Us old guys(and gals)


Ol' Bastard
Jul 5, 2000
I want to do a story, I don't care what kind.(Probably to be decided by popular vote). It can only include members who started in February 2001 or before. I just want to have a good story with a bunch of you more experienced, and hence, older members. I'm really looking forward to a good thread and you guys joining in. Don't skip out on me now.

Ah spec' ta reckon ah qualifies fo' this heyah sto-ree... Maht be fun.
Looks like, indy's shipment came in though...*laughs*

I spose I make that description also...(Morgoth's...not indy's)

One kiss from Imoen is all the Viagra this old geezer needs to kickstart his motor. ;)
Depends on the story. And one wonders if I count. Huhmm.

Do Havoc and Ambro even come here anymore? If not, why are they still moderators?
Whoah... Lava wants in? Oh yeah, I am definitely in this too. We are a team, an ass kicking, heart breaking, something else that's funny and sort of rhymes, team.
Let's grab some smore's, and tough it out in a wild desert with nothing but skimpy clothing and wolves.
Or, we could be in a futuristic skimpy clothes contest. Where aliens come in, and we have to defend our home planet.
Perhaps a seige on a castle. A castle that only allows people to wear skimpy clothes. We must save them from the skimpy clothes, and show them the awesome power of nudity.
Well, whatever it is, I'm in if Lava is.
Excellent. This is a far greater assemblance of writers than I had hoped for. Just make your suggestions, and we can have a popular vote. I ask for no more than 10 suggestions. I myself shall not make one, because my ideas usually start off fairly good, then crash and burn.
By the way, anything I might have written that was insulting to myself, I assure you, was written while I was heavily intoxicated, and therefore, is completely untrue.
*smiles shyly at pooh*


Well apparently....according to pooh, I must be wearing minimal clothing.....

I was toying with this idea about some sort of ship wreck...and we are all on a deserted island...I can be.....the native girl.


Or about......batman......j/k........

I don't have any ideas...mine flop.
Morgoth...better count me out of this one for personal reasons. Sorry guy. :(
1. We are all high school students. One of our fellow students is kidnapped by underground dominions who have vowed to take over the world one high school at a time (don't ask me why, I'm not the one doing it). Anyway, we have to go through the hard mazes and defeat dragons and robots... you know underground dominion things to save the princess(high school student that was kidnapped happened to be a woman... go figure) and defeat the overlord.
2. The guys are abducted and taken to a strange island that is run by females. The island ratio for males to females is like 50 to 1. Males are very rare, and considered extremely precious. They are auctioned off for millions, tied up and gang raped, just about anything. Women are very dominant on this island... let me give you an example.
Here, when a guy sleeps around a lot he is a player, when a woman sleeps around a lot she is a whore/slut/any other number of names. There, if a woman has had sex with more than three guys she's considered a goddess, and hailed by all the other girls. Guys rarely live past the age of thirty. As soon as they can't get it up more than five times a day their use is run out. Now that I think of it, there's no real plot....
OOOHH.... evil underground warlord (females) with her minions (female) try to overtake the society for lesbian dominance.
3. There is this writer who has written this great series of books, they are a fantasy group, going around slashing things and such. The earth now has a problem, one book, of total evil has come to life in the fountain of youth (why are you all so nit picky about details... it just happened, accept it). The evil is now out, trying to take over the world. The writer decided only one thing can stop it, his own series coming to real life.
He takes biographies from each of his best characters and puts them in the secret fountain of youth. (fine, if you must know, from the water pours special earth magic, which, when used in a special incantation and apart of a transmitter reconstructionater makes it happen).
Now, fantasy characters are in Central Manhattan, and have to defeat an entire army of evil things with big swords and stuff.
4. Did someone say evil cloning machine?
5. An airline flight all of the sudden loses control. During an overnight flight from New York to Melbourne, not many people are on the plane, but it doesn't matter. It's going down. It lands in the middle of the Indian Ocean, water skipping to a small desert island. Now, the team has to survive on an island with elephants and tigers, and build a house in the trees and you know all of the family Robinson stuff.
6. A group of tourists (whoah, they just happened to be us again) wants to travel to Las Vegas for one last time. We're all old and stuff, over 65. The thing is, it goes over a huge cliff. Now, we're all ghosts and we can do stuff just like in the movie ghost. You know, push things and jump into bodies.
THe plot... oh yeah, the plot.
Oh wait, what if one of the old guys was a german war veteran. He decides to relive his old dream and takes over a huge warlord. China or Japan or Russia, whatever, the point is we now have to take over someone to stop him.
7. This huge psychic lunatic has kidnapped a small kid. He did it in Texas though, so who do they call? You guessed it, the Texas Rangers. We now have to follow the clues, and find the kidnapper. The problem is, the longer the trail of clues we follow, the more likely it seems that one of us is the kidnapper.
8. We could just do another medievil slash them up sword and magic thread.
9. We could just do another futuristic eutopia gone wrong, and now must be righted by a group of rebels thread.
10. Skimpy clothes marshmallow wrestling?

I do have too much time on my hands...
Sorry Isolde. No problem. Actually, I think I'll make a suggestion anyway:
We all pick famous people. Then, we turn them into what they would be like in a fantasy world. Then, use them as characters and make a hack and magic slash adventure.
What kind of famous people?

Real or fictional?
Might be nice to take our favorite fictional characters from whatever genre and mix them. (Except for you, Morgoth... I ain't a-gonna fight alongside the most evil bastard of all of Tolkein's creation... :) You pick your second or third favorite ;) )
I think thats a great idea.. I would have to do some thinking on it however lol
Fictional it is. Alas, goodbye, my beloved god of evil. Damn you, neale! You've thought of everything, haven't you? Just kidding. I'll be Jonny Knoxville with the martial arts skills of Steven Segal. In a fantasy miedeval world, that is.
Fantasy medieval...

Question: would a very powerful sorceror (like Gandalf-class) be appropriate? I would love to play my favourite fictional character, Elminister (from the Forgotten Realms D&D setting), but don't want to mess up anything for anyone else. If you think he may be unbalanced, I'll pick something else gladly.
That'd be fine, Neale. I mean, Jonny Knoxvilleseagal is kinda strong, don't you think? Knoxville is a freaking maniac, you know. And segal is pretty good at JuJitsu. So yeah, your guy would be fine.
Damn Right Morgoth!!!

LEts do Some Old Skool and show these newbeez What it means to be Real Role Players....

*notices the stunned silence and grins*

Oh yes, Did I forget to mention?

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.....

Morgoth, LavaGoddess ,Neale, Lady Siren, killer muffen and yes even you Poohlive.

Damn its good to be back ,with a brand spankin New computer, a sweet 30' flat screen montior,and T-3 Cable Modem.

Whos Yer daddy?
Welcome back Roland! It will be good to write with you again. I have come up with a character. I don't know how many of you have read the Dragonlance series but I have chosen a character out of there Crysania, the raven haired cleric of Paladine. I included a pic of her in this post. Anywho I'm ready when you are!