why am I showing up as online when i don't have that box checked in 'preferences'?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
edit... sometimes my brain glitches. please ignore this and put it down to heat and age :redface:
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Hi I'm not tech support or anything but you aren't showing as online from my perspective.
When I look at a post I've made it shows that I have the online icon on my AV too but I have it set to off.

But hopefully someone will be able answer why it's set like that for you.
I just noticed this a couple of days back, so I don't know how long it's been showing

I went to 'preferences' and, sure enough, the 'show as online' box is UNCHECKED. I even went to the trouble of checking the box, saving changes, and returning to uncheck it only to find it still had no checkmark in it so there's no reason I should be showing up as online.

Can this glitch be fixed, please? There's not much point in offering that option if it doesn't exist.
Not showing up as online to me either.
Hi I'm not tech support or anything but you aren't showing as online from my perspective.
When I look at a post I've made it shows that I have the online icon on my AV too but I have it set to off.

But hopefully someone will be able answer why it's set like that for you.
i brain farted. apologies :D