The Return of a Bold new world....

Roland Gilliad

The King of Funky
Jun 27, 2000
*It had seemed to be many years scince he stood on this threshold looking out into the city with but revenge on his he was here for a different Perpose...his survival*

*He was on the trail of an antidote to a slow acting poison that would in time turn him into somthing Unholy and Demonic...he had no idea what that would be, but as he fastened his cloak around his neck, and pulled up the hood, he decided he didnt want to know, he walked down the pathway, past the homeless and improvershed, His long sword at his side, he was totally devoid of his old equpitment, and he was alone...his Red Magicks Kept him going day after day, But he didnt know how long they would keep him going, his eyes glinted in the streetlights, as he tossed his hair back and stretched a little, revealing his old and worn travelling boots, Prehaps he....Rolando De Gilliad, A Famed Adventurer, well known for his exploits across the forgotten Realms....Prehaps he could finally find happyness, he stared to the stars high above him, remembering who he had met on this same spot many years ago....and it caused him a pang of pain and grief to know wherever she was, she was beyond his contact....He wished for a moment that....somehow...she would return........but he knew all too well that would never occur, and he set out into the town once more, Ready to face once again, this bold new world..*
OOC: I'll join, are you looking for someone to play this lost girl of his? if not I can cook up a new character

TRhe GirOoc: thge charicter He's talking about Belongs To Moneytalks, She will know who Im talking about, You can still play, It's a basic Swords and Sorcery Kind of thing, so just make it up, and if you can get her permission to play it you can, but I would much rather have her do it herself.....If she wants. :) And anyone Is free to join.

If it's alright I would like to join...

Name: Esmé

Hair: Chestnut Brown

Eyes: Aqua

Hight: 5'2

And if it would be alright, I would like to make her a mage, but she an aprentince (I know I spelt that wrong >,<) mage.
OOC: Can't forget me! I'm sending Thrinta in again. He's coming to kick butt, take names, and get stuff ready for Lokken. For those of you have never heard of Thrinta or Lokken:

Blade Demon
Summoned by Lokken when Lokken was but a wee.
He is high General of Taros and Lord Protector.
He's got a few changes since we last saw him.
He has replaced all of his claws on his left hand with 1 foot golden ones. He has a 4 foot katana that pops out of his arm.

Human warrior-mage. specializes in melee combat as well as fire and death magic.
Emperor of Taros.
Black hair, black eyes. Handsome. well-muscled. 3,450 years old. (he was made immortal by the goddess of Life for saving a statue of her. his entire left arm was encased in gold from her statue, and still hurts him) dead wife. His last child also died 50 years ago. He has a lifelong enemy: Fuge. His nephew, Fuge is a crazy King. he used to rule Taros, because of his father's treachery. However, Lokken, with the help of some friends( including the Tarasque Lord Wrathlance: not a demon you want to piss off) took it back. Fuge was granted pardon, but then killed Lokken's wife and 2 out of 3 of his kids. This does not make them best friends. By the way, there's a curse. If anybody but Lokken kills Fuge, Fuge will simply come back in a different body.
I think I want to change my Charater if that is alright ... Since Lokken will be present in this thread I think it would be fun to play Drusilla

Name: Drusilla
Age: unknown
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Violet with specks of gold
Height: 5'6

INFO: Drusilla is somewhat of a vampire except with the need for blood. She is from an ancient race that few ever see. They mostly stay on their island which is impossible to reach unless you are of their race. Drusilla is a outcast. Former princess she was cast out when she disagreed with the priests.
ooc; SOunds great! And both of you, see the new King and country OOC thread, Tut-suite!
Hey, a bold new world! (actually, I never read it, though I tried. My mind was still dead from attempting to read through King and Country)

Well, I can't very well use my signature character ether, even though he is being used elsewhere.

hmmm......seing as my hybrid offspring was seperated, I could probably use on of her. Now, should it me Sara (Originally known as schala) May (marle) or Luccia (lucca)?

hmmm.....I think I'll try someone new.

Name; Takari
ability; Metamorph

Takari is a strange woman resempling whats-her-face from the kitaru-kitaru clan in Outlaw star. She has long ears, white hair, whiskers, and talon/claws. She is quick to anger. Born of nobility, (or so she believes) she hates the dirty adventurer life she has no choice but to live. she is a vicious fighter with skin tough enough that she doesn't need armor. When provoked, she can metamorph into a succumbus like creature (her claws grow more vivious, large leathery wings appear, etc...) and becomes all that much more deadly. As you can guess, she doesn't often make friends.
Bravo Cryo! good to see you again.

So whenever you all wish to begin posting, PLEASE DO SO!
How do the gold ones do it?

a young boy was fishing on the pier. The day was nothing unusual. the sky was clear, the sun was low, the fish wern't biting. But that's ok. As young as he was, he liked the peace better than the catch.

The hours dragged on, but still the boy remained patient. Only when the sun touched the water at the horizon did he begin to pack up to go home to try again the next day. When the sun was half way set, he was packed, so he grabbed his pole, bucket, and pack and turned around for home.


The boy looked around, but shrugged, attributing it to his own tiredness.


There was no mistaking it this time. The boy looked aroung once more, then spotted it. In the distance over the water he saw a black spot flying..... no, fluttering over the water. Pulling out a spyscope he got from his grandfather, the kid tries the get a closer look at it.

It was a very large bird, with black feathers. The kid's never seen anything like it! but there was something wrong. the bird was definitely struggling to fly. It couldn't stay level and literally fluttered around on the wind. One wing seamed dead, barely twitching. it's head drooped. How it could still be flying was a miracle.

the miracle ended though, as just then the bird dropped, crashing into the water with a big splash, about half a mile off the shore.

The tide carried it to the beach, where the boy brought his father. On checking the bird, he found that it was alive, though barely. thanking his son, the father prepped the wagon to carry the bird.
Drusilla gazed up at the night sky as she leaned against the side of the bar. Her mind wandered as if often did to her past. She had to admit she missed her home, missed her friends, missed her family. Shaking her head, it had been so long since she had been home, and yet she could remember everything as if it were yesterday. She closed her eyes and remember another thing or rather person she missed. Lokken. She wondered what he was up to. She often thought about him as she went day to day. Hoping to catch sight of him somewhere. She had long since lost hope. It had been so long, he had probably forgot she existed. She had heard of his marriage from a friend and had literally died. But something had brought her back from the underworld and now she was once more roaming the lands looking for something. What that something was however she wasn't sure.
...ok, I just realized that I accidentily used my chocobo instead of my succumbus.

I feel like a big ass right now, but as Barret likes to say; "There ain't no gettin offa this train were on" (the litteral translation is 'death will come to you when you jump off of a train' but who's counting)
Lokken stood staring at the sky, leaning back against a small wooden hut. He stood swathed in black cloaks with a black hood over his head. He had his first blow when he lost Drusilla. His second when he lost all but his elder son to Fuge. The final, when he lost his last son. He had been searching for Drusilla for 50 years now, interrupted by quests. He sighed, then started walking once again. His memory still perfect of her, he had his best artists to draw a perfect portrait of her. He now walked city to city, town to town, asking about her, showing the picture. He had picked up his pace, and now searched almost tirelessly. He walked to another bar, and went to the barkeep. He asked him about Drusilla, showing the picture. He recieved a most satisfactory answer. He rushed outside and saw her. He threw his hood back and swept her up, kissing her hard. He stepped back, admiring her. "I've been searching for you for 50 years. At last, I have found you", he said breathlessly.
Drusilla was contemplating where to go when suddenly a shadow stepped out from beside her and grabbed her kissing her hard. For a moment afterwards she was stunned then she backed away a few steps. Her eyes slowly adjusted and she recognized Lokken. Her hand came up to her heart as she stared in surprise and disbelief at the one man she had ever loved. Then with a cry of gladness she wrapped her arms tightly around him and kissed him with all the bottle up passion she possessed.
The next morning, and the few days after were procarious to say the least. The giant bird did not respond well to heat, so the farmer was at a loss on how to help it. The nearby doctor was no help either. He proclaimed the bird too far to be helped, and would better serve as food rations. However, seing the hopefull looks in his sons eyes, the farmer didn't give up hope.

after about a week the clueless farmer decided he knew was the problem was and how to fix it. The bird first off had a broken wing, he could tell by the extra angles not found in the other. He set the wing and wrapped it in a bedsheet. Secondly, the bird must be cold blooded, thus the aversion to heat. (he wasn't too far off there). Since a fire would only make things worse, he lay the bird in the driest place on the farm, in the barn with the cows.

third of all, the bird was probably exausted. Since it would not wake up, the farmer fed it drops of milk and water at a time, by dripping them onto the unconcious tongue.

through sere determination, the farmer brought the tedious bird back from dessention. after a week long coma, the bird finally woke up, but was too weak to complain or fight.


A month went by, and the bird slowly regained his strength. When strong enough to feed itself, the farmer went back to his long neglected chores. The boy became good friends with the bird since. They would race each other to help the bird get it's strength back. The bird (an amazingly smart one at that) quickly learned and helped out with some chores at the farm while he recovered.

It was three months after that. The bird sat on top of a hill facing inland watching the dawn. The boy came up and sat down next to his friend, to watch the sky too. He ruffled some feathers under the bird's neck, inciting a soft "wakarue" of pleasure. The bird looked at the boy, than back towared the dawn, as if trying to say something.

"You want to go, don't you?" asked the boy. the bird nodded. "I understand" said the boy. "It was fun having you here, but you can't stay forever. "

"That's very grown up of you son" said a voice behind them. Looking revieled the farmer, carying a saddle. "I suspected that he might want to leave for some time now. This" he gestured the saddle, "came in with the tide the other day. It obviously belongs to you, so I repaired it for you."

The bird gave some sad eyes in appreciation as the farmer strapped the saddle on. a perfect fit. The farmer said a few words of farewell, while the boy hugged him affectionetly. When all was said and done, they waved their friend goodby. As the bird slowly walked into the morning sun, he could hear the boy talking to his father. "we never even got to name him" said the boy, quietly, but the bird picked it up. He stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Wakarue(Thank you Jean and Alexander. You have truely been good friends) WARK " The boy's jaw dropped, though the father wasn't suprised to hear the bird talk. "Wakarue(By the way, my name is Cryo) " With that, the bird turned around and dashed into the distance.