Will You Claim Your BIRTHRIGHT ?


Jul 3, 2001
I don't know if a Birthright Rpg has been posted before, but
I was pissed off that The Wizards of the Coast ended it so suddenly.

The thread will include good,noble etc. "blooded" characters as well as some Awnshenglien. I would like to set as starting point the time immediately after the death of Michael Roele and at the start of the impending civil war.

Please if you're interested (or aren't) express your opinion.
I think Birthright was one of the best settings ever produced. The fact that the geography and political structure actually made sense is what appealed to me. I wish they had written more novels as well. I also like the fact that the game can be played as a country play-by-mail type game in addition to a regular RPG. I'd love to get involved.
Thanx Orin for the interest you've shown.
You are also welcome to post any further suggestions for the thread. It would mean a lot for me if you (and anyone else) wanted to share opinions about the mechanics of this thread.

If someone doesn't know what Birthright is, I would be happy to
offer some background. Just ask !