What's Crossing Your Mind IV


🧡 Wild Lil Cupcake
May 14, 2015
Where exactly did PrissOff get to? I loved seeing her posts, but it's been years. Hope she is well.
Getting motivated, resurgence of energy, mental lists of things I want to do.
Trying to catch up with two days of chores in a single evening is not an easy task
Remember when Happy Days was on TV and everyone watched it because there was nothing else on.
It’s after 6pm and I’m just completing the tasks that needed doing before lunchtime. Early shifts all weekend, then late shifts all next week are going to leave me an exhausted LM.
Someone bumped an old thread and my had ex commented on the page years ago. Seeing that photo, looking at his words...yeah that hit me in the face like a ton of bricks.
That pm was so fucking spot on it took my brain a leap ahead. Wow.... finally, someone gets it!
There really are some hungry/thirsty people around here. :rolleyes: Watching people attack anything with a heartbeat is amusing.
How much I detest fake people. Especially when they pretend to care about you or others in public, then talk shit about you behind your back.