US Admirals, South African Farmers and a Moron


Literotica Guru
Aug 22, 2006
Donald Trump has announced that he has ordered that the $ 400 million in aid paid to South Africa be stopped because of the "very unfair way they treat White South African Farmers." South Africa has on its books legislation that allows for the compulsory purchase of land (from whites) and its redistribution to blacks but only in very specific circumstances. At the moment the Whites who are 8.9% of the population own 71% of private land by area, coloured's (part white) 15% Indians 5% and the Blacks despite numbering 62 million (15 times the white population) just 4%. "Very unfair,!!"

At the same time US diplomacy has tried for years to get a foothold in the Simonstown Naval base in South Africa. Bearing in mind that the US lacks good bases between Ascension island (Atlantic ocean) and Diego Garcia (Indian ocean). Simonstown would be the jewel in the crown and allow the US to project its power much more effectively at a fraction of current costs into and beyond the Indian Ocean. After this outburst Simonstown access will cost Billions even if possible and you can be absolutely certain that China will be talking to President Ramaphosa of South Africa to see if they can "help."

So this morning US Admirals and Airforce chiefs will be chewing the carpet with fury seeing their Commander in Chief completely screw over their strategic ambitions on the advice of who? an expat South African perhaps .

MAGA might be impressed but the biggest smile will be that of President Cyril Ramaphosa. He is sitting on a bargaining chip worth $Billions, not a trivial $400 million, and more every time Emperor Xi even nods in his direction.
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They'll just die of bird flu.
They may not be able to lay as many eggs then, but you can still eat them! The virus inside dies when their body temperature drops; then they are good to cook! [Troomp told me.] Like a Michigander once said about Mercury poisoning in the lakes and rivers, "No problem. Catch them while ice fishing. Just hang the fish by their tails, watch the mercury go down to their gills, then cut their heads off. Problem solved!" :nana:;)
Farmers around here could use $400 million of my tax dollars. Maybe buy some more chickens. :)
🤥 Pretty sure you didn't pay 400m in taxes, not even in your lifetime. Don't be so lazy, raise your own chickens and let the farmers grow the feed for them. That's the way it should work, ten hens per household will suffice, add a rooster for an alarm clock if you want [he'd get a rise out have a flock to crow for. ;)]
🤥 Pretty sure you didn't pay 400m in taxes, not even in your lifetime. Don't be so lazy, raise your own chickens and let the farmers grow the feed for them. That's the way it should work, ten hens per household will suffice, add a rooster for an alarm clock if you want [he'd get a rise out have a flock to crow for. ;)]
'Like a chicken with its head cut off' is a real thing. Been there; done that. I'll go $1/egg, but that's my limit. :)
'Like a chicken with its head cut off' is a real thing. Been there; done that. I'll go $1/egg, but that's my limit. :)
Some Waffle House company just added a $0.50 surcharge per egg ordered. I don't eat out so I don't have any idea what that means to those customers who do. Local grocery chain has eggs at about $0.51 each now. So you are halfway there if the virus spreads to other chickens and cattle. Not sure about the cost of cattle eggs. I'm not eating those. ;)

I grew up on farms. Wringing chickens was a common thing along with head removal and plucking. That was a very long time ago.
Donald Trump has announced that he has ordered that the $ 400 million in aid paid to South Africa be stopped because of the "very unfair way they treat White South African Farmers." South Africa has on its books legislation that allows for the compulsory purchase of land (from whites) and its redistribution to blacks but only in very specific circumstances. At the moment the Whites who are 8.9% of the population own 71% of private land by area, coloured's (part white) 15% Indians 5% and the Blacks despite numbering 62 million (15 times the white population) just 4%. "Very unfair,!!"

At the same time US diplomacy has tried for years to get a foothold in the Simonstown Naval base in South Africa. Bearing in mind that the US lacks good bases between Ascension island (Atlantic ocean) and Diego Garcia (Indian ocean). Simonstown would be the jewel in the crown and allow the US to project its power much more effectively at a fraction of current costs into and beyond the Indian Ocean. After this outburst Simonstown access will cost Billions even if possible and you can be absolutely certain that China will be talking to President Ramaphosa of South Africa to see if they can "help."

So this morning US Admirals and Airforce chiefs will be chewing the carpet with fury seeing their Commander in Chief completely screw over their strategic ambitions on the advice of who? an expat South African perhaps .

MAGA might be impressed but the biggest smile will be that of President Cyril Ramaphosa. He is sitting on a bargaining chip worth $Billions, not a trivial $400 million, and more every time Emperor Xi even nods in his direction.
If I recall, South Africa is something like 80% Black and 8% Anglo.
The White Supremacist farmers in South Africa are whining because the land they stole from the people who lived there for millennia might have to be returned to them (well, a tiny bit of the land anyway).

Well that sucks. Never mind, the African who is so rich that he could literally end world hunger is committed to maintaining the White Supremacist system in his home and in the US.

Remember when the MAGAts were outraged at the lie about President Obama being born in Africa? They like people who were born in Africa now.