It won't be easy at first, but the end result will likewise be what nobody, not even most hardened lifelong conservatives, will want.Our great President has always told us, that this was not gonna be easy at 1st. you lefties are so delusional and just tell lies, you're liars, you pants are on fire. and it's shameful, zero credibility, everything you post is lies.
Yes it is not easy now. The end result will be even worse however: Unchecked authoritarianism, unchecked oligarchy with no safeguards for consumers, workers, or citizens. Environmental exploitation and destruction. No personal freedoms, no independent media that are not propaganda mechanisms for the government, no checks and balances against executive power, forced racial segregation/discrimination, forced births (treating women like breeding stock) forced oppression of GLBT and trans people.
NOBODY wants this, and I'm guessing not even you do (no matter how much you pretend, mr-fifty-screen-names.)
Which is why we need to STAND THE FUCK UP for our rights and our country and take a stand against this shit, once and for all.