~♥~~♥~ Battle of the Sexes ~♥~~♥~


Aaah, but... Ma'am... That is... Maybe some authoritarian person.. or, an American cool lady😍❤️
.... Not me 🤣

As you wish Cat🤣 its not meant as derogatory though, more as a means of respect🤔

I'm on my lunch break, what you up to?

Oh no now your ganging up on me!

Sorry if I offended you SirConrad. And, thank you for the respect.
It is after dinner here, so relaxing :cattail:

Is the world ending!? Cat just apologized 😘🤪 joking!

Nice well hopefully you have a good relaxing evening.... probably not after talking to me🤐

Oh... But, really... If I have done something that offended you, then I really am sorry! That was never my intention.

And I quite enjoy talking with you though... It is just: written conversation is always difficult, especially when it is in this form.

So, if I have misunderstood you, I am deeply sorry ❤️

Yay!! That is good Ana 🥰🥰🥰

- I have baked cookies!! That is a rather good thing :cattail:

No.. do not think, that I want to stop this.. 😎😇😘

Ohhh!! And we are playing tonight (football) ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You little..... minx😉😘

And its possible I don't want you to, but can't be inflating your pretty little head with that yet😝

And by "football" your talking about "Soccer" right?
Why? We are a winning team 😂😂

104 and good luck to Danmark tonight!!!


Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
It could not be better, Danes kind of love the Scott's, so hopefully, no matter what happens... It is going to be a spectacular party. 🤩💫😘