Trump and his allies hint at economic pain ahead for Americans. This wasn't in the brochure! (Blame Deplorables for any upcoming bad economy.)

Our great President has always told us, that this was not gonna be easy at 1st. you lefties are so delusional and just tell lies, you're liars, you pants are on fire. and it's shameful, zero credibility, everything you post is lies.
It won't be easy at first, but the end result will likewise be what nobody, not even most hardened lifelong conservatives, will want.

Yes it is not easy now. The end result will be even worse however: Unchecked authoritarianism, unchecked oligarchy with no safeguards for consumers, workers, or citizens. Environmental exploitation and destruction. No personal freedoms, no independent media that are not propaganda mechanisms for the government, no checks and balances against executive power, forced racial segregation/discrimination, forced births (treating women like breeding stock) forced oppression of GLBT and trans people.

NOBODY wants this, and I'm guessing not even you do (no matter how much you pretend, mr-fifty-screen-names.)
Which is why we need to STAND THE FUCK UP for our rights and our country and take a stand against this shit, once and for all.
It won't be easy at first, but the end result will likewise be what nobody, not even most hardened lifelong conservatives, will want.

Yes it is not easy now. The end result will be even worse however: Unchecked authoritarianism, unchecked oligarchy with no safeguards for consumers, workers, or citizens. Environmental exploitation and destruction. No personal freedoms, no independent media that are not propaganda mechanisms for the government, no checks and balances against executive power, forced racial segregation/discrimination, forced births (treating women like breeding stock) forced oppression of GLBT and trans people.

NOBODY wants this, and I'm guessing not even you do (no matter how much you pretend, mr-fifty-screen-names.)
Which is why we need to STAND THE FUCK UP for our rights and our country and take a stand against this shit, once and for all.
95% government = more FREEDOM
Less government regulations = more Freedom
Common law= more Freedon
The government is hired by WE THE PEOPLE! THE GOVERNMENT IS Not in place to control the people, WE THE PEOPLE CONTROLTHEVGOVERNMENT just as our forefathers meant it to be! Whether you like it or not, this is the way it's gonna be! MARCH MADBESS The fun is just starting!🍿🏀🍿🏀
95% government = more FREEDOM
Less government regulations = more Freedom
Common law= more Freedon
The government is hired by WE THE PEOPLE! THE GOVERNMENT IS Not in place to control the people, WE THE PEOPLE CONTROLTHEVGOVERNMENT just as our forefathers meant it to be! Whether you like it or not, this is the way it's gonna be! MARCH MADBESS The fun is just starting!🍿🏀🍿🏀
What you describe is anarchy and rule of the strong over the weak; which basically amounts to NO rights for ANYONE but the rich, wealthy, strong and powerful. This is not how a free society works. Anarchy, despite the "punk rock" sound of it, is not really that appealing to anybody but the young, ill-informed punk rock children who have no idea what it actually means.

We, the people DO control the government. Keep in mind, Elon Musk is not "We the People." Trump is not "We the people." These are the rich oligarchs, billionaires, one of which was not elected AT ALL, the other which was elected by highly dubious methods. They are nothing like the common working person. They do not represent the interests of the common working man, never have and never will.

You talk about "Our forefathers" but come on, TandT; admit it- you are not from the United States. We all know you are not from the United States. Stop pretending you are from the United States. Your forefathers were Tsar Nicholas, Peter the Great, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev. You have no idea how a free and democratic society such as the United States works, you have never lived under such a system, and thus, you take glee in seeing it burn to the ground. I have no malice towards your leader or your government, in spite of the war in Ukraine. If you want to be post respectfully about world events then at least give some honest and thoughtful perspective and quit trolling us.
What you describe is anarchy and rule of the strong over the weak; which basically amounts to NO rights for ANYONE but the rich, wealthy, strong and powerful. This is not how a free society works. Anarchy, despite the "punk rock" sound of it, is not really that appealing to anybody but the young, ill-informed punk rock children who have no idea what it actually means.

We, the people DO control the government. Keep in mind, Elon Musk is not "We the People." Trump is not "We the people." These are the rich oligarchs, billionaires, one of which was not elected AT ALL, the other which was elected by highly dubious methods. They are nothing like the common working person. They do not represent the interests of the common working man, never have and never will.

You talk about "Our forefathers" but come on, TandT; admit it- you are not from the United States. We all know you are not from the United States. Stop pretending you are from the United States. Your forefathers were Tsar Nicholas, Peter the Great, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev. You have no idea how a free and democratic society such as the United States works, you have never lived under such a system, and thus, you take glee in seeing it burn to the ground. I have no malice towards your leader or your government, in spite of the war in Ukraine. If you want to be post respectfully about world events then at least give some honest and thoughtful perspective and quit trolling us.
King Trump, King Putin, King Xijenping, King Modi😉1000002492.jpg
We're a clown car headed towards the cliff. I regret voting for the man

Let's see if that's true.

Here are actionable posts from Deplorables who spread pro-Trump filth in the forum and break forum rules in the process:🚫-time-to-start-reporting-posts-link-to-violations-by-deplorables-here-and-help-report-them.1612627/

Report them.
Then, post the messages you sent the admins here.

It's a very small way to atone for your vote, but it's a start. We're about to discover how much regret you really have, or don't have.

Your move. :)
Let's see if that's true.

Here are actionable posts from Deplorables who spread pro-Trump filth in the forum and break forum rules in the process:🚫-time-to-start-reporting-posts-link-to-violations-by-deplorables-here-and-help-report-them.1612627/

Report them.
Then, post the messages you sent the admins here.

It's a very small way to atone for your vote, but it's a start. We're about to discover how much regret you really have, or don't have.

Your move. :)
Let's see if that's true.

Here are actionable posts from Deplorables who spread pro-Trump filth in the forum and break forum rules in the process:🚫-time-to-start-reporting-posts-link-to-violations-by-deplorables-here-and-help-report-them.1612627/

Report them.
Then, post the messages you sent the admins here.

It's a very small way to atone for your vote, but it's a start. We're about to discover how much regret you really have, or don't have.

Your move. :)
Are you afraid of the TRUTH Rory? Are you afraid of what's really happening?Why are you so against every other person on this boards opinion who doesnt agree with you?Why do you feel the need to attack everyone who goes against your sick and pathetic narrative? The reason this country is like it is is because of idiots like you who don't agree with FREE SPEACH! The reason this country is fucked up is because of little pricks like you! Your nothing but a big whiney baby who offers NOTHING to this site! You think you and your clan of communists can run around and promote violence and threaten our president and threaten civil war and not have consequences? Times are changing! It's idiots like you that offer nothing to society but regurgitated lies and deciet! Maybe it's time you get your little wimpy self banned from this site! Maybe we should take a vote here and see how many agree with me. This world is changing and fools like you aren't going to be welcomed!
Are you afraid of the TRUTH Rory? Are you afraid of what's really happening?Why are you so against every other person on this boards opinion who doesnt agree with you?Why do you feel the need to attack everyone who goes against your sick and pathetic narrative? The reason this country is like it is is because of idiots like you who don't agree with FREE SPEACH! The reason this country is fucked up is because of little pricks like you! Your nothing but a big whiney baby who offers NOTHING to this site! You think you and your clan of communists can run around and promote violence and threaten our president and threaten civil war and not have consequences? Times are changing! It's idiots like you that offer nothing to society but regurgitated lies and deciet! Maybe it's time you get your little wimpy self banned from this site! Maybe we should take a vote here and see how many agree with me. This world is changing and fools like you aren't going to be welcomed!
I think 'fools' like Rory will win out over a fool and a cult following. Your commentary is beyond deranged.
The reason this country is like it is is because of idiots like you who don't agree with FREE SPEACH!


Maybe it's time you get your little wimpy self banned from this site! Maybe we should take a vote here and see how many agree with me.

Max Triggering Level: achieved! 🥳🤣

It's too bad you don't actually have the balls to make a vote thread.

(Your wife looks like she might, though.)

Let's see if that's true.

Here are actionable posts from Deplorables who spread pro-Trump filth in the forum and break forum rules in the process:🚫-time-to-start-reporting-posts-link-to-violations-by-deplorables-here-and-help-report-them.1612627/

Report them.
Then, post the messages you sent the admins here.

It's a very small way to atone for your vote, but it's a start. We're about to discover how much regret you really have, or don't have.

Your move. :)


That's what I thought, Deplorable. 😎
^Right now, anyway. The Christian Nationalists vision for America is as dystopian and terrifying as the Ayatollahs' and ISIS's vision for the Middle East, and if anything is WORSE than the most hard-line communists visions for North Korea and China. And it is completely at odds with a free, modern, and democratic society.

Not to say that the oligarchs and billionaires who are looting our country from within, as we speak, aren't likewise horrible, unjust and wrong, and people SHOULD stand up and fight back. Which means doing more than just torching some innocent people's cars by the way, which I do NOT condone.