Trump burns the Trump Presidency to the ground


Really Really Experienced
May 11, 2015
Trump has done more to damage his own presidency than the Democrats ever could

Trump and his administration are responsible for grave, costly errors, most especially the epic manufacturing failures in diagnostic testing, the decision to test too few people, the delay in expanding testing to labs outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and problems in the supply chain. These mistakes have left us blind and badly behind the curve, and, for a few crucial weeks, they created a false sense of security. What we now know is that the coronavirus silently spread for several weeks, without us being aware of it and while we were doing nothing to stop it. Containment and mitigation efforts could have significantly slowed its spread at an early, critical point, but we frittered away that opportunity.

“They’ve simply lost time they can’t make up. You can’t get back six weeks of blindness,” Jeremy Konyndyk, who helped oversee the international response to Ebola during the Obama administration and is a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, told The Washington Post. “To the extent that there’s someone to blame here, the blame is on poor, chaotic management from the White House and failure to acknowledge the big picture.”

Earlier this week, Anthony Fauci, the widely respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases whose reputation for honesty and integrity have been only enhanced during this crisis, admitted in congressional testimony that the United States is still not providing adequate testing for the coronavirus. “It is failing. Let’s admit it.” He added, “The idea of anybody getting [testing] easily, the way people in other countries are doing it, we’re not set up for that. I think it should be, but we’re not."

We also know the World Health Organization had working tests that the United States refused, and researchers at a project in Seattle tried to conduct early tests for the coronavirus but were prevented from doing so by federal officials. (Doctors at the research project eventually decided to perform coronavirus tests without federal approval.)

But that’s not all. Trump reportedly ignored early warnings of the severity of the virus and grew angry at a CDC official who in February warned that an outbreak was inevitable. The Trump administration dismantled the National Security Council’s global-health office, whose purpose was to address global pandemics; we’re now paying the price for that. “We worked very well with that office,” Fauci told Congress. “It would be nice if the office was still there.” We may face a shortage of ventilators and medical supplies, and hospitals may soon be overwhelmed, certainly if the number of coronavirus cases increases at a rate anything like that in countries such as Italy. (This would cause not only needless coronavirus-related deaths, but deaths from those suffering from other ailments who won’t have ready access to hospital care.)

Yet in some respects, the avalanche of false information from the president has been most alarming of all. It’s been one rock slide after another, the likes of which we have never seen. Day after day after day he brazenly denied reality, in an effort to blunt the economic and political harm he faced. But Trump is in the process of discovering that he can’t spin or tweet his way out of a pandemic. There is no one who can do to the coronavirus what Attorney General William Barr did to the Mueller report: lie about it and get away with it.

The president’s misinformation and mendacity about the coronavirus are head-snapping. He claimed that it was contained in America when it was actually spreading. He claimed that we had “shut it down” when we had not. He claimed that testing was available when it wasn’t. He claimed that the coronavirus will one day disappear “like a miracle”; it won’t. He claimed that a vaccine would be available in months; Fauci says it will not be available for a year or more.

Trump falsely blamed the Obama administration for impeding coronavirus testing. He stated that the coronavirus first hit the United States later than it actually did. (He said that it was three weeks prior to the point at which he spoke; the actual figure was twice that.) The president claimed that the number of cases in Italy was getting “much better” when it was getting much worse. And in one of the more stunning statements an American president has ever made, Trump admitted that his preference was to keep a cruise ship off the California coast rather than allowing it to dock, because he wanted to keep the number of reported cases of the coronavirus artificially low.

“I like the numbers,” Trump said. “I would rather have the numbers stay where they are. But if they want to take them off, they’ll take them off. But if that happens, all of a sudden your 240 [cases] is obviously going to be a much higher number, and probably the 11 [deaths] will be a higher number too.” (Cooler heads prevailed, and over the president’s objections, the Grand Princess was allowed to dock at the Port of Oakland.)

On and on it goes.

To make matters worse, the president delivered an Oval Office address that was meant to reassure the nation and the markets but instead shook both. The president’s delivery was awkward and stilted; worse, at several points, the president, who decided to ad-lib the teleprompter speech, misstated his administration’s own policies, which the administration had to correct. Stock futures plunged even as the president was still delivering his speech. In his address, the president called for Americans to “unify together as one nation and one family,” despite having referred to Washington Governor Jay Inslee as a “snake” days before the speech and attacking Democrats the morning after it. As The Washington Post’s Dan Balz put it, “Almost everything that could have gone wrong with the speech did go wrong.”
Taken together, this is a massive failure in leadership that stems from a massive defect in character. Trump is such a habitual liar that he is incapable of being honest, even when being honest would serve his interests. He is so impulsive, shortsighted, and undisciplined that he is unable to plan or even think beyond the moment. He is such a divisive and polarizing figure that he long ago lost the ability to unite the nation under any circumstances and for any cause. And he is so narcissistic and unreflective that he is completely incapable of learning from his mistakes. The president’s disordered personality makes him as ill-equipped to deal with a crisis as any president has ever been. With few exceptions, what Trump has said is not just useless; it is downright injurious.

The nation is recognizing this, treating him as a bystander “as school superintendents, sports commissioners, college presidents, governors and business owners across the country take it upon themselves to shut down much of American life without clear guidance from the president,” in the words of Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman of The New York Times.

Donald Trump is shrinking before our eyes.

The coronavirus is quite likely to be the Trump presidency’s inflection point, when everything changed, when the bluster and ignorance and shallowness of America’s 45th president became undeniable, an empirical reality, as indisputable as the laws of science or a mathematical equation.

It has taken a good deal longer than it should have, but Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain. The president, enraged for having been unmasked, will become more desperate, more embittered, more unhinged. He knows nothing will be the same. His administration may stagger on, but it will be only a hollow shell. The Trump presidency is over.
I can only offer my own prediction, that America is fated
to have a "shit-show quality' response to 2020 Coronavirus

Why do I say this ? Past performance, past results, past responses
to crisis.

As the saying has been spoken, concerning an ill wind-

"As you be muche the worse. and I cast awaie.
An yll wynde, that blowth no man to good, men saie.
Wel (quoth he) euery wind blowth not down the corn
I hope (I saie) good hap [luck] be not all out worn."

Trump was giddy and cheerful about 9/11 because property would
be much cheaper to purchase.

- a wind that was unlucky for one person would bring good fortune to another

Puerto Rico put much cash into Trump's pockets via fuckery through
the unlikely, unqualified contractors given oodles of tax payer cash.

Ass-backward, the man that would be king kisses the rings of
his benefatctors, and assures them of his future compliance.
People grovel at his high heeled boots, to get his favor, and
they are rewarded. They get a tiny piece of the pirate's booty,
as long as they agree to be minions and do the dirty work.

The coronavirus crisis is no different. The parasites are chewing
holes in the body of America.

A womb of ancient sickness and ancient evils

The pharaohs of Egypt followed the path of betrayers,
that bled from first

Trump's presidency was born of the un-dead GOP, tottering zombie.
The dying Republican party, eaten alive by Koch minions, died,
drained of blood.

The Trump presidency will be us, until it is not.

(Funny, George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass," is playing
on PBS, tonight.)
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Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain. The president, enraged for having been unmasked, will become more desperate, more embittered, more unhinged. He knows nothing will be the same. His administration may stagger on, but it will be only a hollow shell. The Trump presidency is over.

I'm inclined to believe you. Trump has attempted to distract from his incompetence by claiming that he knows more about everything than the experts and claiming that news reports of his fuck-ups are "fake news", but this may be the one time that such childish distractions and deceptions won't work.
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Taken together, this is a massive failure in leadership that stems from a massive defect in character. Trump is such a habitual liar that he is incapable of being honest, even when being honest would serve his interests. He is so impulsive, shortsighted, and undisciplined that he is unable to plan or even think beyond the moment. He is such a divisive and polarizing figure that he long ago lost the ability to unite the nation under any circumstances and for any cause. And he is so narcissistic and unreflective that he is completely incapable of learning from his mistakes. The president’s disordered personality makes him as ill-equipped to deal with a crisis as any president has ever been. With few exceptions, what Trump has said is not just useless; it is downright injurious.

The nation is recognizing this, treating him as a bystander “as school superintendents, sports commissioners, college presidents, governors and business owners across the country take it upon themselves to shut down much of American life without clear guidance from the president,” in the words of Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman of The New York Times.

“Here’s the deal,” Irwin Redlener from the National Center for Disaster Preparedness began. “We don’t know for sure that the virus is going to be less prevalent when the warmer weather happens — we don’t know that. You know, the speculation, this is true for some virus, this is a new virus, it is a novel virus. We don’t understand the behavior.”

“You were talking about the ability to control this in Hong Kong and Singapore, et cetera,” he continued. “It’s not just because they have a controlled society, in society. These are the places where is they started early testing and separating people. I want to give one piece of data: the United States of America has tested 5 people per 1 million compared to 3,600 people per million in South Korea.”

“I wish I could use the language but I’m on television, but this is a phenomenal disaster for us. Not only did we start late, which got me worked up eight weeks ago, but it’s still not fixed,” he added. ” This is a level of incompetence in the public health system that Americans have never seen before. You know, you remember whatever his name was? Michael Brown with Katrina and his job there was questionable. That was nothing compared to the problems we’re having right now in messaging and technology. This is an international embarrassment.”
Thousands of people are going to die, he knows he will be blamed and he can already see his campaign circling the toilet. Those realizations were all over Donald Trump’s face on Wednesday night as he addressed the nation from the Oval Office. His speech was monotonal, his face so frozen with failure and fear that he looked like the product of taxidermy. He knows he is staring into the maw of a beast he can’t control. It’s going to be impossible to tweet away all the deaths that are coming, and he is terrified.

The question that sprang to mind as I watched him epically fuck up the most important moment of his presidency was this: What’s going to happen when the numbers of coronavirus deaths begin to climb, and his numbers begin to tank?

They will.

He’s not going to be able to stop the pandemic from killing thousands of Americans, and this lawless maniac is capable of anything. With the NBA and Major League Baseball suspending their seasons, with “March Madness” canceled, with concerts and festivals and parades canceled, Broadway theaters closed, schools shuttered from coast to coast, and the fact that we have no idea how long the coronavirus epidemic will last, Donald Trump is fully capable of making plans to cancel the election in November to save himself.

Trump is sitting there in the White House and, as dense as he is, even he can see that every day that passes, indeed every hour that ticks by, is another marker in his long downhill slide. His poll numbers are destined for the tank. He’s going to look into the unblinking eye of the camera day after day during this crisis, and it will be right there on his face that he is clueless and afraid. His ability to “drive the narrative” is over. “Fake news” caught up with him. There is nothing he can do with his tweets and lies to stop what’s about to happen to him, and to us.

The tragedy is that it didn’t have to be this way. Republicans in the Senate had a chance to rid us of Trump, but they were too afraid of him to act. Now we’re stuck with this monster. Their craven cowardice and disregard of the truth is going to cost us dearly. Companies will go bankrupt. People will lose their life savings, their houses and, sadly, their lives because this man is in the White House.

His re-election campaign is in the emergency room waiting to see a doctor, but they’re all busy treating the people who are sick or dying from his criminal negligence, cruelty, ignorance and shame. It’s only March, and Trump already needs a respirator. He’s finished. He’s a dead man stumbling toward a certain political grave — and the brutal judgment of history that he is the worst president this nation has ever had.
Thousands of people are going to die, he knows he will be blamed and he can already see his campaign circling the toilet. Those realizations were all over Donald Trump’s face on Wednesday night as he addressed the nation from the Oval Office. His speech was monotonal, his face so frozen with failure and fear that he looked like the product of taxidermy. He knows he is staring into the maw of a beast he can’t control. It’s going to be impossible to tweet away all the deaths that are coming, and he is terrified.

The question that sprang to mind as I watched him epically fuck up the most important moment of his presidency was this: What’s going to happen when the numbers of coronavirus deaths begin to climb, and his numbers begin to tank?

They will.

He’s not going to be able to stop the pandemic from killing thousands of Americans, and this lawless maniac is capable of anything. With the NBA and Major League Baseball suspending their seasons, with “March Madness” canceled, with concerts and festivals and parades canceled, Broadway theaters closed, schools shuttered from coast to coast, and the fact that we have no idea how long the coronavirus epidemic will last, Donald Trump is fully capable of making plans to cancel the election in November to save himself.

Trump is sitting there in the White House and, as dense as he is, even he can see that every day that passes, indeed every hour that ticks by, is another marker in his long downhill slide. His poll numbers are destined for the tank. He’s going to look into the unblinking eye of the camera day after day during this crisis, and it will be right there on his face that he is clueless and afraid. His ability to “drive the narrative” is over. “Fake news” caught up with him. There is nothing he can do with his tweets and lies to stop what’s about to happen to him, and to us.

The tragedy is that it didn’t have to be this way. Republicans in the Senate had a chance to rid us of Trump, but they were too afraid of him to act. Now we’re stuck with this monster. Their craven cowardice and disregard of the truth is going to cost us dearly. Companies will go bankrupt. People will lose their life savings, their houses and, sadly, their lives because this man is in the White House.

His re-election campaign is in the emergency room waiting to see a doctor, but they’re all busy treating the people who are sick or dying from his criminal negligence, cruelty, ignorance and shame. It’s only March, and Trump already needs a respirator. He’s finished. He’s a dead man stumbling toward a certain political grave — and the brutal judgment of history that he is the worst president this nation has ever had.

So Obama was responsible for all the H1N1 deaths in 2009?

By your logic all the European leaders should step aside as well. In fact leaders of all countries where there are any deaths.

Look, I’m not protecting Trump. There have been missteps. But this is a fucking pandemic. No government action is going to totally stop this. But that’s the way you fucking idiots think. Government is your religion and you think it can solve everything.

What about theidiotic not following direction. Taking flights when they shouldn’t. Going to event when they are symptomatic. Whatever.

Trump could quarantine the country by martial law but then you would just say he’s a fascist. You’ve been delusional and in a temper tantrum for 3 and half years. Get a life.
The sin of Trump's speech the night before the stock market really went haywire (showing a recognition by an element that's not your hated progressives that you apparently aren't up to making) was not in putting a shield up between the United States and Europe, but in doing it in an irrational way (not the UK) (and couching it in lies that weren't on the teleprompter) and not, at the same time giving attention to the fact that it's too late to be emphasizing closing the country off. The virus was and is here already. What was needed that night was addressing that and how we were going to get a handle on what was already here--and not by doing everything we could not to test for it, which was the Trump policy in that moment. What we needed was believable assurances that massive testing was happening (impossible in that moment because it wasn't and Trump is a congenital liar who no longer has a shred of credibility), and concrete stats on revving up an organized system of triage and intake and on mobilizing hospital beds, staff, equipment, and supplies to handle what was coming (which he couldn't do, because his administration wasn't doing).

When you are prepared not to be stupid, you might try to post something objective and honest.
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Look, I’m not protecting Trump. There have been missteps. But this is a fucking pandemic. No government action is going to totally stop this. But that’s the way you fucking idiots think. Government is your religion and you think it can solve everything.

So, what should Trump do then?

What should Government do?

It is very easy ( on both sides) to criticize the leader isn't it? ( Love to hear your solution to fix all this btw if you actually have one)

About Obama:

So first, go back and see how the Obama administration handled the H1N1 pandemic of 2009/2010.

What you should look at is; how many of those 10,000 or so deaths could have been avoided under the Obama administration? Deaths will occur in every pandemic, the litmus test is how many deaths are avoided. So how do you think Obama did? Did people die of H1N1 due to government inaction alone?

Did the administration implement practical well thought out policy and action to minimize both infections rates and fatalities? Was the action and policy based upon evidence and expertise? Who was the champion in charge? Did the champion have credible education and experience?

How accurate/informative was the Governments public health information response to the H1N1? Was it a credible effort? Did the public have faith in how the government was handling the outbreak?

Was the required medical infrastructure put in place in a timely manner?

Were the WHO pandemic protocols activated and followed?

Did the administration work in close coordination with the CDC, WHO and other countries leadership and health organizations, leaders and experts?

Did the administration give the state and local municipalities the fiduciary tools so the local units actually delivering the services could effectively engage in the containment and treatment efforts in a timely manner?

Now, compare the Obama administrations actions, to the actions of the Trump administration using the above criteria and see how they compare?
Fake news VS Reality

Fake news has brainwashed their liberal audience into believing that Trump has handled the coronavirus poorly. Reality is that he has done an amazing job.

No sense going over the facts because people that have been conditioned to hate Trump no matter what. Just as Hitler conditioned the mindless masses to hate Jews.

But the Coronavirus hype is going to backfire just like the Russia hoax and all the other bullshit.
Fake news has brainwashed their liberal audience into believing that Trump has handled the coronavirus poorly. Reality is that he has done an amazing job.

No sense going over the facts because people that have been conditioned to hate Trump no matter what. Just as Hitler conditioned the mindless masses to hate Jews.

But the Coronavirus hype is going to backfire just like the Russia hoax and all the other bullshit.

You are a prime example of the above....chuckles...

You a guy right? No women could be a stupid as you are...
Well, you do have to admit that what Trump has done to the U.S. response to the coronavirus has, indeed, been "amazing." :D
Quoting the character Clint Eastwood played in "Heartbreak Ridge" Trump is a walking cluster f**k. The only people who will vote for him now are the Neo-Nazis and the white supremist. Trying to compare Obama's handling of the swine flu is pure stupid. It's history and we are living in 2020, not 2009.
Replace Your Relentless Contempt

Ye of little (or, in the posters of this thread's case NO) faith remember the good book of Isaiah when you attack the very institutions that protect your everlasting soul from a godless eternity in the fires of damnation:

Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth!
For the Lord has spoken:
“I reared children and brought them up,
but they have rebelled against me.
The ox knows its master,
the donkey its owner’s manger,
but Israel does not know,
my people do not understand.”

These passages - and many more like them - provide guidance for those willing to open up their hearts and minds to the message.
Quoting the character Clint Eastwood played in "Heartbreak Ridge" Trump is a walking cluster f**k. The only people who will vote for him now are the Neo-Nazis and the white supremist. Trying to compare Obama's handling of the swine flu is pure stupid. It's history and we are living in 2020, not 2009.

right its better.
Ye of little (or, in the posters of this thread's case NO) faith remember the good book of Isaiah when you attack the very institutions that protect your everlasting soul from a godless eternity in the fires of damnation:

Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth!
For the Lord has spoken:
“I reared children and brought them up,
but they have rebelled against me.
The ox knows its master,
the donkey its owner’s manger,
but Israel does not know,
my people do not understand.”

These passages - and many more like them - provide guidance for those willing to open up their hearts and minds to the message.

There is no God....:eek:
There is no God....:eek:


Wrath - like plagues, famines, and disasters - just pops up out of nowhere. Like Human-kind popped out of a monkey's ass.

You have the luxury of following lust, greed, and pleasure as your "deity." The rest of us are keeping lines of communication open with Him. You'll thank us later.

Wrath - like plagues, famines, and disasters - just pops up out of nowhere. Like Human-kind popped out of a monkey's ass.

You have the luxury of following lust, greed, and pleasure as your "deity." The rest of us are keeping lines of communication open with Him. You'll thank us later.

No humans didn't plop out of a monkeys ass, there was a little bit of evolution involved. Though you I might suspect plopped out of someone's ass in stead of their vagina...

Anyhow, since you are obviously an alt dug out from the past...

off to ignore you go....chuckles


This is what it looks like when a crisis of leadership makes its way into our health and our homes, when lack of prudence induces panic, when the president himself cannot be trusted.

The coronavirus pandemic changes the view of Donald Trump’s incompetence, because this time it is intimate. This time what’s at stake isn’t abstract in the mind of the average American, like constitutional law or international relations. It is not far away, like families at the border or Nazis in Charlottesville. It is not about carnal and craven acts that take place between two people or are committed by one against another, like assaulting women or paying them off.

No, this is about all of us and all the things closest to us: our health and safety, our children and parents, our ability to move freely and sleep soundly, our ability to go to work and send our children to school. This is about our ability to participate in America’s two great religious non-religions: politics and sports.

This crisis is transcendent, which makes Trump’s disastrous approach to dealing with it all the more transparent.

The Trump administration finally appears to be taking this crisis seriously, after months of Trump himself trivializing and politicizing it. The virus was never a hoax or a media creation or a flash in the pan that would affect few and miraculously vanish.

But Trump, the supposed leader of the country, wasted precious time — weeks and weeks — telling the American public just that, while not taking the drastic measures that the government is now, belatedly, taking.

That puts lives in danger, and surely, in the end, will have cost lives.

America needs a leader; it has a lout.
After today’s sobering press conference you sort of got the sense that Trump has conceded, however grudgingly and petulantly, that he is far out of his depth with regard to the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, he can read Stephen Miller’s xenophobic screeds off a teleprompter, he can wake up from his lonely bed in the morning and re-tweet whatever conspiracy-addled nonsense he’s heard from the plasticine shills on Fox & Friends, but in dealing with the nuts and bolts of a genuine crisis facing the country—well, he’s just not up to the task. In the last two weeks he’s shown himself to be the empty-headed, impotent clown the majority of Americans have always known he was.

America’s catastrophically inadequate response to the coronavirus can be attributed largely to bad short-term decisions by one man. And I do mean short-term: At every stage, Donald Trump minimized the threat and blocked helpful action because he wanted to look good for the next news cycle or two, ignoring and intimidating anyone who tried to give him good advice.

Trump’s ineptitude has been there on display for all to see, but as Paul Krugman, writing for the New York Times notes, the callous rot he represents goes all the way down in this administration, as Trump’s ego could not permit anyone with enough integrity willing to call out his own ignorance to serve in any visible policy-making capacity. The departures of even marginally competent figures like John Kelly, Jim Mattis and even John Bolton have amply demonstrated that actual competence is frowned upon in this regime of obsequious toadies and yes-men.
I forget what was the first thing that was guaranteed to sink him. Maybe the pussy grab tape. Then the Russians, the Ukraine call, and many more. He kept not sinking.

Wrath - like plagues, famines, and disasters - just pops up out of nowhere. Like Human-kind popped out of a monkey's ass.

You have the luxury of following lust, greed, and pleasure as your "deity." The rest of us are keeping lines of communication open with Him. You'll thank us later.
According to Christianity, God has had nothing to say for two thousand years. How much longer are you going to stay on hold?
According to Christianity, God has had nothing to say for two thousand years. How much longer are you going to stay on hold?

God speaks every day to thousands - probably millions - of people. There is communication beyond the publication of His Word.

Nevertheless, that comforting idea has nothing to do with a string of mostly moronic, ignorant comments about the main topic of this thread.
I could try to write a story in biblical verse form about the birth of humanity from a monkey's ass, but I don't have the bible thumping background to give it the sweaty stink of deep belief.
I could try to write a story in biblical verse form about the birth of humanity from a monkey's ass

You'd just be aping previously written text.

Besides, with exceptions, humanity did not emanate from a monkey's ass. Diseases most certainly can be attributed - in part - to a monkey's ass but not humanity.