100,000 Jagged Little Posts

Ange, I tried to write a 100,000 poem and it came out... lame.
I'll try again, though. ;)
WickedEve said:
Ange, I tried to write a 100,000 poem and it came out... lame.
I'll try again, though. ;)

wasn't there some kind of same title challenge with a really big number in it?
annaswirls said:
wasn't there some kind of same title challenge with a really big number in it?
I think so.
I started off the morning trying to write one for 100,000, but then I went for a walk and got distracted by a dead cat and ended up writing a dead cat poem.

I think I have too many insignificant things to say. But put them all together and wow!
WickedEve said:
Ange, I tried to write a 100,000 poem and it came out... lame.
I'll try again, though. ;)

Thanks. The only thing I can think of is those projects your kids get on the 100th day of school, you know where they have to paste 100 pennies or elbow macaronis or something on a big piece of construction paper? That's lame and in no way related to poetry.

I'm too tired to think about this tonight anyway. Also ee and I have this strange addiction to the American president shows running this week on the history channel and I have to go watch it so we can be educated and discuss it and uh pass out by about 9:15...

LIke the words Ange, probably not where you wanted to take it though.... :D

Jagged little posts
Full of words
That cut like knives
Some sharp
Many dull
Sawing upon our hearts
And dreams
Laid reverently
Upon the floor
To be scattered
By the breeze of inanity
And speared
By cruel stiletto heals

With time
Callous me baby
From the pain
Let my song sing
Even a capella
With a slight waver
To the tone
Distinct in its own rhythm
One hundred thousand voices
from ev'ry angle of the compass rose
as if a multitude of choices
in this one place to coinage froze

with which we pay the piper of our mind
the dues we, all alone, don't have in kind

Alas, however if you hope
to gain admittance to the deeper quarters
maybe who knows, become more holy than the pope
the truth is, stranger, know you'll only find the rind
of all the fruits that grew among the waters
from which the wisdom blithely rose

Thus, add your keening sound to all the voices
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