~♥~ Battle of the Sexes ~♥~


still on plains of passage, but we got the shelter of stones which is the next book and clan of the cave bears which is the first book...

Uh!! Was it your coworker that helped finding the books?😍

Morning Loquere 😘

they came in on his day off, I found them...he commented that I had enough to last until next year...

Hahaha, but... Is he right, or are you a faster reader than that 🤩😘😉

Well, that is a good thing: you get to enjoy the books in your own time. And: you have a coworker that knows you pretty well!! ❤️

... Aaaw!!! I want a coworker like that too... 🤩🥰
He is really a kind person!! (Which is good, as you too are incredibly kind❤️)

And, he is lucky to have you, it must make the working environment rather pleasant and warm❤️

Both things, which can be stressful... Dealing with costumers can be hard.. heavy lifting is definitely hard as well!

Oohh! Poor him, and mystery shopped, we do not have that over here...what it that?

they send a pretend customer through every once in awhile to make sure we're treating the customers by the rules...so after they visit they send a report to our boss and tell them whether we pass or fail...

Ooohh! That is clever... And a bit... I do not know, unsettling 😅
But clever though!!!❤️

Of course, if you do all the dealing with the costumers... Then he cannot receive the mystery shopper 🤔❤️

exactly...I treat all the customers the same so does he but I take care of the majority of them...it's mostly annoying that our boss does that to us, like they don't trust us to treat the customers nicely without it...