~♥ Battle of the Sexes ♥~

118 ☕☕🥸🥸🥸🥸

MrsNaughtyCat, sorry about us hanging up on ya…. Well maybe not after y’all slaughter me the other morning!

Hahahaha!! Aaaw.. I am a tough little lady... I can take it 😝🔥

Muddler... You too ought to be sleeping

Nah HC, you are in Europe with me.. it is up and go time ❤️
In school, they are some strong and fearsome mini Vikings 🔥

I am off for a bit though: workout time 🤩🥰🤙🏻

I did not expect it any other way.. muhahahaha (my take on an evil laughter hahahahaha🤣🤣🤣 )

See you soon!! Stronger, faster... And... I do not know... More bendy?!? 🤣😝🤩