reluctance as to why they haven’t hooked up (for example: guys are less confident or experienced so while they all would love to hook up with her they are all nervous of even approaching her, which could make her approaching them the inciting incident). Or maybe she’s not as athletic or their team manager, so there’s a dynamic which causes the initial hesitation

Of course one easy way is to have them be long time friends. Like they went to daycare together. So there’s an almost sibling bond between them so even as they hit puberty and might have had crushes on each other, it never took that last step, either for fear of getting rejected by a close friend, the end of that long time friendship, etc.

But they all are in a dry spell and while doing normal stuff for their friend group, their eyes start to wander, hugs last a bit longer, and fingertips start to travel. Guys are too scared to make a move but our MC who is a bit more mature than them, realizes what the problem is and invites them over, either to her house or somewhere they can be alone.

She then proposes a friend with benefits arrangement (though I think she might actually be okay with a romantic side but decides to offer it as romance free sex for now until all of them are more comfortable).

Maybe she does it by asking all of them to rub her with tanning oil, maybe she comes out in a robe and says they all need to strip down, but that’s all for flavor and to just get them a little taste.

I’d say she should be the MC and in control even when she gets gangbanged.

Maybe to make it more fair to the guys, they each are blindfolded and she has sex with each of them in different rooms so no one knows who got to fuck her first so they can get straight to the group sex.

As they fuck, romance begins to bloom and a little polycule forms (personally I think a guy or two should hook up but that’s just me)

If you want a faster set up: decades later woman realizes she missed a chance to hook up with her friends who all went their separate ways. By magical means she gets a chance to travel back to that time (and into her old body) and hook up with them, so she goes straight for fucking as opposed to a slow seduction.
I see that going the slow route (single out the guy friends) would be a more pragmatic option.
I do like the idea about the girl having a bad break up which then leads to this "friends with benefits" to occur.
Then after the break up, the girl start slowly noticing her guy friends physique is a good idea. I also like where there's a setting where the girl does have her finale gangbang. She plans a week long getaway trip with her friends to a cabin or something.
Reading all these comments it did give me some ideas. Like the guys should all have different traits, but also the way they are intimate. I can only think of three so far? So ones very passionate, another is rough and the other is kinky. So we could shorten 5 guys and do 3? Less characters which means more development?
A romantic dilemma could be quite deep. If it's a group of four, it could go, two guys falling for her, but she's falling for the one guy who likes the sex benefits as is.
How would this be resolved? Should one friend win her heart? Would this continue even after someone have a gf/bf?
I’d say she should be the MC and in control even when she gets gangbanged.
Yes yes 💯

I know it's fantasy porn logic, but I think we need to be inside her head to understand why this happens and why she wants it.
If they’re all athletic and sexy the question would probably be “why haven’t they already hooked up?” Like Olympic village is infamous for all the fucking that occurs during the games when you have athletes in their prime.
Maybe they all grew up together, were on a cheer squad since grade school or something, and only ever thought of each other like siblings? That adds a little quasi-taboo thrill to it without actually being incest :oops:

Another thing to think about from the female perspective... getting gangbanged by five guys at once is definitely more a male fantasy than a female one. But being touched and overstimulated and worshiped and serviced by five hot guys you have an emotional connection with? That's 😳😨😰🥵
To add to Penny’s idea: if they do indeed come from the same cheer squad, an idea I like a lot, btw (🥰), you can add in all these small flashbacks from fails during practice. A missed jump can turn into a very conveniently placed hand, or a landing on something mysteriously hard, and so on. i think that would be very good spice to add to her slow romanticizing of the guys.

I agree five might be on the high end, though as for personality traits, there’s a lot more to go on: - A shy and romantic type that gives her all kinds of small compliments, notices when she’s done something new to her hair, tried out a new perfume, a new blouse that she likes but no one but he notices, and so on. Very attentive lover that one.
- The silly/goofy one that always has some quip or joke that’s very astute and on point, often leading to a fair bit of embarrassment and blushing. Like that one time she had a sexy dream and woke up very horny, but didn’t have time to do more than hop into her outfit and run to practice, he’d have her sitting on her hand in a handstand and make some lighthearted comment on why his hand was damp after she sat on it.
- The cocky guy who’s tough around all the others but reveals he’s insecure when he’s alone with her. Maybe some sweet, endearing secret that melts her heart a little.

You can mix and match to make all kinds of interesting characters with more than one dimension.
Maybe one of the guys is wondering if he’s bi and discusses some of the others with her, see example three above.

As for a finale: cabin trip, a bit more wine than strictly necessary, skinny dipping in the moonlight, a trip to the sauna and a six-hands massage on the soft rug in front of the fireplace, from her perspective… Need I say more?
I agree with those who said they should be lifelong friends and teammates. Not necessarily cheer squad, but the maybe gymnastics as you mentioned earlier, or even dance. Dance and drama groups tend to get VERY close.

And yes, her going through a bad breakup is one of the fastest ways to propel a guy friend straight through the friendzone. To push her into the arms of not one but FIVE guys though, it will have to be a massive blowout. Like she and everyone she knows would have to catch him cheating on her backstage with her best girl friend at their engagement party or something for her to suddenly decide she wants to bang multiple guy friends. She’s feeling like she’s at her lowest point, confidence is shot…they comfort her and build her back up…not only does she realize he’s a dick and she deserves better, she remembers how damn awesome she is, with or without him…and, additionally, she’s MAD and wants the ultimate rebound / revenge bang. Those guy friends are still comforting her, she’s in the middle of the couch, 2 each have an arm draped over her…she is the first to cross the line, kissing the one whose shoulder she was leaning on, and maybe running her hand up the thigh of the other one…
Six-person team for a futuristic zero-grav combat sport. Girl is the captain/coach/sniper. Just before a big game she walks on two of her male teammates while one is giving the other head. Apologizes and shuts the door.

Later she says she didn't even know they were gay. Embarrassed, they say they don't think of it as a gay thing. They just find they do better in the court after a satisfying orgasm so they help each other out before a game.

She thinks about a teammate who has been lagging lately. Just before the next game she talks him into a handjob that turns into a BJ. He kicks all ass in the game.

Without outing the first two, she suggests to the team that they all suck each others' dicks. None are are enthusiastic, even the first two. She says fine, I'll do it myself.

Going to each of them in private, she only has to blow three since the first two take care of each other. One of those hints, though, that it doesn't seem fair she's taking care of the others and they have to do themselves.

All the guys do great in that game. Girl not so well. Her mouth and jaw ache from the effort and she's feeling distracted and frustrated as well. She did masturbate before the game but her orgasm wasn't that satisfying.

"There has to be a better way for everyone to get off, and I mean everyone."
How about the 5 guys rent a house together. It's owned by one guys parents.
4 bedrooms
Master BR is owners son.
BR 2 and 3 each have a pair of guys.
BR 4 is small, off the Master, and was a nursery. The guy who rented it just moved out.

The girl breaks up with BF of 5 yrs and has to move out. She can't move home.

The owners son tells her about this room.
They are all friends.

The nursery room and Master share an ensuite bathroom. The previous renter used the hall bath.
The girl is offered use so she only has to share with one guy, not 4.