😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

Weird can anyone see this? My posts arent posting..
I worked the Ursula, Constitution, Marco Polo....
I actually looked at a chart a few years ago and found that there's only a few in the Gulf that I haven't worked.
The most fun of all, was working Alaska/Artic Circle.
I worked the Ursula, Constitution, Marco Polo....
I actually looked at a chart a few years ago and found that there's only a few in the Gulf that I haven't worked.
The most fun of all, was working Alaska/Artic Circle.
Tooooooo cold for me.
Oh, and I see you too @Nightbird. I may not answer right away because I'm in seven different realities at the same time (tabs)
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Great! Thanks Boat! I typed out a long one to Brenda Bear and it wouldnt go through..
Sorry, I didn’t see this before until @Trubbycat quoted it.

I have had that happen a lot, where suddenly it wont send a message. The workaround I found is to open another window of Lit (don’t change anything where your masterpiece is), and then when you switch back to the original window (or tab), it should send.
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Sorry, I didn’t see this before until @Trubbycat quoted it.

I have had that happen a lot, where suddenly it want send a message. The workaround I found is to open another window of Lit (don’t change anything where your masterpiece is), and then when you switch back to the original window (or tab), it should send.
Weird its never happened to me before today.. But thanks for the work around