๐ŸŽต Monthly Song Challenge ๐ŸŽต

Day 8: A song that reminds you of young love

My first girlfriend and I would listen to Billy Bragg a lot. I like this version of their song better than the one on Back To Basics.

It describes everything about being young and in love. Always loved the lyrics even tho itโ€™s a song about love gone bad.

It doesn't matter the color of the car
But what goes on beneath the bonnet
Is there a flag that flies above your heart
And is my name writ there upon it

Billy Bragg - A Lover Sings
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

"We are jejune stars
So it starts again"

Connor Oberst will occasionally write a lyric so strong, I will just sit and wonder at it. Here he does it in two words. The idea that we can see something as incredibly awe inspiring as a star as simple, boring, and ordinary. And it seems ridiculous when you look at it, but we do it all of the time. And as the chorus asks "is it true what we are made of?" -- and we are all made of the same things as stars -- that becomes more focused. We look at each other and see just another pinprick in the mantle of night when we are all stellar miracles.

"Every new day is a gift, it's a song of redemption
Any expression of love is the way to return
To that place that I think of so often, but now never mention
The one the voice in the back of my head says that I don't deserve"

This is Bright Eyes at their most hopeful and I love it.

"Jejune Stars," Bright Eyes

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Day 9: A song that mentions stars
Tiny Glowing Screens - Watsky

(It's more spoken work than song but ... there's music. ๐Ÿ™ƒ)

The reason there's smog in Los Angeles is 'cause if we could see the stars
If we could see the context of the universe in which we exist
And we could see how small each one of us is
Against the vastness of what we don't know
No one would ever audition for a McDonalds commercial again
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

The first time I met the guys in DragonForce I was... 17 I think.

It was a triple-feature, Edguy was mainlining the show and had both DragonForce and Sabaton as opening acts! It was one hell of a show, way before DF made it big with GuitarHero 3, and Sabaton had just released their debut album... We were maybe two hundred people there, in an old indoor skatepark in the suburbs of Stockholm.

DragonForce came on first, and after their set I went out for a smoke (I've quit!) and, lo and behold, there are ZP and Herman just hanging around in the coat room chatting with fans. Spent a few minutes talking, laughing and sharing a toast.
Great memory ๐Ÿ’•

DragonForce - Starfire

Day 9: A song that mentions stars
Tiny Glowing Screens - Watsky

(It's more spoken work than song but ... there's music. ๐Ÿ™ƒ)

The reason there's smog in Los Angeles is 'cause if we could see the stars
If we could see the context of the universe in which we exist
And we could see how small each one of us is
Against the vastness of what we don't know
No one would ever audition for a McDonalds commercial again
I really have come to appreciate Watsky. Thank you for this song.
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

The first time I met the guys in DragonForce I was... 17 I think.

It was a triple-feature, Edguy was mainlining the show and had both DragonForce and Sabaton as opening acts! It was one hell of a show, way before DF made it big with GuitarHero 3, and Sabaton had just released their debut album... We were maybe two hundred people there, in an old indoor skatepark in the suburbs of Stockholm.

DragonForce came on first, and after their set I went out for a smoke (I've quit!) and, lo and behold, there are ZP and Herman just hanging around in the coat room chatting with fans. Spent a few minutes talking, laughing and sharing a toast.
Great memory ๐Ÿ’•

DragonForce - Starfire

I love this, all of this.
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

The first time I met the guys in DragonForce I was... 17 I think.

It was a triple-feature, Edguy was mainlining the show and had both DragonForce and Sabaton as opening acts! It was one hell of a show, way before DF made it big with GuitarHero 3, and Sabaton had just released their debut album... We were maybe two hundred people there, in an old indoor skatepark in the suburbs of Stockholm.

DragonForce came on first, and after their set I went out for a smoke (I've quit!) and, lo and behold, there are ZP and Herman just hanging around in the coat room chatting with fans. Spent a few minutes talking, laughing and sharing a toast.
Great memory ๐Ÿ’•

DragonForce - Starfire

of course youโ€™ve met them. This had to be the case.

Through the Fire and the Flame on Guitar Hero III remains one of the most stressful gaming experiences of my life. Even on the easy levels.
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

Weeping Tile - Good Fortune
How have i gone this long without playing Weeping Tile? A friend introduced mt to this band with this song and i KNEW i would love everything. Sarah Harmer is a wonderful singer
"i thank my lucky stars tonight that you are here, your eyes so blue bright"
"And I'm leaning back against your warm coat, under a setting galaxy. Orion's Belt and all i felt it was a wonder that i could see"

I may be playing this on repeat after i have posted.