~♥ Battle of the Sexes ♥~


Down AZ😝 I like counting down 😘

Sometimes it takes time, before wanting to be active in the forum 🤗and, that is all good 🥰
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No, we have the gulf stream, so in January... It usually starts showing, despite our latitude and longitude

But, that also means, that our humidity is absurdly high (87% today) and paired with low temperature, it feels cold into your bone marrow
yeah... I want to live in Arizona!!!!!

Living in a small kingdom, made of islands.. everywhere is coast climate here.. and have high humidity... So darn high..

And, rather extreme weather often 😅

Wuhhuuu Alexa❤️

When you are bad.... you do it so well!!

Iiihh AZ! Rest.. sleep.. all that 😘